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by 3DfromNULL
2022-Feb-03 1:20
Forum: trueSpace
Topic: trueSpace7.6 モデル・ビュー - 非公式クイック・カード - ツールバーとアイコン
Replies: 0
Views: 40222

trueSpace7.6 モデル・ビュー - 非公式クイック・カード - ツールバーとアイコン

1ajp.jpg trueSpace7.6 / trueSpace7.61 の Model 側にある全ツールバー(8 個の標準ツールバーと 15 個の状況依存ツールバー)とポップアップ・アイコンを含んだアイコンマップ(アイコン一覧)です(設定パネル内のアイコンのような、他のアイコンは含んでいません)。下記の jpg や pdf(zip 圧縮)ファイルは、 ご自由にダウンロード して下さい。(pdf にはフォントを埋め込んでいません。Arial と M+ を使用しています) ご注意: - これは trueSpace 開発元/販売元の公式情報ではありません。 - いくつかのツールバー、ポップアッ...
by 3DfromNULL
2022-Feb-03 12:55
Forum: trueSpace
Topic: trueSpace7.6 Model View - Unofficial Quick Card - Toolbars and Icons
Replies: 0
Views: 29959

trueSpace7.6 Model View - Unofficial Quick Card - Toolbars and Icons

1a.jpg This is an icon map where all toolbars (8 standard toolbars and 15 context sensitive toolbars) and popup icons in the "Model" side of tS7.6/tS7.61 are included (but no other icons like ones on setting panels). Please feel free to download a zipped jpg and/or pdf below. (Any font is...
by 3DfromNULL
2021-May-25 4:41
Forum: Sample works and scripts by the author
Topic: Simple metaball (2021)
Replies: 0
Views: 38782

Simple metaball (2021)

This script generates a metaball that includes several primitives in it. Each primitive has am animation dropping short distance, and the metaball behaves like paint squeezed from a tube as a result. images/myimg/postimg/metaball1/img1a.jpg First, the script create a metaball, a sphere primitive, an...
by 3DfromNULL
2021-May-01 9:02
Forum: Sample works and scripts by the author
Topic: Alpha helix and Beta sheet (2021)
Replies: 0
Views: 38428

Alpha helix and Beta sheet (2021)

Each of these three scripts generates a motif appeared in secondary structure of proteins; (1) a flexible (bendable and elastic) alpha-helix using lathe functions and skeleton (2) a beta-sheet by giving a cylindrical NURBS squared corners (3) a beta-sheet using blending technique of patches. images/...
by 3DfromNULL
2021-Apr-26 7:17
Forum: Tutorials & Tips
Topic: 0120. Tips for importing 2D curves and texts
Replies: 0
Views: 51085

0120. Tips for importing 2D curves and texts

Note: This is an example to import a 2D closed curve from Inkscape by hand. There might be other smarter or easier ways. You might think that the 2D editor in trueSpace (tS) is poor and would like to import curves and/or text drawn using other free vector drawing tools like Inkscape in order to swe...
by 3DfromNULL
2021-Apr-26 9:41
Forum: Tutorials & Tips
Topic: 0110. Tips for 3D printing
Replies: 0
Views: 39706

0110. Tips for 3D printing

It could be an option to use trueSpace (tS) + ptsxpy if you would like to 3D print your generative models; Accessories (earrings, brooches, bracelets, or parts of them, etc.) that have recurring pattern in them, e.g. twisted waves or nets generated using parametric equations. Ornaments (or parts of ...
by 3DfromNULL
2021-Apr-23 7:33
Forum: Sample works and scripts by the author
Topic: Diamond (2021)
Replies: 0
Views: 38412

Diamond (2021)

This script generates a 3D model of diamond cut like the image below; images/myimg/postimg/diamond/1a.jpg There might be several ways to make it in a trueSpace scene; e.g. boolean operations, putting vertices together, generating a polyhedron, etc. In the example, we use adding edge by PolyhMakeEdge...
by 3DfromNULL
2021-Apr-21 9:30
Forum: Tutorials & Tips
Topic: 0100. Animation
Replies: 0
Views: 39571

0100. Animation

To make an animation of an object in trueSpace (tS) using ptsxpy, we make "time frames" of the object at each of multiple "active time". The code below creates a cube, makes 3 frames of it, and changes its position per each frame. import ptsxpy as p cb1 = p.CreateCube( 1, 2., 2.,...
by 3DfromNULL
2021-Apr-21 9:28
Forum: Tutorials & Tips
Topic: 0060. Vim syntax highlighting for ptsxpy
Replies: 0
Views: 39280

0060. Vim syntax highlighting for ptsxpy

This topic focuses on a text editor Vim. Just for your information if you use other editors. Vim highlighting for ptsxpy scripts The author mainly uses a text editor "Vim" to edit script files. It already has syntax-highlighting for Python, and I added ptsxpy specific highlighting setting ...
by 3DfromNULL
2021-Apr-20 8:30
Forum: Tutorials & Tips
Topic: 0050. Auxiliary (General Purpose) Functions
Replies: 0
Views: 39087

0050. Auxiliary (General Purpose) Functions

The "ptscgp" module provides auxiliary (general purpose) functions for user scripts. These functions are implemented in the ptsxXpysbXX.dll and user cannot change them directly unlike the User script can use them by importing ptsxgp (in addition to ptsxpy for most cases). im...