Mandelbrot plot (2002)

Author's sample script, wroks, hints.
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Mandelbrot plot (2002)

Post by 3DfromNULL »

This script gives a demonstration of plotting Mandelbrot set and coloring trueSpace (tS) objects. Each pixel's color and height are calculated by x and y coordinates of the point using Python's "complex" type. To get a spectrum of color in RGB, the script uses hsv_to_rgb() of "colorsys" standard module.


You may change some parameter for the range, precision, etc. to get result you want, but too high precision may cause tS crash.


edited on Mar 12 2019:
This script cannot run with Python2. Please use ptsxpy-for-Python3.
Updated the attached script file, 1b->1c so that it can be run with ptsxpy 0.0.7.

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script file
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