
categ | name | description |
Method | err PathToAnimation | err PathToAnimation( path* pPath, sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Replace animation data of Sobj with the ones attached to the Path. PARAMETERS pPath path*: a pointer to Path pSobj sobj*: a pointer to Sobj RETURNS err |
Method | GetAudio | audio* GetAudio( sobj* obj ); (no description) |
Method | GNodeGetAxesOrientation | Axes3f_p GNodeGetAxesOrientation( gnode* pGNode, Axes3f_p axes ) PURPOSE Get the GNode's model axes orientation, as a triple of normalized orthogonal vectors pointing in the directions of GNode's X, Y and Z. Setting the axes orientation and position is only allowed for MNODEs. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: axes Axes3f_p: RETURNS Axes3f_p: 0 if not GNODE, else axes. |
Method | JointGetContractor | bone* JointGetContractor( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to a bone whose muscle is contracted by bending of specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS bone*: a pointer to tendon's contractor |
Method | ActivateLayerEx | bool ActivateLayerEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function activates the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | AddNewLayerEx | bool AddNewLayerEx() PURPOSE Function manages the creation of a new layer. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | AnimGetAutoRecord | bool AnimGetAutoRecord() PURPOSE Get the status of the auto-record button. PARAMETERS None RETURNS bool - e_tsxTRUE if the autorecord is ON, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | AreInactiveLayersHidden | bool AreInactiveLayersHidden() PURPOSE Function returns the hiding state of all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case all inactive layers are hidden, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | AreInactiveLayersLocked | bool AreInactiveLayersLocked() PURPOSE Function returns the locking state of all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case all inactive layers are locked, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | AreInactiveLayersUnlocked | bool AreInactiveLayersUnlocked() PURPOSE Function returns the unlocking state of all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case all inactive layers are unlocked, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | AreInactiveLayersVisible | bool AreInactiveLayersVisible() PURPOSE Function returns the visibility state of all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case all inactive layers are visible, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | AreInactiveLayerWireColorsDisabled | bool AreInactiveLayerWireColorsDisabled() PURPOSE Function returns the usage state of all inactive layer wire colors. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the usage of all inactive layer wire colors is disabled, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | ArrayDisband | bool ArrayDisband( gnode* pObject, bool ask ) PURPOSE Check if it is an array and disband array- convert it to a GROUP Node. PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Pointer to array ask bool: Flag to ask user to confirm disband of array RETURNS bool: Returns e_tsxTRUE if Node is not an array or it was successfully converted to a group Node. |
Method | ArrayObjectHiddenWidget | bool ArrayObjectHiddenWidget( gnode* pObject ) PURPOSE Checks if widget is hidden for given array PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node RETURNS bool: Return e_tsxTRUE when widget is hidden |
Method | AudioGetLoop | BOOL AudioGetLoop( audio* pAudio ); (no description) |
Method | AudioGetPlay | BOOL AudioGetPlay( audio* pAudio ); (no description) |
Method | AViewDrawLinelist | bool AViewDrawLinelist( Txmx3f_p trans, Vec3f_p vects, long numVects, long *linelist, Rect_p rect ) PURPOSE Draw a wireframe linelist in the active view. Returns e_tsxTRUE if at least part of the line appears on the view's window. PARAMETERS Trans Txmx3f_p: transformation matrix that transforms points of the line in "Vects" into world coordinates Vects Vec3f_p: points of the line NumVects long: number of points in "Vects" Linelist long*: the line (an array of indices to "Vects" ) Rect Rect_p: a pointer to the picking rectangle (passed to the eXtension as a parameter of the following callback function for an external type of object defined by the eXtension: tsxObjectRenderCallbackFP) RETURNS bool: clipping indication |
Method | AViewPickFace | bool AViewPickFace( mnode* pMNode,short x,short y, polyh** ppPolyh, i* pFxIndex,f* pFxDist ) PURPOSE Pick the nearest one of MNode's faces under the mouse, if any. If pMNode is 0 (null) then all objects in the scene are tested. Return e_tsxTRUE on successful pick. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Must be a Group or Polyhedron. 0 = all objs in scene. x short: Screen coordinates of mouse y short: ppPolyh polyh**: OUT: Polyhderon whose face was picked pFxIndex i*: OUT: Index of picked face in pPolyh pFxDist f*: OUT: Distance to picked face RETURNS bool TRUE on successful pick |
Method | AViewPickRoot | bool AViewPickRoot( short x,short y,sobj** ppSobj ) PURPOSE Pick the Root object in scene containing the object under the mouse. A Root object has the scene as its parent.Return e_tsxTRUE on successful pick. PARAMETERS x short: Screen coordinates of mouse y short: ppSobj sobj**: OUT: Pointer to the root object containing the picked object. RETURNS bool TRUE on successfull pick |
Method | AViewPickVertex | bool AViewPickVertex( mnode* pMNode,short x,short y,polyh** ppPolyh,i* pVxIndex ) PURPOSE Pick the nearest one of MNode's vertices under the mouse, if any. If pMNode is 0 (null) then all objects in scene are tested. Return e_tsxTRUE on successful pick. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Must be a Group or Polyhedron. 0 = all objects in the scene. x short: Screen coordinates of mouse y short: ppPolyh polyh**: OUT: Polyhedron whose vertex was picked pVxIndex i*: OUT: Index of picked vertex in pPolyh RETURNS bool: TRUE on successful pick |
Method | AViewSetRenderMode | bool AViewSetRenderMode( e_tsxRM_xxxx mode ) PURPOSE Set the rendering mode of the active view. PARAMETERS mode e_tsxRM_xxxx: rendermode to set RETURNS bool: TRUE if there is a change in mode, FALSE otherwise |
Method | AViewSetViewMode | bool AViewSetViewMode( e_tsxVM_xxxx newmode ) PURPOSE Change the view mode for the active view. If newmode is e_tsxVM_CAMERA, it is set to look through the currently selected object, if any. Useful with Cameras and Lights. Return e_tsxTRUE if there is a change in mode. PARAMETERS newmode e_tsxVM_xxxx: RETURNS bool: TRUE if there is a change in mode |
Method | BBoxIntersection | bool BBoxIntersection( BBox3f_p pBBintx,BBox3f_p pBBox1,BBox3f_p pBBox2 ) PURPOSE Returns e_tsxTRUE if BBox1 and BBox2 intersect. If they do intersect, and pBBintx is non-zero, then BBintx gets their intersection. PARAMETERS pBBintx BBox3f_p: the resulting intersection pBBox1 BBox3f_p: a bounding box pBBox2 BBox3f_p: a bounding box RETURNS bool |
Method | CheckAbort | bool CheckAbort() PURPOSE Check for the interrupt request PARAMETERS none RETURNS e_tsxTRUE if interrupt request appeared, otherwise e_tsxFALSE |
Method | CollisionCheckTwoObj | BOOL CollisionCheckTwoObj( sobj* obj1, sobj* obj2, short method, short what_collide, struct ColRpt_p **CollReport, long *ReportCount ) PURPOSE Function check whether a two object collide PARAMETERS obj1 sobj*: pointer to the first tested object (obj1 can be a sub-object of the obj2). obj2 sobj*: pointer to the second tested object (obj2 can not be a sub-object of the obj1). method short: can be one of the next collision detection method: tsxCOLLMETHOD_VOXEL - check collision only by objects voxels tsxCOLLMETHOD_VERTICES - check collision by objects vertices tsxCOLLMETHOD_FACE - check collision by objects faces If the methods are used with the tsxCOLLMETHOD_FINFALLCOLLISIONS flag, then the function will search all collisions. If it is not set, then only the first collision will be found. what_collide short: this flag tells the function what objects will collide: tsxCOLLIDE_ALLOBJECTS - function will test all sub-objects of the first and the second tested object tsxCOLLIDE_SELOBJECTS - function will test all sub-objects of the first and the second tested object that have set the collision level (by the ` tsxSetObjCollisionLevel' function) Only one of the `tsxCOLLIDE_SELOBJECTS' and ` tsxCOLLIDE_SELOBJECTS' can be set. tsxCOLLIDE_WITHGROUND - if this flag is then the collision with ground is enabled tsxCOLLIDE_PEERS - if this flag is set then the collision between objects is enabled CollReport ColRpt_p **: collisions report array that is generated if a collision between obj1 and obj2 is detected. This report contains detailed information about the collision (see definition of the `ColRpt_p' structure). If the report is not needed the parameter can be NULL. ReportCount long *: pointer to a `long` variable that will be filled by a number of the collision reports. This parameter can be NULL if the collision report is not needed. RETURNS TRUE if collision, FALSE otherwise |
Method | ContractorGetBidirectional | BOOL ContractorGetBidirectional( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Test whether the contraction is bidirectional or not. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS BOOL: TRUE for bidirectional contraction ( Flexor/Extensor), |
Method | CopyLayerEx | bool CopyLayerEx( short targetIndex, short sourceIndex ) PURPOSE Function copies the content of the layer with given source index to the layer with given target index. PARAMETERS targetIndex short: index of the target layer sourceIndex short: index of the source layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | CopyLayerToActiveEx | bool CopyLayerToActiveEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function copies the content of the layer with given index to the active one. PARAMETERS index short: index of the source layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | DeleteLayerEx | bool DeleteLayerEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function deletes the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer to delete RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | DisableInactiveLayerWireColorsUsing | bool DisableInactiveLayerWireColorsUsing() PURPOSE Function resets the flag of the wire color's using for all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | DisableInactiveLayerWireColorsUsingEx | bool DisableInactiveLayerWireColorsUsingEx() PURPOSE Function resets the flag of the wire color's using for all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | DisableLayerLockSwitchUsing | bool DisableLayerLockSwitchUsing( short index ) PURPOSE Function resets the flag of the locked-visible direct switch's using for the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | DisableLayerWireColorUsing | bool DisableLayerWireColorUsing( short index ) PURPOSE Function resets the flag of the wire color's using for the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | DisableLayerWireColorUsingEx | bool DisableLayerWireColorUsingEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function resets the flag of the wire color's using for the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | EnableInactiveLayerWireColorsUsing | bool EnableInactiveLayerWireColorsUsing() PURPOSE Function sets the flag of the wire color's using for all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | EnableInactiveLayerWireColorsUsingEx | bool EnableInactiveLayerWireColorsUsingEx() PURPOSE Function sets the flag of the wire color's using for all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | EnableLayerLockSwitchUsing | bool EnableLayerLockSwitchUsing( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the flag of the locked-visible direct switch's using for the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | EnableLayerWireColorUsing | bool EnableLayerWireColorUsing( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the flag of the wire color's using for the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | EnableLayerWireColorUsingEx | bool EnableLayerWireColorUsingEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the flag of the wire color's using for the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | ExistPhysicsAdhesionLinks | bool ExistPhysicsAdhesionLinks( sobj *pObj1, sobj *pObj2 ) PURPOSE Check if an Adhesion link exist between gived two objects. If one of the parameters is NULL, then the second object is asked for any Adhesion link. PARAMETERS pObj1 sobj*: Pointer to the first object pObj2 sobj*: Pointer to the second object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if an Adhesion link exist |
Method | FaceGetBackCull | bool FaceGetBackCull( Face_p pFace ); (no description) |
Method | GetPhysForceAcc | bool GetPhysForceAcc( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p position, Vec3f_p wind, f *grav, f *atmosphere ) PURPOSE Gets the global forces (wind, atmosphere, gravitation) in one point of scene PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object position Vec3f_p: position of the point in space wind Vec3f_p: wind grav f*: gravitation atmosphere f*: atmosphere RETURNS bool: FALSE if no simulation is setup, TRUE otherwise |
Method | GetTextureFromLighting | bool GetTextureFromLighting(); (no description) |
Method | GetTextureOverlayProperty | bool GetTextureOverlayProperty( void ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if overlay is set for active texture map shader PARAMETERS RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if overlay is ON, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | GNodeGetLookAhead | bool GNodeGetLookAhead( gnode* pGNode, bool* pBanking, f* pTension, f* pBias, f* pBank ) PURPOSE Test whether a specific object looks ahead along its animation path PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE pBanking bool*: returns e_tsxTRUE if banking on pTension f*: spline parameters for look ahead pBias f*: spline parameters for look ahead pBank f*: spline parameters for look ahead RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if the object is looking ahead, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | GNodeGetLookAt | bool GNodeGetLookAt( gnode* pGNode, gnode** ppLookAt ) PURPOSE Get the look-at target object for a specified object PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE ppLookAt gnode**: a pointer to a look-at target RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if the object is constrained by a look-at target, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | HasScript | BOOL HasScript( sobj* obj ); (no description) |
Method | HideInactiveLayersEx | bool HideInactiveLayersEx() PURPOSE Function hides all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | HideLayerEx | bool HideLayerEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function hides the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | IsGNode | bool IsGNode( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if pSobj is a GNode PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to a Sobj RETURNS bool |
Method | IsGNodeInScene | bool IsGNodeInScene( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if pGNode is a member of the Scene at some level. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode RETURNS bool |
Method | IsGNodeSubobj | bool IsGNodeSubobj( gnode* pGNode,gnode* pCheckGNode ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if pCheckGNode is a node in the tree rooted at pGNode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: A root GNode pCheckGNode gnode*: The node checked RETURNS bool |
Method | IsLayerLocked | bool IsLayerLocked( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns the locking state of the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the layer with given index is locked, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | IsLayerValid | bool IsLayerValid( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns the validity state of the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the layer with given index is valid, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | IsLayerVisible | bool IsLayerVisible( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns the visibility state of the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the layer with given index is visible, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | IsMNode | bool IsMNode( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if pSobj is a MNode PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to a SObj RETURNS bool |
Method | IsSelectable | bool IsSelectable( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if pSobj is of supported selectable type (see doc above). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to a sobj RETURNS bool |
Method | IsSelected | bool IsSelected( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if pSobj is part of a selected Object/Group PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to a sobj RETURNS bool |
Method | IsSobj | bool IsSobj( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE e_tsxTRUE if Node is a Sobj PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS bool |
Method | IsSubDiv | bool IsSubDiv( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Test whether the object is subdivision surface. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: |
Method | IsUnusedLayerNumber | bool IsUnusedLayerNumber( short number ) PURPOSE Function figures out whether given layer number is already used or not. PARAMETERS number short: number associated with the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if given layer number is not used, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | JDeform_toolIsActive | bool JDeform_toolIsActive( void ); (no description) |
Method | LightAreaGetShowGeometry | bool LightAreaGetShowGeometry( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Show geometry of the area light? PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if the geometry of the area light is to be rendered, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | LightAreaGetUseColorShader | bool LightAreaGetUseColorShader( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Use color shader for area light? PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if the color shader associated with the area light is taken into account during rendering, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | LightGetIBLLightsBelowGround | bool LightGetIBLLightsBelowGround( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns whether or not lights are created below the ground plane. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if the lights are created below the ground plane, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | LightGetIBLShowEnvironment | bool LightGetIBLShowEnvironment( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns whether or not the environment sphere is rendered. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS i: e_tsxTRUE if the environment sphere is to be rendered, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | LightIsPhysicallyBased | bool LightIsPhysicallyBased( light* pLight ) PURPOSE To test whether a particular light uses physically based intensity units or not. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if the light uses physically based intensity units, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | LightIsShadImgDep | bool LightIsShadImgDep( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Return True if shadow-map is image size dependent. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS bool |
Method | LightIsVisible | bool LightIsVisible( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Is light visible in the scene? PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE - visible, e_tsxFALSE - hidden |
Method | LightSetShadImgDep | bool LightSetShadImgDep( light* pLight,bool bDependent ) PURPOSE (Un)Set shadow-map's image size dependence. Return the new value, False if not a light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light bDependent bool: True to make it dependent RETURNS bool |
Method | LightSetShadowTransparency | bool LightSetShadowTransparency( light* pLight, e_tsxLST_xxxx newtrasp ) PURPOSE Set shadow transparency setting for a light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newtransp e_tsxLST_xxxx: shadow transparency setting to set RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if not light, e_tsxTRUE otherwise |
Method | LightSetShmapQualityCustom | bool LightSetShmapQualityCustom( light* pLight, short sh_quality ); (no description) |
Method | LightSetShmapSharpnessCustom | bool LightSetShmapSharpnessCustom( light* pLight, f sharpness ) PURPOSE Set custom setting for shadow-map sharpness. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light sharpness f: the new shadow map sharpness RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if not light, e_tsxTRUE otherwise |
Method | LockInactiveLayersEx | bool LockInactiveLayersEx() PURPOSE Function locks all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | LockLayerEx | bool LockLayerEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function locks the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | MaterialIsShaderBoxNull | bool MaterialIsShaderBoxNull( mate* mat ) PURPOSE Determine if shaders information contained in the material is empty PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS e_tsxTRUE if shaders information is empty, otherwise e_tsxFALSE |
Method | MaterialIsShaderBoxValid | bool MaterialIsShaderBoxValid( mate* mat ) PURPOSE Determine if shaders information contained in the material is valid (consistency test) PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS e_tsxTRUE if shaders information is empty, otherwise e_tsxFALSE |
Method | MaterialsAreEqual | bool MaterialsAreEqual( mate* pMatrl1, mate* pMatrl2 ) PURPOSE Testing two materials for equivalence. PARAMETERS pMatrl1 mate*: first material pMatrl2 mate*: second material RETURNS bool |
Method | MiscSceneEditorLoad | bool MiscSceneEditorLoad(); (no description) |
Method | MNodeAreAxesVisible | bool MNodeAreAxesVisible( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if MNode has its Axes displayed in tS. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS bool |
Method | MNodeCastShadows | bool MNodeCastShadows( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Return True if MNode casts shadows PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS bool |
Method | MNodeIsDoubleSidedGeometry | bool MNodeIsDoubleSidedGeometry( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Return True if MNode is always rendered as double sided geometry PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS bool |
Method | MNodeIsRadiosityExcluded | bool MNodeIsRadiosityExcluded( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Return True if MNode is excluded from the radiosity computations PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS bool |
Method | MNodeIsVisible | bool MNodeIsVisible( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Return e_tsxTRUE if pMNode is Visible in a rendered scene. A Group object may return TRUE even if it does not have any Polyhedra descendants. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS bool |
Method | MNodeReceiveShadows | bool MNodeReceiveShadows( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Return True if MNode receives shadows PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS bool |
Method | MNodeUseAdaptiveRadiosityMeshing | bool MNodeUseAdaptiveRadiosityMeshing( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Return True if MNode uses adaptive meshing during the radiosity computations PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS bool |
Method | MoveCurrobjToLayerEx | bool MoveCurrobjToLayerEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function moves the currently selected object to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: layer index to move object to. RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | MoveLayerEx | bool MoveLayerEx( short targetIndex, short sourceIndex ) PURPOSE Function moves the content of the layer with given source index to the layer with given target index. PARAMETERS targetIndex short: index of the target layer sourceIndex short: index of the source layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | MoveLayerToActiveEx | bool MoveLayerToActiveEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function moves the content of the layer with given index to the active one. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer to move content from RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | MoveObjectToLayerEx | bool MoveObjectToLayerEx( short indext, sobj* pObject ) PURPOSE Function moves given object to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS indext short: layer index to copy object to. pObject sobj*: object to move. RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | MtoolFreeHandSelection | BOOL MtoolFreeHandSelection( tsxMousetool *mt, short x, short y, short flags, short options ) PURPOSE Select vertices, edges, or faces of selected object using the free-hand tool.. PARAMETERS mt tsxMousetool: mouse-tool x short: mouse position on screen, viewport X coordinate. y short: mouse position on screen, viewport Y coordinate. flags short: mouse event flags options short: selection options RETURNS BOOL: |
Method | MtoolLassoSelection | BOOL MtoolLassoSelection( tsxMousetool *mt, short x, short y, short flags, short options ) PURPOSE Select vertices, edges, or faces of selected object using the lasso tool.. PARAMETERS mt tsxMousetool: mouse-tool x short: mouse position on screen, viewport X coordinate. y short: mouse position on screen, viewport Y coordinate. flags short: mouse event flags options short: selection options RETURNS BOOL: |
Method | MtoolRectangleSelection | BOOL MtoolRectangleSelection( tsxMousetool *mt, short x, short y, short flags, short options ) PURPOSE Select vertices, edges, or faces of selected object using the rectangle tool.. PARAMETERS mt tsxMousetool: mouse-tool x short: mouse position on screen, viewport X coordinate. y short: mouse position on screen, viewport Y coordinate. flags short: mouse event flags options short: selection options RETURNS BOOL: |
Method | NCurveGetClosed | bool NCurveGetClosed( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Test whether the curve is closed. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS bool: 'closed' flag |
Method | NCurveGetEditMode | bool NCurveGetEditMode( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Test whether the curve is edit mode. Curve in edit mode has control points and handles highlighted. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS bool: 'edit mode' flag |
Method | NCurveGetRational | bool NCurveGetRational( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Test whether the curve is rational PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS bool: 'rational' flag |
Method | NCurveGetSnappedEnd | bool NCurveGetSnappedEnd( ncurve *nc ); (no description) |
Method | NCurveGetSnappedStart | bool NCurveGetSnappedStart( ncurve *nc ); (no description) |
Method | NCurveGetTemporary | bool NCurveGetTemporary( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Test whether the curve is temporary. Temporary curves are not saves to object/scene file. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS bool: 'temporary' flag |
Method | NCurveGetTrim | bool NCurveGetTrim( ncurve *nc ); (no description) |
Method | NCurveGetUVTrim | bool NCurveGetUVTrim( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Test whether the curve is UV trimming curve. Trimming curve defines a region on the patch that will be cut off. UV trimming curve is defined in parametric space of the patch (UV space). It is attached to its patch as a child object. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS bool: 'UV trim' flag |
Method | NCurveIsPiecewiseBezier | bool NCurveIsPiecewiseBezier( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Test if NURBS curve is piecewise cubic Bezier curve. PARAMETERS nc tsxNCurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS bool |
Method | NPatchDetectTrimCloseness | bool NPatchDetectTrimCloseness( npatch *np, ncurve *uv_nc ) PURPOSE Detect closeness (in 3D) of UV trimming curve. Trimming curve can be closed in 3D even if it's open in UV, if its parent patch is closed and the curve goes from edge to edge. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch uv_nc ncurve*: pointer to trimming curve RETURNS bool |
Method | NPatchGetRational | bool NPatchGetRational( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Test whether the patch is rational PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS bool: 'rational' flag |
Method | NPatchGetUClosed | bool NPatchGetUClosed( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Test whether the patch is closed in U direction. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS bool: 'U closed' flag |
Method | NPatchGetVClosed | bool NPatchGetVClosed( npatch *np ); (no description) |
Method | NPatchIsPiecewiseBezier | bool NPatchIsPiecewiseBezier( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Test if the patch is piecewise bicubic Bezier patch. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS bool |
Method | NPatchIsPlainPatch | bool NPatchIsPlainPatch( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Test if the patch is a plain patch. Plain patch has no construction history attached to it. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS bool |
Method | NPatchRemoveKnot | bool NPatchRemoveKnot( npatch *np, f u, i num, e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_x dir, f tol ) PURPOSE Remove knot from the knot vector of the patch (one knot removal results in removal of one row of control points), but preserve the shape of the patch within given tolerance. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch u f: knot to be removed (must be internal knot, not end knot) num i: how many times to remove this (multiple) knot tol f: how much the new patch is allowed to deviate from old patch (world distance) after one knot removal RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if knot removal is not possible (tolerance) |
Method | ObjectHasNote | bool ObjectHasNote( gnode* pObject ) PURPOSE Check if Node has assigned Note. PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node RETURNS bool: Return e_tsxTRUE when note is assigned |
Method | ObjectIsArrayItem | bool ObjectIsArrayItem( gnode* pObject ) PURPOSE Checks if given pObject is an item of array PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node RETURNS bool: Return e_tsxTRUE when pObject is an item of an array |
Method | ObjectIsArrayRoot | bool ObjectIsArrayRoot( gnode* pObject ) PURPOSE Checks if given pObject is a root Node of array PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node RETURNS bool: Return e_tsxTRUE when pObject is a root of an array |
Method | ObjectSave | bool ObjectSave( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Save object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if error |
Method | ObjectSaveAs | bool ObjectSaveAs( sobj* pSobj , char *name ) PURPOSE Save object into a file with specified name. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: a name of the file if name == NULL, save as dialog will appear RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if error |
Method | ParameterValueGetData | bool ParameterValueGetData( shparamval* value, void* dest ) PURPOSE Extract data from parameter value. This function is similar to tsxParameterValueGetTypedValue PARAMETERS value input abstract value dest void pointer storing output data. It is castable to desired basic type RETURNS Returns parameter value data. Returned void ponter should be casted to appropriate data type obtained by tsxParameterValueGetType |
Method | ParameterValueGetTypedValue | bool ParameterValueGetTypedValue( shparamval* value, tsxSHPARAM_xxxx type, void* dest ) PURPOSE Extracts basic-type parameter value from shparamval PARAMETERS value input abstract value type type of the extracted data dest void pointer storing output data. It is castable to desired basic type RETURNS e_tsxTRUE if successful, otherwise e_tsxFALSE |
Method | ParameterValueIsShaderInfo | bool ParameterValueIsShaderInfo( shparamval* value ) PURPOSE To determine if parameter value is linked to another shader (used for layered shaders) PARAMETERS value input abstract value RETURNS e_tsxTRUE if 'value' points to another shader info, otherwise e_tsxFALSE |
Method | PhysCollPoint | bool PhysCollPoint( Vec3f_p *point, sobj *cobj ) PURPOSE Is point in object PARAMETERS point Vec3f_p: point to test cobj sobj*: object to test against RETURNS bool: TRUE if point is inside of the object, FALSE otherwise |
Method | PhysSimGetAccVectsRot | bool PhysSimGetAccVectsRot( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Check whether specified phys sim object rotate its acceleration vectors. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE = rotate, e_tsx_FALSE = do not rotate |
Method | PhysSimGetAdhesionUnLim | bool PhysSimGetAdhesionUnLim( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get adhesion state of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE = no limits, e_tsxFALSE = only first collision |
Method | PhysSimGetBuoyancy | bool PhysSimGetBuoyancy( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Test whether the buoyancy is simulated for this object or not. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: |
Method | PhysSimGetChargeState | bool PhysSimGetChargeState( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get charge state of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE = conductor, e_tsx_FALSE = insulator |
Method | PhysSimGetCollide | bool PhysSimGetCollide( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Test whether the object is allowed to bounce from the other objects during simulation or if it ignores them. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if it can bounce |
Method | PhysSimGetEnviroProperties | bool PhysSimGetEnviroProperties( sobj *pObj, PhysEnvir *peProperties ) PURPOSE Get local physical environment properties of object (for more details please see tsxPhysSim.h). PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object peProperties PhysEnvir *: environment structure that will be filled RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if the propertiers are present |
Method | PhysSimGetFxMove | bool PhysSimGetFxMove( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Check whether specified phys sim object move its fixation points too (while editing). PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE = move, e_tsx_FALSE = do not move |
Method | PhysSimGetInitSpeedsRot | bool PhysSimGetInitSpeedsRot( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Check whether specified phys.sim. object rotate its initial speeds vectors (only while editing). PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE = rotate, e_tsx_FALSE = do not rotate |
Method | PhysSimGetPerPrimAbility | bool PhysSimGetPerPrimAbility( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Call to detect the Per primitive simulation can be performed for the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE = Per primitive simulation can be performed |
Method | PhysSimGetPerPrimStatus | bool PhysSimGetPerPrimStatus( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Check whether specified phys sim object simulate physics for each its primitive. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE = each primitive has its own attributes |
Method | PhysSimHasPhysAttr | bool PhysSimHasPhysAttr( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Check the presence of physical attributes for current objects PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS bool: TRUE if physical attributes are available, FALSE otherwise |
Method | PhysSimSetSpeed | bool PhysSimSetSpeed( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p *speed, Vec3f_p *rotation ) PURPOSE Sets the momentary speeds of phys obj during simulation - valid only for TrueParticles PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object speed Vec3f_p: motion vector rotation Vec3f_p: rotation vector RETURNS bool: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise |
Method | PointsGetAnim | BOOL PointsGetAnim( void ); (no description) |
Method | PolyhContainHole | BOOL PolyhContainHole( polyh* pPolyh ); (no description) |
Method | PolyhGetMaterial | bool PolyhGetMaterial( polyh* pPolyh,unsigned short materialIdx, mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Use this function to access the material assigned to a face. pMatrl is a pointer to a Material object created through one of the tsxMaterialCreate functions. The face's material, if any, is copied into this structure. Return e_tsxFALSE on failure or if face does not have a material. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron materialIdx unsigned short: From Face_p.materialIdx pMatrl mate*: Material copied into this structure RETURNS bool |
Method | PolyhIsFacePhotoRendered | bool PolyhIsFacePhotoRendered( polyh* pPolyh, Face_p pFace ) PURPOSE Return False if the face is NOT supposed to be photorendered in the current rendering PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron pFace Face_p: a pointer to face RETURNS bool |
Method | PolyhPaintFace | bool PolyhPaintFace( polyh* pPolyh,i iFaceIndex, mate* pMatrl,bool bClearVxColors ) PURPOSE Paint face with a material. Returns e_tsxFALSE on failure or if object not changed. Note: A copy of pMatrl is created and assigned to the Polyhedron. Caller is responsible for managing pMatrl. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iFaceIndex i: Index of face to be painted in pPolyh pMatrl mate*: New material to paint on face bClearVxColors bool: e_tsxTRUE if Vertex colors should be cleared. RETURNS bool |
Method | PolyhPaintVertex | bool PolyhPaintVertex( polyh* pPolyh,i iVxIndex, Color_p pColor ) PURPOSE Paint vertex with a color. Returns e_tsxFALSE on failure or if object not changed. Note: A copy of pColor is created and assigned to the Polyhedron. Caller is responsible for managing pColor. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iVxIndex i: Index of vertex to be painted in pPolyh pColor Color_p: New color to paint on vertex RETURNS bool |
Method | RegisterEventCallback | bool RegisterEventCallback( e_tsxECT_xxxx type, tsxEventCallback* pfnCallback, bool bRegister ) PURPOSE Register callback for receiving event messages PARAMETERS type event type for the callback pfnCallback pointer to the callback bRegister e_tsxTRUE if the callback is going to be registered, or e_tsxFALSE if unregistered RETURNS e_tsxTRUE if the function succeeded, otherwise e_tsxFALSE |
Method | RegisterExternalShader | bool RegisterExternalShader( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx shclass, tssGlobalExecuteCallback pfnExecute, bool bRegister ); (no description) |
Method | RenderCanInterrupt | bool RenderCanInterrupt( void ); (no description) |
Method | RenderCheckInterrupt | bool RenderCheckInterrupt( void ); (no description) |
Method | RenderIIRChanged | bool RenderIIRChanged( void ); (no description) |
Method | ResetLayersEx | bool ResetLayersEx() PURPOSE Function removes all layers and creates the basic one. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SceneIsEnvironmentMapped | bool SceneIsEnvironmentMapped(); (no description) |
Method | SceneIsFogOn | bool SceneIsFogOn() PURPOSE Return tsxTRUE if Fog is On. PARAMETERS None RETURNS bool |
Method | SceneIsSaveScene | bool SceneIsSaveScene( void ); (no description) |
Method | SceneLoad | bool SceneLoad( char *name ) PURPOSE Load a new scene from a file. PARAMETERS Name char*: a name of the file with the scene if name == NULL, load dialog will appear (new for 4.1) RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if error |
Method | SceneSave | bool SceneSave( char *name ) PURPOSE Save current scene into a file. PARAMETERS Name char*: a name of the file with the scene if name == NULL, scene name will be used (if exists) or save as dialog will appear RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if error |
Method | SceneSaveAs | bool SceneSaveAs( char *name ) PURPOSE Save current scene into a file with the specified name. PARAMETERS Name char*: a name of the file with the scene if name == NULL, save as dialog will appear RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if error |
Method | ScriptMGetTimeFlowing | BOOL ScriptMGetTimeFlowing(); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMIncTime | BOOL ScriptMIncTime(); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMRunFunction | BOOL ScriptMRunFunction( sobj *obj, char *name, LONG matid, SHORT x, SHORT y, SHORT flags ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMRunFunctions | BOOL ScriptMRunFunctions( char *name, LONG matid, SHORT x, SHORT y, SHORT flags ); (no description) |
Method | SetInactiveLayersHidden | bool SetInactiveLayersHidden() PURPOSE Function sets all inactive layers hidden. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetInactiveLayersLocked | bool SetInactiveLayersLocked() PURPOSE Function sets all inactive layers locked. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetInactiveLayersUnlocked | bool SetInactiveLayersUnlocked() PURPOSE Function sets all inactive layers unlocked. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetInactiveLayersVisible | bool SetInactiveLayersVisible() PURPOSE Function sets all inactive layers visible. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerHidden | bool SetLayerHidden( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the layer with given index hidden. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerLocked | bool SetLayerLocked( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the layer with given index locked. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerName | bool SetLayerName( short index, const char* pName ) PURPOSE Function sets given name string to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer pName char *: name of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerNameEx | bool SetLayerNameEx( short index, const char* pName ) PURPOSE Function sets given name string to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer pName char *: name of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerNumber | bool SetLayerNumber( short index, short number ) PURPOSE Function sets given number to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer number short: number associated with the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerNumberEx | bool SetLayerNumberEx( short index, short number ) PURPOSE Function sets given number to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer number short: number associated with the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerRemoved | bool SetLayerRemoved( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the layer with given index removed. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerUnlocked | bool SetLayerUnlocked( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the layer with given index unlocked. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerValid | bool SetLayerValid( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the layer with given index valid. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerVisible | bool SetLayerVisible( short index ) PURPOSE Function sets the layer with given index visible. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerWireColor | bool SetLayerWireColor( short index, Color_p color ) PURPOSE Function sets given color to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer color Color_p: color to set RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetLayerWireColorEx | bool SetLayerWireColorEx( short index, Color_p color ) PURPOSE Function sets given color to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer color Color_p: color to set RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetObjectLayerIndex | bool SetObjectLayerIndex( sobj* pObject, short index ) PURPOSE Function sets given layer index to given object. PARAMETERS pObject sobj*: object to assign to layer. index short: layer index to assign to object. RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SetTextureOverlayProperty | bool SetTextureOverlayProperty( bool bCheck ) PURPOSE Set overlay for active texture map shader. Function returns the previous state. PARAMETERS bCheck bool: e_tsxTRUE to switch overlay ON, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if overlay was ON before the call, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | ShaderIsCustom | bool ShaderIsCustom( shader* shader ) PURPOSE Determine if input shader is a custom shader PARAMETERS shader input shader RETURNS e_tsxTRUE if 'shader' is a custom shader, otherwise e_tsxFALSE |
Method | ShaderSelect | bool ShaderSelect( shader* shader ) PURPOSE Select specified shader to the shader panel PARAMETERS shader shader to be selected RETURNS e_tsxTRUE if successful, otherwise e_tsxFALSE |
Method | ShaderSelect | bool ShaderSelect( shader* shader ); (no description) |
Method | ShowInactiveLayersEx | bool ShowInactiveLayersEx() PURPOSE Function shows all inactive layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | ShowLayerEx | bool ShowLayerEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function shows the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SobjEmptyScript | bool SobjEmptyScript( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Test for an empty animation of the object PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj RETURNS bool |
Method | SobjGetClosed | bool SobjGetClosed( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, long segment ) PURPOSE Get type of animation path. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the specified attribute segment long: an optional segment of the specified attribute ( 0 in none ) RETURNS bool: type of animation path |
Method | SobjGetInterpolation | bool SobjGetInterpolation( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, long segment ) PURPOSE Get type of interpolation. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the specified attribute segment long: an optional segment of the specified attribute ( 0 in none ) RETURNS bool: type of interpolation |
Method | SobjHasAttribute | bool SobjHasAttribute( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Test for attribute of Sobj. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: type of keyframe tested RETURNS bool |
Method | SobjTreeEmptyScript | bool SobjTreeEmptyScript( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Test for an empty animation of the object and all its children PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj RETURNS bool |
Method | SwitchInactiveLayersStateEx | bool SwitchInactiveLayersStateEx() PURPOSE Function switches the state of all inactive layers from visible to locked/hidden and back; PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | SwitchLayerStateEx | bool SwitchLayerStateEx( short index ) PURPOSE Function switches the state of the layer with given index from visible to locked/hidden and back. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case the scene content was changed, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | TrimCurveDefinesHole | bool TrimCurveDefinesHole( ncurve *uv_nc ); (no description) |
Method | tsxClipsClipIsEnabled | bool tsxClipsClipIsEnabled ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Get enabled/disabled status of the clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS bool: status of clip (e_tsxTRUE for enabled, e_tsxFALSE for disabled) |
Method | tsxClipsClipIsRelative | bool tsxClipsClipIsRelative ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Get relative/absolute status of the clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS bool: status of clip (e_tsxTRUE for relative, e_tsxFALSE for absolute) |
Method | tsxCollisionCheckObjWithScene | BOOL tsxCollisionCheckObjWithScene ( sobj* obj, short method, short what_collide, struct ColRpt_p **CollReport, long *ReportCount ) PURPOSE Function check whether an object collide with other object in scene. The function is similar to previous one, but as the second tested object is used the scene. PARAMETERS obj sobj*: pointer to the first tested object (the second tested object is scene). method short: can be one of the next collision detection method: tsxCOLLMETHOD_VOXEL - check collision only by objects voxels tsxCOLLMETHOD_VERTICES - check collision by objects vertices tsxCOLLMETHOD_FACE - check collision by objects faces If the methods are used with the tsxCOLLMETHOD_FINFALLCOLLISIONS flag, then the function will search all collisions. If it is not set, then only the first collision will be found. what_collide short: this flag tells the function what objects will collide: tsxCOLLIDE_ALLOBJECTS - function will test all sub-objects of the first and the second tested object tsxCOLLIDE_SELOBJECTS - function will test all sub-objects of the first and the second tested object that have set the collision level (by the ` tsxSetObjCollisionLevel' function) Only one of the `tsxCOLLIDE_SELOBJECTS' and ` tsxCOLLIDE_SELOBJECTS' can be set. tsxCOLLIDE_WITHGROUND - if this flag is then the collision with ground is enabled tsxCOLLIDE_PEERS - if this flag is set then the collision between objects is enabled CollReport ColRpt_p **: collisions report array that is generated if a collision between obj1 and obj2 is detected. This report contains detailed information about the collision (see definition of the `ColRpt_p' structure). If the report is not needed the parameter can be NULL. ReportCount long *: pointer to a `long` variable that will be filled by a number of the collision reports. This parameter can be NULL if the collision report is not needed. RETURNS TRUE if collision, FALSE otherwise |
Method | tsxGetObjDir | bool tsxGetObjDir ( sobj* pSobj, char *pBuff, i iMaxBuffSize ) PURPOSE Fill buffer by the full filename of the specified object. If it is not specified yet return e_tsxFALSE and return empty string PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: object pBuff char*: pointer to a buffer to hold the object full file path iMaxBuffSize i: size of the buffer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE if successful (object was saved to file already) |
Method | tsxNURBSetDensity | bool tsxNURBSetDensity ( mnode* pMNode, long num_indices, long *indices, i new_density ) PURPOSE Set density parameter of NURB object. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the NURB object long num_indicies : number of indices long indicies* : array of indices f new_density : new density value from range [0,10] RETURNS bool |
Method | tsxNURBSetTension | bool tsxNURBSetTension ( mnode* pMNode, long num_indices, long *indices, f new_tension ) PURPOSE Set tension parameter of NURB object. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the NURB object long num_indicies : number of indices long indicies* : array of indices f new_density : new tension value from range [0.,1.] RETURNS bool |
Method | UpdateLayerPanels | bool UpdateLayerPanels( short index ) PURPOSE Function updates state vectors according to the active layer and layer with given index (if different from -1). PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer or -1 RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE on success, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | UseLayerLockSwitch | bool UseLayerLockSwitch( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns the state of the locked-visible direct switch's using for the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case of the locked-visible direct switch's using for the layer with given index, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | UseLayersLockSwitch | bool UseLayersLockSwitch() PURPOSE Function returns the state of the mass locked-visible direct switch's using. PARAMETERS none RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case of the mass locked-visible direct switch's using, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | UseLayerWireColor | bool UseLayerWireColor( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns the state of the wire color's using for the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS bool: e_tsxTRUE in case of the wire color's using for layer with given index, e_tsxFALSE otherwise. |
Method | UseLocaleDecimal | bool UseLocaleDecimal( void ) PURPOSE Retrieves state of using of Locale Decimal Separator in User Interface. PARAMETERS None RETURNS bool: TRUE when Locale Decimal Separator is shown, FALSE otherwise |
Method | ScriptGetScriptPtr | char *ScriptGetScriptPtr( sobj* obj ); (no description) |
Method | FILEgets | char* FILEgets( char *buf, i size, tsxFILE *fd ) PURPOSE Get the next string from the input stream. PARAMETERS buf char*: a pointer to the buffer size i: a length of the buffer fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor RETURNS char*: a pointer to the buffer after the last character |
Method | GetTSDir | char* GetTSDir( e_tsxPATH_xxxx type ) PURPOSE To get the trueSpace directory PARAMETERS type e_tsxPATH_xxxx: type of the directory (see list of types above) RETURNS char*: string with the full path to particular directory |
Method | ShaderAllocCustomData | char* ShaderAllocCustomData( shader* shader, long size ); (no description) |
Method | ShaderGetCustomData | char* ShaderGetCustomData( shader* shader, long* size ); (no description) |
Method | ShaderGetDir | char* ShaderGetDir( shader* shader ) PURPOSE Shader installation directory path. It is valid only for custom shaders. PARAMETERS shader input shader RETURNS directory path if shader is a custom shader, NULL otherwise |
Method | ShaderGetInternalName | char* ShaderGetInternalName( shader* shader ) PURPOSE Return shader internal name PARAMETERS shader input shader RETURNS string which serves as internal identifier of the shader |
Method | ShaderGetName | char* ShaderGetName( shader* shader ) PURPOSE Return shader name displayed in tS interface PARAMETERS shader input shader RETURNS string which serves as the name displayed in tS interface. |
Method | ShaderInfoAllocCustomData | char* ShaderInfoAllocCustomData( shinfo* shinfo, long size ); (no description) |
Method | ShaderInfoGetCustomData | char* ShaderInfoGetCustomData( shinfo* shinfo, long* size ); (no description) |
Method | tsxClipsGetActiveClipName | char* tsxClipsGetActiveClipName ( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Get a name of active clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS char*: name of the active clip |
Method | GetLayerWireColor | Color_p GetLayerWireColor( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns wire color of the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS Color_p: The wire color of the layer with given index on success, color of the unselected wire otherwise. |
Method | GetLayerWireColorHl | Color_p GetLayerWireColorHl( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns highlighted wire color of the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS Color_p: The wire color of the layer with given index on success, color of the unselected wire otherwise. |
Method | char *ShaderInfoGetConstParameterName | const char *ShaderInfoGetConstParameterName( shinfo* shinfo, i param_index ) PURPOSE Returns const pointer to a parameter name. Parameter must be identified by index. PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo param_index 0-based shader parameter index RETURNS const char*: const pointer to a shader name |
Method | char* AnimGetTypeName | const char* AnimGetTypeName( e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Get name of attribute. PARAMETERS keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the type of the attribute RETURNS const char* |
Method | char* GetLayerName | const char* GetLayerName( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns the pointer to the name string of the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS const char *: The pointer to the name string of the layer with given index on success, NULL otherwise. |
Method | char* ObjectGetTypeName | const char* ObjectGetTypeName( tsxSOBJTYPE objType ) PURPOSE Get a a name of the external type of object. PARAMETERS objType tsxSOBJTYPE: a type of external object RETURNS const char*: a name of the external type of object |
Method | DerivCurvesCreate | DerivCurves_p *DerivCurvesCreate( void ) PURPOSE Create an empty structure used keep so-called derivative curves. They are used for computation of curve derivatives. PARAMETERS RETURNS DerivCurves_p: |
Method | AddSubobj | err AddSubobj( gnode** group, sobj* sob ) PURPOSE Adds sob as a subobject of group. It will insert group nodes where appropriate to insure that all non-group objects are leaf nodes in the tree structure. It does not refresh the display. *group may be changed to a hierarchical object by the insertion of a group node. If a group node is created it will assign the axes of the object it is a parent of to it. Note, both group and sob objects don't have to be active objects at the time of calling this function. PARAMETERS group gnode**: parent object sob sobj*: child object RETURNS err |
Method | AnimPlay | err AnimPlay( void ) PURPOSE Run playback. PARAMETERS None RETURNS err |
Method | AudioAttach | err AudioAttach( sobj* obj, audio* pAudio ); (no description) |
Method | AudioAttachFile | err AudioAttachFile( audio* pAudio, char *filename ); (no description) |
Method | AudioCreate | err AudioCreate( audio **pAudio, e_tsxAD_xxxx AdType ); (no description) |
Method | AudioSetLoop | err AudioSetLoop( audio* pAudio, BOOL Loop ); (no description) |
Method | AudioSetPlay | err AudioSetPlay( audio* pAudio, BOOL Play ); (no description) |
Method | AudioSystemClose | err AudioSystemClose(); (no description) |
Method | AudioSystemInit | err AudioSystemInit(); (no description) |
Method | AViewActivate | err AViewActivate( HWND wndo ) PURPOSE Activate a particular view based on its HWND PARAMETERS wndo HWND: a handle of a particular view RETURNS err: tsxERR_SUCCESS - if the view was activated |
Method | AViewSetCameraMode | err AViewSetCameraMode( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Make the active view look through an object (pGNode), until further notice. In this mode, any changes to the eye's position, orientation and direction will also be transmitted to the object. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to the Gnode we'll be looking through RETURNS err |
Method | BirailSurfConstruct | err BirailSurfConstruct( ncurve *prof, ncurve *rail1, ncurve *rail2, bool apply_snap, bool auto_pos, f prof_u0, f prof_u1, bool keep_height, f max_angle, npatch *np ) PURPOSE Construct birail surface by sweeping profile curve along two rail curves. During sweeping, profile is scaled to touch both rails and rotated in order to keep its normal aligned to current rails' average tangent. In case of open profile, position of profile relative to rails is not important. But if the profile is closed, it must be positioned in initial (or near to initial) birail position: rail 1 and rail 2 touch profile in desired points. PARAMETERS prof ncurve*: Pointer to profile curve rail1 ncurve*: Pointer to rail1 curve rail2 ncurve*: Pointer to rail2 curve apply_snap bool: Apply snap transformation (transform profile to initial position) to original curve auto_pos bool: Find 'prof_u0' and 'prof_u1' automatically. In case of open profile, they will be 0 and 1 (or 1 and 0, depending on profile position). In case of closed profile, they will represent profile points closest to appropriate rail. prof_u0 f: Profile point tracking rail1 (only when 'auto_pos' = false) prof_u1 f: Profile point tracking rail2 (only when 'auto_pos' = false) keep_height bool: Scale profile in one direction only max_angle f: Threshold angle for rails curvature tracking: new copy of profile will be emited when tangent of one of the rails deviates from its last tangent by more than 'max_angle' degrees. np npatch*: Pointer to output patch. If it's not empty, its data will be freed before the operation. Transformation matrix of the patch will not change. RETURNS err |
Method | BlendSurfConstruct | err BlendSurfConstruct( npatch *np1, ncurve *trim1, e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x dir1, f parm1, npatch *np2, ncurve *trim2, e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x dir2, f parm2, bool simpler, i lev1, i lev2, f smooth1, f smooth2, bool invert_edge, f u2_shift, f max_angle, npatch *blend ) PURPOSE Construct surface making smooth transition between edges of two patches. Edges can be ordinary edges or trimmed edges. PARAMETERS np1 npatch*: Pointer to patch1 trim1 ncurve*: Pointer to UV trimming curve of np1 (NULL if ordinary edge) dir1 e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x: Direction of np1's ordinary edge parm1 f: Parameter of np1's ordinary edge (0.0 or 1.0) np2 npatch*: Pointer to patch2 trim2 ncurve*: Pointer to UV trimming curve of np2 (NULL if ordinary edge) dir2 e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x: Direction of np2's ordinary edge parm2 f: Parameter of np2's ordinary edge (0.0 or 1.0) simpler bool: Produce simpler surface. Can cause unwanted distortions to appear in case of nonhomogenously spaced control points (one edge has majority of them at its beginning and second on its end, for example), because 'simpler' ignores chord length knot parameterization of edge curves (that reflect relative positions of their control points). When 'simpler' is not set, distortions will not appear (almost), but the patch will have denser control mesh. lev1 i: Edge1 blending level: tsxBLEND_LEVEL_POSITION or tsxBLEND_LEVEL_SMOOTHNESS lev2 i: Edge2 blending level smooth1 f: Edge1 smoothness factor (0.0 to 1.0) smooth2 f: Edge2 smoothness factor invert_edge bool: Invert edge to remove twist in blend u2_shift f: If both edges are closed, shift edge2's starting point to remove twist in blend (0.0 to 1.0) max_angle f: Precision of UV to 3D trimming curve sampling (use -1.0f for default) blend npatch*: Pointer to output patch. If it's not empty, its data will be freed before the operation. V=0 edge of blended patch will touch edge2 (or edge1) and V=1 edge will touch edge1 (or edge2). Transformation matrix of the patch will not change. RETURNS err |
Method | BoneAttachObject | err BoneAttachObject( bone* pBone, gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Attach an object to specified bone. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object pGNode gnode*: a pointer to object RETURNS err |
Method | BoneCreateMuscle | err BoneCreateMuscle( bone* pBone, joint* pJoint, lattice** ppMuscle ) PURPOSE Create a muscle's lattice around the specified bone near specified joint. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object pJoint joint*: a pointer to Joint. If the bone is linked by one or two joints, the pJoint can be NULL. ppMuscle lattice**: returns a pointer to muscle's lattice RETURNS err |
Method | BoneDeleteMuscle | err BoneDeleteMuscle( bone* pBone, joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Delete a muscle's lattice around the specified bone near specified joint. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object pJoint joint*: a pointer to Joint. If the bone is linked by one or two joints, the pJoint can be NULL. RETURNS err |
Method | BoneDetachObject | err BoneDetachObject( bone* pBone, gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Detach an object to specified bone. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object pGNode gnode*: a pointer to object RETURNS err |
Method | BooleanIntersectionWithCurrobj | err BooleanIntersectionWithCurrobj( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Intersect specified object with the selected one. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to a mnode RETURNS err |
Method | BooleanSubtractionFromCurrobj | err BooleanSubtractionFromCurrobj( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Subtract specified object from the selected one. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to a mnode RETURNS err |
Method | BooleanUndo | err BooleanUndo( mnode** ppMNode ) PURPOSE Undo Boolean operation. If the function finishes successfully, the first object is selected and the second object is returned in the parameter. PARAMETERS ppMNode mnode**: returns a pointer to a mnode of restored second object. RETURNS err |
Method | BooleanUnionWithCurrobj | err BooleanUnionWithCurrobj( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Union specified object with the selected one. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to a mnode RETURNS err |
Method | CameraCreateInScene | err CameraCreateInScene() PURPOSE Creates a camera at world origin, with the viewing plane on the world YZ plane, Z in the up direction, and pointing in the positive world X direction. On success, the new camera is the currently selected object. It can be saved for later access. PARAMETERS None RETURNS err |
Method | CheckPhysicsAdhesionLinks | err CheckPhysicsAdhesionLinks( sobj *pObj1, sobj *pObj2 ) PURPOSE Create/Delete physical adhesion link(s). If one of the parameters is NULL, all the links of the second object will be deleted. New link is created only if: - one of the objects has physical attributes - the Adhesion is turned on at least for one of the object - the simulation is not in interrupted state PARAMETERS pObj1 sobj*: Pointer to the first object or NULL of all the pObj2 links should be deleted pObj2 sobj*: Pointer to the second object or NULL of all the pObj1 links should be deleted RETURNS err |
Method | ContractorSetBidirectional | err ContractorSetBidirectional( joint* pJoint, BOOL bidirect ) PURPOSE Set/Unset bidirectional contraction. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint bidirect BOOL: TRUE for bidirectional contraction ( Flexor/Extensor ), FALSE for alldirectional (Contractor). RETURNS err |
Method | ContractorSetFalloff | err ContractorSetFalloff( joint* pJoint, f falloff ) PURPOSE Set a new falloff of contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint falloff f: a falloff of contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | ContractorSetLength | err ContractorSetLength( joint* pJoint, f length ) PURPOSE Set a new length of contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint length f: a length of contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | ContractorSetStrength | err ContractorSetStrength( joint* pJoint, f strength ) PURPOSE Set a new strength of contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint strength f: a strength of contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | ContractorSetWidth | err ContractorSetWidth( joint* pJoint, f width ) PURPOSE Set a new width of contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint width f: a width of contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | CreateWidget | err CreateWidget( ulong wdgTypeID, tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx wdgIntAcs, sobj *obj, polyh *drawobj, WDG_CALLBACKS_p *pCallbacks, ulong wdgFlags, void *data, widget **lpWidget ) PURPOSE Function creates a widget object. PARAMETERS wdgTypeID ulong : widget's type ID wdgIntAcs tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx: Interface Access Flags (way that was the widget created) obj sobj*: object that is the widget's parent drawobj polyh* : polyhedron that represent the widget pCallbacks WDG_CALLBACKS_p *: pointer to table with widget's callbacks wdgFlags ulong: widget's flags data void *: pointer to a user's data (this pointer can be obtained by function `tsxGetWdgUsersData') lpWidget widget **: pointer to a pointer that will be filled by created widget object RETURNS err |
Method | CurrobjCopy | err CurrobjCopy() PURPOSE Copy current obj and add to it scene at the top level, making it the new currobj. PARAMETERS None RETURNS err |
Method | CurrobjQuadDiv | err CurrobjQuadDiv( void ) PURPOSE QuadDivide the currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | CurrobjSmoothDiv | err CurrobjSmoothDiv( void ) PURPOSE SmoothDivide the currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | DestroyImage | err DestroyImage( Image *image ) PURPOSE Destroys the image data structure deallocating memory for image data PARAMETERS Image Image*: a pointer to the image RETURNS err: tsxERR_SUCCESS if successful |
Method | EulerToQuaternion | err EulerToQuaternion( Vec3f_p *angles, Quaternion_p *q ) PURPOSE To get quaternion representing a rotation by three euler angles: roll, pitch, and yaw. PARAMETERS angles input Euler angles (stored in vector structure) q output quaternion RETURNS Nonzero if failed, otherwise tsxERR_SUCCESS |
Method | ExtensorSetFalloff | err ExtensorSetFalloff( joint* pJoint, f falloff ) PURPOSE Set a new falloff of extensor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint falloff f: a falloff of extensor contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | ExtensorSetLength | err ExtensorSetLength( joint* pJoint, f length ) PURPOSE Set a new length of extensor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint length f: a length of extensor contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | ExtensorSetStrength | err ExtensorSetStrength( joint* pJoint, f strength ) PURPOSE Set a new strength of extensor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint strength f: a strength of extensor contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | ExtensorSetWidth | err ExtensorSetWidth( joint* pJoint, f width ) PURPOSE Set a new width of extensor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint width f: a width of extensor contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | FaceCopy | err FaceCopy( Face ppFaceCopy,Face_p pFace ) PURPOSE Allocate new Face structure, assigning it to ppFaceCopy, and Copies pFace and all related structures into it. PARAMETERS ppFaceCopy Face_p*: target face pFace Face_p: source face RETURNS err |
Method | FaceSetBackCull | err FaceSetBackCull( Face_p pFace, bool backCull ); (no description) |
Method | FindNumbOfWdgPolyhFaces | err FindNumbOfWdgPolyhFaces( i facelist[], i sizeoffacelist, long *pNumFaces, long *pNumHoles ) PURPOSE Function check whether the face list is correct and return number of the faces and holes. PARAMETERS facelist[] i: list of the polyhedron's faces sizeoffacelist i: size of the facelist pNumFaces long: pointer to a variable that will be filled by number of the faces pNumHoles long: pointer to a variable that will be filled by number of the holes RETURNS err: tsxERR_SUCCESS if the list is OK |
Method | FindRegWidgetTypeByID | err FindRegWidgetTypeByID( ulong wdgTypeID, WdgReg_p *pWdgReg ) PURPOSE Function find a widget's type by its ID. PARAMETERS wdgTypeID ulong : widget's type ID pWdgReg WdgReg_p: pointer to the structure that will be filled if the type will be found RETURNS err |
Method | FindRegWidgetTypeByName | err FindRegWidgetTypeByName( char *widgetsname, WdgReg_p *pWdgReg ) PURPOSE Function find a widget's type by its name. PARAMETERS widgetsname char* : pointer to a widget's type name pWdgReg WdgReg_p: pointer to the structure that will be filled if the type will be found RETURNS err |
Method | FlexorSetFalloff | err FlexorSetFalloff( joint* pJoint, f falloff ) PURPOSE Set a new falloff of flexor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint falloff f: a falloff of flexor contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | FlexorSetLength | err FlexorSetLength( joint* pJoint, f length ) PURPOSE Set a new length of flexor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint length f: a length of flexor contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | FlexorSetStrength | err FlexorSetStrength( joint* pJoint, f strength ) PURPOSE Set a new strength of flexor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint strength f: a strength of flexor contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | FlexorSetWidth | err FlexorSetWidth( joint* pJoint, f width ) PURPOSE Set a new width of flexor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint width f: a width of flexor contraction by specified joint. RETURNS err |
Method | ForceLeftClick | err ForceLeftClick( i tsxid ) PURPOSE Request a left-click action on the extension's button (see tsxOnLeftClick). Useful when, e.g., an extension wants to leave a panel on the screen even when deactivated, and then requests re-activation when a button is clicked on this panel. Also useful to deactivate an active extension when user exits from extensions parameter panel. PARAMETERS tsxid i: extension-id (see tsxGetData) RETURNS err |
Method | FrameCopy | err FrameCopy( keyframe* pKFrame,keyframe** ppKFrameCopy ) PURPOSE Copy Keyframe by allocating a new one and copying the source into it. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the source keyframe ppKFrameCopy keyframe**: a pointer to a pointer to the target keyframe RETURNS err |
Method | FrameCreate | err FrameCreate( keyframe** ppKFrame, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Create Keyframe for specified attribute. PARAMETERS ppKFrame keyframe**: a pointer to a pointer to the newly created keyframe keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the animatable attribute RETURNS err |
Method | FrameGetSplineParameters | err FrameGetSplineParameters( keyframe* pKFrame,f* continuity,f* tension,f* bias ) PURPOSE Get the spline parameters of Keyframe. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: source keyframe continuity f*: spline continuity tension f*: spline tension bias f*: spline bias RETURNS err |
Method | FrameSetSplineParameters | err FrameSetSplineParameters( keyframe* pKFrame,f continuity, f tension,f bias ) PURPOSE Set the spline parameters of Keyframe. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: target keyframe continuity f: spline continuity tension f: spline tension bias f: spline bias RETURNS err |
Method | GenerateTextureFromLighting | err GenerateTextureFromLighting( gnode *pObj, TextureFromLightingData *t_data ); (no description) |
Method | GNodeCopy | err GNodeCopy( gnode* pGNode,gnode** ppGNodeCopy // Ptr to Copy placed here,on success ) PURPOSE Get a copy of the entire tree rooted at a GNode PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: The GNode to copy here gnode** ppGNodeCopy // Ptr to Copy placed: success on: RETURNS err |
Method | GNodeCopyScript | err GNodeCopyScript( gnode* pGNodeTo, gnode* pGNodeFrom ); (no description) |
Method | GNodeCreateScript | err GNodeCreateScript( gnode* pGNode ); (no description) |
Method | GNodeCreateScriptTree | err GNodeCreateScriptTree( gnode* pGNode ); (no description) |
Method | GNodeDeleteScript | err GNodeDeleteScript( gnode* pGNode ); (no description) |
Method | GNodeDeleteScriptTree | err GNodeDeleteScriptTree( gnode* pGNode ); (no description) |
Method | GNodeFindByName | err GNodeFindByName( gnode** ppGNode, gnode* pParent, char* pName ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to an object specified by the name. If pParent is not NULL it will search its sub-objects and use the name as a path relative to pParent. If pParent is NULL it will search all objects in current scene.. PARAMETERS ppGNode gnode**: returns a pointer to a Gnode or NULL pParent gnode*: a pointer to a top node in which the full name is specified, or NULL if the full name in the scene is specified. pName char*: buffer with full name relative to pParent RETURNS err ( 0 on success ) |
Method | GNodeGetBBox | err GNodeGetBBox( gnode* pGNode,BBox3f_p pBBox ) PURPOSE Add the bounding box of GNode to input Bbox. Not valid for Track and Path objects. The resulting BBox will also enclose the input BBox bounds. To get Bbox of only pGNode, use 'tsxBBoxInit()' before calling this function. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: pointer to non Track/Path GNode pBBox BBox3f_p: BBox updated with result. RETURNS err |
Method | GNodeSetFrame | err GNodeSetFrame( gnode* pGNode, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ); (no description) |
Method | GNodeSetLookAhead | err GNodeSetLookAhead( gnode* pGNode, bool banking, f tension, f bias, f bank ) PURPOSE Makes (or stops) a specific object to look ahead along its animation path PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE pBanking bool: e_tsxTRUE if banking on, e_tsxFALSE otherwise pTension f: spline parameters for look ahead pBias f: spline parameters for look ahead pBank f: spline parameters for look ahead RETURNS err: |
Method | GNodeSetLookAt | err GNodeSetLookAt( gnode* pGNode, gnode* pLookAt ) PURPOSE Set the look-at target object for a specified object PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE pLookAt gnode*: a pointer to a look-at target RETURNS err: |
Method | GNodeSetName | err GNodeSetName( gnode* pGNode,char* szNewName ) PURPOSE Set the Name of a GNode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode szNewName char*: a string containing the new name RETURNS err (0 on success) |
Method | GNodeUnsetFrame | err GNodeUnsetFrame( gnode* pGNode, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ); (no description) |
Method | HoleCopy | err HoleCopy( Hole ppHoleCopy, Hole_p pHole ) PURPOSE Allocate new hole structure, assigning it to ppHoleCopy, and copy pHole and all related structures into it. This function simplifies allocate-copy sequence. PARAMETERS ppHoleCopy Ptr to the hole-pointer, which will store new created copy of the hole pHole Ptr to the source hole RETURNS void |
Method | IKgroupAddJoint | err IKgroupAddJoint( ikg* pIKgroup, joint** ppJoint, e_tsxJOINT_xxxx type, Vec3f_p pLoc, gnode* pGNode1, gnode* pGNode2 ) PURPOSE Link two sub-objects with a new joint of specified type. PARAMETERS pIKgroup ikg*: Group object ppJoint joint**: a pointer to a new joint type e_tsxJOINT_xxxx: a type of a new joint pLoc Vec3f_p: joint's location (optional) pGNode1 gnode*: sub-object 1 to link pGNode2 gnode*: sub-object 2 to link RETURNS err |
Method | IKgroupCreate | err IKgroupCreate( ikg** ppIKgroup ) PURPOSE Create an empty Group object. PARAMETERS ppIKgroup ikg**: pointer to a new Group object RETURNS err |
Method | IKgroupDeleteJoint | err IKgroupDeleteJoint( ikg* pIKgroup, joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Link two sub-objects with a new joint of specified type. PARAMETERS pIKgroup ikg*: IK Group object pJoint joint*: joint RETURNS err |
Method | IKgroupPlaceNail | err IKgroupPlaceNail( ikg* pIKgroup, gnode* pNailed, Vec3f_p pOffset ) PURPOSE Place the nail on specified subobject. PARAMETERS pIKgroup ikg*: IK Group object pNailed gnode*: sub-object to nail pOffset Vec3f_p: nail's offset from center of pNailed (in its local space) - optional RETURNS err |
Method | IKgroupTranslateEffector | err IKgroupTranslateEffector( ikg* pIKgroup, gnode* pEffector, Vec3f_p pOffset, Vec3f_p pMove, e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Move with specified sub-object of IKgroup. Whole branch from the effector to the nail is affected. PARAMETERS pIKgroup ikg*: IK Group object pEffector gnode*: translated part of IK chain pOffset Vec3f_p: effector's offset from center of pEffector (in its local space) (optional) pMove Vec3f_p: translation vector frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: Reference frame for pVec RETURNS err |
Method | ImageCreateData | err ImageCreateData( Image *image, i width, i height, e_tsxIMAGE_RGBx depth ) PURPOSE Allocate an image data given the size and pixel depth of the image PARAMETERS image Image*: a pointer to the image data structure width i: a width of the image to create height i: a height of the image to create depth e_tsxIMAGE_RGBx: color depth of the image to create RETURNS err: |
Method | ImageDestroyData | err ImageDestroyData( Image *image ) PURPOSE Free the image data PARAMETERS image Image*: a pointer to the image data structure RETURNS err: |
Method | ImageLoadData | err ImageLoadData( Image *image, char *path ) PURPOSE Load the image file from disk - allocate and fill in the image data structure PARAMETERS image Image*: a pointer to the image data structure path char*: a path to the image file on the disk RETURNS err: |
Method | JointCreateTendon | err JointCreateTendon( joint* pJoint, lattice** ppTendon ) PURPOSE Create a tendon's lattice around the specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint ppTendon lattice**: returns a pointer to tendon's lattice RETURNS err |
Method | JointDeleteTendon | err JointDeleteTendon( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Delete a tendon's lattice around the specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS err |
Method | JointGetAxis | err JointGetAxis( joint* pJoint, i dof, Vec3f_p pAxis ) PURPOSE Get a center of specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: degree of freedom pAxis Vec3f_p: pointer to World coordinates RETURNS err |
Method | JointGetBones | err JointGetBones( joint* pJoint, gnode** ppGNode1, gnode** ppGNode2 ) PURPOSE Get pinters to two objects linked with the specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint ppGNode1 gnode**: pointer to linked sub-object 1 ppGNode2 gnode**: pointer to linked sub-object 2 RETURNS err |
Method | JointGetConnectors | err JointGetConnectors( joint* pJoint, Vec3f_p pCon1, Vec3f_p pCon2 ) PURPOSE Get vectors pointing from the center of the joint toward centers of linked objects. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint pCon1 Vec3f_p: pointer to connector to object1 pCon2 Vec3f_p: pointer to connector to object2 RETURNS err |
Method | JointGetLocation | err JointGetLocation( joint* pJoint, Vec3f_p pLoc ) PURPOSE Get a center of specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint pLoc Vec3f_p: pointer to World coordinates RETURNS err |
Method | JointLinkBones | err JointLinkBones( joint* pJoint, gnode* pGNode1, gnode* pGNode2 ) PURPOSE Link specified two objects with the specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint pGNode1 gnode*: sub-object 1 to link pGNode2 gnode*: sub-object 2 to link RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetAxis | err JointSetAxis( joint* pJoint, i dof, Vec3f_p pAxis ) PURPOSE Set a new center of specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: degree of freedom pAxis Vec3f_p: pointer to World coordinates RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetConnectors | err JointSetConnectors( joint* pJoint, Vec3f_p pCon1, Vec3f_p pCon2 ) PURPOSE Set new vectors for connectors. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint pCon1 Vec3f_p: pointer to connector to object1 pCon2 Vec3f_p: pointer to connector to object2 RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetContractor | err JointSetContractor( joint* pJoint, bone* pBone ) PURPOSE Set a bone whose muscle will be contracted by bending of specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint pBone bone*: a pointer to new contractor. pBone has to be one of two bones linked by the joint. RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetDoF | err JointSetDoF( joint* pJoint, i dof ) PURPOSE Set a new set of degrees of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: set of active degrees of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_... ) RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetLimits | err JointSetLimits( joint* pJoint, i dof, BOOL limits ) PURPOSE Activate/Deactivate limits for specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_...) limits BOOL: TRUE activates limits, FALSE deactivates limits. RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetLocation | err JointSetLocation( joint* pJoint, Vec3f_p pLoc ) PURPOSE Set a new center of specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint pLoc Vec3f_p: pointer to World coordinates RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetMaxLimit | err JointSetMaxLimit( joint* pJoint, i dof, f upLimit ) PURPOSE Set a new upper limit for specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_...) upLimit f: an angle in radians for rotational DoF, an offset in meters for translational DoF. RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetMinLimit | err JointSetMinLimit( joint* pJoint, i dof, f downLimit ) PURPOSE Set a new lower limit for specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_...) downLimit f: an angle in radians for rotational DoF, an offset in meters for translational DoF. RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetStiffness | err JointSetStiffness( joint* pJoint, i dof, f stiffness ) PURPOSE Set a new stiffness for specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom (see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_...) stiffness f: stiffness (0.0 - 1000.0) RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetTendonRate | err JointSetTendonRate( joint* pJoint, f rate ) PURPOSE Set a rate between tendon and neigboring muscles. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint rate f: tendon rate for skinning. Rate is a number from range ( 0.0 , 1.0 ). RETURNS err |
Method | JointSetValue | err JointSetValue( joint* pJoint, i dof, f value ) PURPOSE Set a new value for specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_... ) value f: an angle in radians for rotational DoF, an offset in meters for translational DoF. RETURNS err |
Method | LatheGetEdge | err LatheGetEdge( EdgeArray_p pEdge ); (no description) |
Method | LatheSetEdge | err LatheSetEdge( EdgeArray_p pEdge ); (no description) |
Method | LatticeCreate | err LatticeCreate( lattice** ppLattice, mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Create a default Lattice (2 x 2 x 2 chunks of degree 3) around specified object. PARAMETERS ppLattice lattice**: a pointer to lattice pMNode mnode*: object RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeDeformObject | err LatticeDeformObject( lattice* pLattice, mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Deform an object by stand-alone deformation. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pMNode mnode*: object RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeDeselectAll | err LatticeDeselectAll( lattice* pLattice ) PURPOSE Deselect all control points. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeDeselectCross | err LatticeDeselectCross( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p pPoint ) PURPOSE Deselect control point with neigboring points. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pPoint LatticeVector_p: pointer to coordinates of the control point RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeDeselectFloor | err LatticeDeselectFloor( lattice* pLattice, LatticeFloor_p pFloor ) PURPOSE Deselect floor of control points. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pFloor LatticeFloor_p: pointer to specification of floor RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeDeselectLayer | err LatticeDeselectLayer( lattice* pLattice, LatticeFloor_p pFloor ) PURPOSE Deselect floor of control points with neighboring floors. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pFloor LatticeFloor_p: pointer to specification of floor RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeDeselectPoint | err LatticeDeselectPoint( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p pPoint ) PURPOSE Deselect control point. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pPoint LatticeVector_p: pointer to coordinates of the control point RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeGetResolution | err LatticeGetResolution( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p chunks, LatticeVector_p degrees ) PURPOSE Get number of chunks and their degrees. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice chunks LatticeVector_p: number of chunks along S, T, and U vector degrees LatticeVector_p: degree of chunk along S, T, and U vector RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeGetShape | err LatticeGetShape( lattice* pLattice, Vec3f_p X0, Vec3f_p S, Vec3f_p T, Vec3f_p U ) PURPOSE Get center and edges of lattice. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice X0 Vec3f_p: local center of the lattice S Vec3f_p: orientation and length of S vector T Vec3f_p: orientation and length of T vector U Vec3f_p: orientation and length of U vector RETURNS err |
Method | LatticePointsGetAxesOrientation | err LatticePointsGetAxesOrientation( lattice* pLattice, Axes3f_p axes ) PURPOSE Get the axes orientation for selected control points, as a triple of normalized orthogonal vectors. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice axes Axes3f_p: RETURNS err. |
Method | LatticePointsGetAxesPosition | err LatticePointsGetAxesPosition( lattice* pLattice, Vec3f_p posn ) PURPOSE Get the position of the center of selected control points in World coordinates. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice posn Vec3f_p: a pointer to a 3-vector RETURNS err |
Method | LatticePointsRotate | err LatticePointsRotate( lattice* pLattice, Vec3f_p pCenter, Vec3f_p pAxis, f fAngle, e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Rotate the selected control points of specified lattice. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pCenter Vec3f_p: Center of rotation. pAxis Vec3f_p: Rotation axis passing thru pCenter. fAngle f: Radians. Rotation angle. frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: RETURNS err |
Method | LatticePointsScale | err LatticePointsScale( lattice* pLattice, Vec3f_p pScaleFacs, e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Scale the selected control points of specified lattice. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pScaleFacs Vec3f_p: x, y, z scale factors (non-zero) frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: Reference frame for the scaling axes RETURNS err |
Method | LatticePointsSetAxesOrientation | err LatticePointsSetAxesOrientation( lattice* pLattice, Axes3f_p axes ) PURPOSE Set the axes orientation for selected control points, as a triple of normalized orthogonal vectors. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice axes Axes3f_p: pointer to a triple of normalized orthogonal vectors RETURNS err. |
Method | LatticePointsSetAxesPosition | err LatticePointsSetAxesPosition( lattice* pLattice, Vec3f_p posn ) PURPOSE Set the position of the center of selected control points in World coordinates. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice posn Vec3f_p: a pointer to a 3-vector RETURNS err |
Method | LatticePointsTranslate | err LatticePointsTranslate( lattice* pLattice, Vec3f_p pVec, e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Move the selected control points of specified lattice PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pVec Vec3f_p: translation vector frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: Reference frame for pVec RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeSelectCross | err LatticeSelectCross( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p pPoint ) PURPOSE Select control point with neigboring points. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pPoint LatticeVector_p: pointer to coordinates of the control point RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeSelectFloor | err LatticeSelectFloor( lattice* pLattice, LatticeFloor_p pFloor ) PURPOSE Select floor of control points. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pFloor LatticeFloor_p: pointer to specification of floor RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeSelectLayer | err LatticeSelectLayer( lattice* pLattice, LatticeFloor_p pFloor ) PURPOSE Select floor of control points with neighboring floors. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pFloor LatticeFloor_p: pointer to specification of floor RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeSelectPoint | err LatticeSelectPoint( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p pPoint ) PURPOSE Select control point. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pPoint LatticeVector_p: pointer to coordinates of the control point RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeSetResolution | err LatticeSetResolution( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p chunks, LatticeVector_p degrees ) PURPOSE Set number of chunks and their degrees. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice chunks LatticeVector_p: number of chunks along S, T, and U vector degrees LatticeVector_p: degree of chunk along S, T, and U vector RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeSetShape | err LatticeSetShape( lattice* pLattice, Vec3f_p X0, Vec3f_p S, Vec3f_p T, Vec3f_p U ) PURPOSE Set center and edges of lattice. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice X0 Vec3f_p: local center of the lattice S Vec3f_p: orientation and length of S vector T Vec3f_p: orientation and length of T vector U Vec3f_p: orientation and length of U vector RETURNS err |
Method | LatticeStopDeformObject | err LatticeStopDeformObject( lattice* pLattice, mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Stop deforming of an object by stand-alone deformation. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pMNode mnode*: object RETURNS err |
Method | LightCreateInScene | err LightCreateInScene( e_tsxLT_xxxx LtType ) PURPOSE Creates a Light of specified LtType at world origin, with default position, orientation and attributes. On success, the new Light is the currently selected object. Default location: Spot, Local -- (0,0,1), Infinite -- (0,0,0). Default orientation: 180 deg rotation about world X, making its Z axis point towards the world origin (spot, infinite). The axes are aligned as follows: X aligned with World X, Y and Z aligned with world negative Y and negative Z. PARAMETERS LtType e_tsxLT_xxxx: type of the light created RETURNS err |
Method | MaterialCreate | err MaterialCreate( mate** ppMatrl ) PURPOSE Create a new material object with default properties: - reflection shading = tsxSHADER_FLAT - Surface smoothness = tsxFACET_FACETED - alpha-chanel = 1 - index of refraction = 1 - Texture U repeats = 1 - Texture V repeats = 1 - Bump U repeats = 1 - Bump V repeats = 1 - Bump amplitude = 1 - Zero (0) in the rest of the fields Ptr to new object assigned to ppMatrl on success. PARAMETERS ppMatrl mate**: a pointer to a pointer to the new material RETURNS err |
Method | MaterialCreateCopy | err MaterialCreateCopy( mate** ppNewMatrl, mate* pOldMatrl ) PURPOSE Create a new material object, with same properties as pOldMatrl. Ptr to new object assigned to ppNewMatrl on success. PARAMETERS ppNewMatrl mate**: a pointer to a pointer to the new material pOldMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material being copied RETURNS err |
Method | MaterialCreateCopyActive | err MaterialCreateCopyActive( mate** ppMatrl ) PURPOSE Create a new material object, with same properties as the Active Material. Ptr to new object assigned to ppMatrl on success. PARAMETERS ppMatrl mate**: a pointer to a pointer to the new material RETURNS err |
Method | MaterialGetTextureFromProceduralColor | err MaterialGetTextureFromProceduralColor( mate* mat, Image *image ) PURPOSE Compute the texture image from the procedural color shader PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material image Image*: pointer to the resulting texture image computed RETURNS err: tsxERR_SUCCESS if successful, error code otherwise |
Method | MetaballConvertToPoly | err MetaballConvertToPoly( mball* pMetaball, bool ask, mnode **pPolyh ) PURPOSE Converts Metaball object to polyhedral mesh PARAMETERS pMetaball mball *: pointer to a metaball object ask bool: e_tsxTRUE to allow trueSpace to ask the user to confirm the conversion, e_tsxFALSE otherwise pPolyh mnode**: pointer to the converted polyhedron RETURNS err: |
Method | MetaballEditMode | err MetaballEditMode( mball* pMetaball, bool start ) PURPOSE Start/stop the metaball edit mode for metaball object. PARAMETERS pMetaball mball *: pointer to a metaball object start bool: e_tsxTRUE to start the edit mode, e_tsxFALSE to stop it RETURNS err: |
Method | MiscBenchmarkAnimation | err MiscBenchmarkAnimation( f* totalTime, f* averageFPS, f* minFPS ); (no description) |
Method | MiscBenchmarkRender | err MiscBenchmarkRender( f* totalTime ); (no description) |
Method | MtoolInstall | err MtoolInstall( i tsxid, tsxMtoolMsg pMtoolMsgFunc, tsxMtoolClick pMtoolEventFunc ) PURPOSE Install the mouse-tool if the eXtension is active. Function pointers cannot be NULL. PARAMETERS tsxid i: extension-id (see tsxGetData) pMtoolMsgFunc tsxMtoolMsg: mouse-tool-message callback pMtoolEventFunc tsxMtoolClick: mouse-event callback RETURNS err |
Method | MuscleAddVertices | err MuscleAddVertices( lattice* pMuscle, polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrVertices, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Add a list of vertices of specified polyhedron to specified muscle. While each vertex can be only in one muscle or tendon, they all are removed from other muscles and tendons. PARAMETERS pMuscle lattice*: a pointer to muscle's lattice pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron. INbrVertices i: a number of vertices pVertexIndices i*: an array of indices. RETURNS err |
Method | MuscleRemoveVertices | err MuscleRemoveVertices( lattice* pMuscle, polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrVertices, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Remove a list of vertices of specified polyhedron from specified muscle. Vertices are not automaticaly moved into other muscle or tendon. PARAMETERS pMuscle lattice*: a pointer to muscle's lattice pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron. INbrVertices i: a number of vertices pVertexIndices i*: an array of indices. RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveChordLengthKnots | err NCurveChordLengthKnots( ncurve *nc, bool piecewise_bezier ) PURPOSE Generate knot vector for the curve. Knot spacing will depend on distances between control points. This produces better, more uniform, curve parameterization than equally spaced knots. Shape of the curve, however, is not affected by parameterization (you'll get the same shape with equally spaced knots and chord length knots). PARAMETERS nc tsxNCurve*: pointer to the curve piecewise_bezier bool: create knots for piecewise Bezier curve (multiple knots) or for ordinary NURBS curve (no multiple knots) RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveClear | err NCurveClear( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Bring curve to an empty state (0 control points). PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveCreate | err NCurveCreate( ncurve **nc ) PURPOSE Create an empty curve. The Model-Axes are set to World axes. Vertex transformation matrix is set to identity matrix. PARAMETERS nc ncurve**: pointer to a pointer to new curve RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveDerivCurves | err NCurveDerivCurves( ncurve *nc, i max_deriv, DerivCurves_p *der_curves ) PURPOSE Compute derivative curves for the curve. Derivative curves are used for curve derivatives computation: k-th derivative of the curve at parameter u is computed by evaluation of its k-th derivative curve at u. This is done in tsxNCurveDerivs. PARAMETERS nc tsxNCurve*: pointer to the curve max_deriv i: number of derivatives to consider (0-th to max_deriv-th) der_curves DerivCurves_p: pointer to empty structure for keeping derivative curves RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveDerivs | err NCurveDerivs( DerivCurves_p *der_curves, i max_deriv, f u, Vec3f_p *derivs ) PURPOSE Compute derivatives of the curve at given parameter. PARAMETERS der_curves DerivCurves_p: pointer to structure keeping derivative curves initialized by tsxNCurveDerivCurves max_deriv i: number of derivatives to compute (0-th to max_deriv-th) u f: curve parameter derivs Vec3f_p: pointer to array to store computed derivatives (0-th to max_deriv-th) RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveEquallySpacedKnots | err NCurveEquallySpacedKnots( ncurve *nc, bool piecewise_bezier ) PURPOSE Generate knot vector for the curve. Knots will be equally spaced. PARAMETERS nc tsxNCurve*: pointer to the curve piecewise_bezier bool: create knots for piecewise Bezier curve (multiple knots) or for ordinary NURBS curve (no multiple knots) RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveFrames | err NCurveFrames( ncurve *nc, f *u_parms, i nparms, Vec3f_p *frm_pos, Axes3f_p *frm_axes ) PURPOSE Find curve frame - local coordinate system - for each given u parameter. Frame origin is at curve point with parameter u, x axis is parallel to 1-st derivative (curve tangent) at this point and axes y and z are chosen. Algorithm avoids oscillation of y and z axes. PARAMETERS nc tsxNCurve*: pointer to the curve u_parms f*: pointer to array of u parameters nparms i: number of u parameters frm_pos Vec3f_p: pointer to array to store origins of computed frames frm_axes Axes3f_p: pointer to array to store axes of computed frames RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveGetSelectedCntlPoint | err NCurveGetSelectedCntlPoint( ncurve *nc, i *idx ) PURPOSE Get index of selected control point of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve idx i*: place to store the index of selected control point RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveInvert | err NCurveInvert( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Invert the curve, i.e. flip its direction. PARAMETERS nc tsxNCurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveMarkCntlPointChange | err NCurveMarkCntlPointChange( ncurve *nc, i i ) PURPOSE Mark control point of the curve as changed. During vertex animation recording only the information for marked points will be saved. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve i i: index of changed control point RETURNS err |
Method | NCurvePoint | err NCurvePoint( ncurve *nc, f u, Vec3f_p *pnt ) PURPOSE Get point on the curve at given u parameter. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve u f: u parameter of the point pnt Vec3f_p: place to store computed point RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveRefineKnotVector | err NCurveRefineKnotVector( ncurve *nc, f *knots, i nknots ) PURPOSE Insert new knots into existing curve knot vector at one step. Knot insertion results in change of number of control points too: one point per one inserted knot. Knot insertion doesn't change the shape of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve knots f*: pointer to array of knots to be inserted nknots i: number of knots RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveResetMarkedCntlPts | err NCurveResetMarkedCntlPts( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Mark all control points of the curve as unchanged. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveSelectCntlPoint | err NCurveSelectCntlPoint( ncurve *nc, i idx ) PURPOSE Select control point of the curve. Call tsxNCurveBuildVisRep to highlight the selected point. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve idx i: index to array of curve's control points RETURNS err |
Method | NCurveToPiecewiseBezier | err NCurveToPiecewiseBezier( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Turn general NURBS curve into piecewise Bezier curve. Shape of the curve won't be changed, only some control points and knots will be added. PARAMETERS nc tsxNCurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchBuildVisRep | err NPatchBuildVisRep( npatch *np, bool cmesh, bool iso, bool facets, i flags ) PURPOSE Build visual representation of the patch. Parts to be rebuilt (facets, isocurves, control mesh) must be specified. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch cmesh bool: show control mesh iso bool: build isocurves facets bool: build facets flags i: can be tsxNPATCH_VR_DRAG (use coarse facetizations because we're in mouse drag) RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchBuildVisRepAuto | err NPatchBuildVisRepAuto( npatch *np, i flags ) PURPOSE Automatically build visual representation of the patch. I.e. create facets if solid display mode is active and/or create isocurves if wireframe display mode is active and/or build net connecting control points if its display is enabled. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch flags i: can be tsxNPATCH_VR_DRAG (use coarse facetizations because we're in mouse drag) RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchChordLengthKnots | err NPatchChordLengthKnots( npatch *np, bool piecewise_bezier ) PURPOSE Generate knot vectors for the patch. Knot spacing will depend on distances between control points. This produces better, more uniform, patch parameterization than equally spaced knots. Shape of the patch, however, is not affected by parameterization (you'll get the same shape with equally spaced knots and chord length knots). PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch piecewise_bezier bool: create knots for piecewise Bezier patch (multiple knots) or for ordinary NURBS patch (no multiple knots) RETURNS bool |
Method | NPatchClear | err NPatchClear( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Bring patch to an empty state (0 x 0 control points). PARAMETERS np npatch *: pointer to the curve RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchCreate | err NPatchCreate( npatch **np ) PURPOSE Create an empty patch. Vertex transformation matrix is set to identity matrix. PARAMETERS np npatch**: pointer to a pointer to new patch RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchDeselectAll | err NPatchDeselectAll( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Deselect all patch control point. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchDeselectCntlPts | err NPatchDeselectCntlPts( npatch *np, i npnts, i *i_indices, i *j_indices ) PURPOSE Deselect patch control points. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch npts i: number of points to deselect i_indices i*: pointer to array of indices (U direction) of control points j_indices i*: pointer to array of indices (V direction) of control points RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchEditMoveAnimPoint | err NPatchEditMoveAnimPoint( npatch *np, i i, i j, Vec3f_p *move, f key_frame ) PURPOSE Function to apply movement to one animated patch point in given key-frame and to update adjacent points too to keep the patch smooth. If the point is on the seam of closed patch, update all necessary points to keep continuity. Patch edit tool must be active (tsxNPatchEditActivate()) before call. PARAMETERS np npatch*: NURBs patch i i: u-index of the point to manipulate j i: v-index of the point to manipulate move Vec3f_p: vector specifying the translation of the point key_frame f: key-frame time at which to apply the 'move' to point Pij RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchEquallySpacedKnots | err NPatchEquallySpacedKnots( npatch *np, bool piecewise_bezier ) PURPOSE Generate knot vectors for the patch. Knots will be equally spaced. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch piecewise_bezier bool: create knots for piecewise Bezier patch (multiple knots) or for ordinary NURBS patch (no multiple knots) RETURNS bool |
Method | NPatchExtractIsocurve | err NPatchExtractIsocurve( npatch *np, e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x dir, f u, ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Extract isoparametric curve from the patch in given direction for constant u or v parameter. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch dir e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x: parametric direction (e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_U or e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_V) u f: iso parameter nc ncurve*: Pointer to the curve. If the curve is not empty, its data will be freed before extraction. RETURNS err: |
Method | NPatchGetSelectedCntlPts | err NPatchGetSelectedCntlPts( npatch *np, i *npnts, i *i_indices, i *j_indices ) PURPOSE Get indices of all selected patch control points. PARAMETERS np npatch*: Pointer to the patch npts i*: Number of selected control points i_indices i*: Pointer to buffer to store indices (U direction) of control points. Buffer length must be equal to number of control points of the patch. j_indices i*: pointer to buffer to store indices (V direction) of control points. Buffer length must be equal to number of control points of the patch. RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchInvert | err NPatchInvert( npatch *np, e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x dir ) PURPOSE Invert the patch, i.e. flip its direction, in U or V direction. Inversion changes surface orientation (normals are flipped). PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch dir e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x: parametric direction (e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_U or e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_V) RETURNS err: |
Method | NPatchLineIntersection | err NPatchLineIntersection( npatch *np, Vec3f_p *p1, Vec3f_p *p2, f tolerance, i max_unmerg_inters, Vec2f_p **inters, i *ninters ) PURPOSE Find intersections of the patch with a line. PARAMETERS np npatch*: Pointer to the patch p1 Vec3f_p: Pointer to first line point p2 Vec3f_p: Pointer to second line point tolerance f: Tolerance. All computed intersections will be distant from real intersections at most 'tolerance' world units. Set to -1 to use default tolerance. max_unmerg_inters i: Max number of unmerged intersections to find (there's 4 times more unmerged intersections, in average, than final intersections). Set to -1 to use default value. Lower value can be faster in tangential case (line almost tangent to surface), but not all intersection must be found. inters Vec2f: Pointer to pointer to array intersections' UV coordinates. Array must be freed after use. ninters i*: Pointer to number of intersection RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchMarkCntlPointChange | err NPatchMarkCntlPointChange( npatch *np, i i, i j ) PURPOSE Mark control point of the patch as changed. During vertex animation recording only the information for marked points will be saved. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch i i: index of control point (U direction) j i: index of control point (V direction) RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchPoint | err NPatchPoint( npatch *np, f u, f v, Vec3f_p *pnt ) PURPOSE Get point on the patch at given u,v parameters. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch u f: u parameter v f: v parameter pnt Vec3f_p: computed patch point RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchRefineKnotVector | err NPatchRefineKnotVector( npatch *np, f *knots, i nknots, e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_x dir ) PURPOSE Insert new knots into existing knot vector of the patch at one step. Knot insertion results in change of number of control points too: one row of control points per one inserted knot. Knot insertion doesn't change the shape of the patch. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch knots f*: pointer to array of knots to be inserted nknots i: number of knots dir e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_x: e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_U or e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_V RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchRefineKnotVectorExt | err NPatchRefineKnotVectorExt( npatch *np, f *knots, i nknots, e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_x dir, i *newrow ) PURPOSE The same functionality as tsxNPatchRefineKnotVector but returns index of new created row of interpolation control points. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch knots f*: pointer to array of knots to be inserted nknots i: number of knots dir e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_x: e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_U or e_tsxNPATCH_KNOT_VECTOR_V newrow i*: index of the row created RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchResetMarkedCntlPts | err NPatchResetMarkedCntlPts( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Mark all control points of the patch as unchanged. PARAMETERS np npatch*: Pointer to the patch RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchSelectCntlPts | err NPatchSelectCntlPts( npatch *np, i npnts, i *i_indices, i *j_indices ) PURPOSE Select patch control points. Points will be highlighted. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch npts i: number of points to select i_indices i*: pointer to array of indices (U direction) of control points j_indices i*: pointer to array of indices (V direction) of control points RETURNS err |
Method | NPatchToPiecewiseBezier | err NPatchToPiecewiseBezier( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Turn general NURBS patch into piecewise Bezier patch. Shape of the patch won't be changed, only some control points and knots will be added. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS err |
Method | PathFromAnimation | err PathFromAnimation( path** ppPath, sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Attach copy of animation data of Sobj to the Path. PARAMETERS ppPath path**: returns a pointer to a newly created Path pSobj sobj*: a pointer to Sobj RETURNS err |
Method | PathFromMacro | err PathFromMacro( path** ppPath ) PURPOSE Transform Macro data from sweeping tool into MOVE, ROTATE, and SCALE animation data attached to the Path. PARAMETERS ppPath path**: returns a pointer to a newly created Path RETURNS err |
Method | PathFromNCurve | err PathFromNCurve( path** ppPath, ncurve *nc, tsxNCURVESAMPLING sampling, f max_angle, i curve_subdiv, i n_segments ) PURPOSE This function creates a line of the same shape as the original NURBs curve. PARAMETERS ppPath path**: returns a pointer to a newly created Path nc ncurve*: NURBs curve to create path from sampling tsxNCURVESAMPLING: sampling method to be used for the conversion max_angle f: maximum tangent deviation that doesn't emit key frame in case of e_tsxTRACK sampling curve_subdiv i: number of curve subdivisions in case of e_tsxHOMOGENOUS sampling n_segments i: number of segments in case of e_tsxSEGMENTS sampling RETURNS err |
Method | PathFromPolygon | err PathFromPolygon( path** ppPath, polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE This function creates a line of the same shape with as many control points as there are vertices in the polygon. tsxPathFromPolygon() is not a symmetrical function to tsxPathToPolygon( ). A path specifies a spline line. When this spline line is turned to a polygon, the spline related information is not associated with the resulted polygon. Thus it is not possible to restore the same spline line from the polygon. PARAMETERS ppPath path**: returns a pointer to a newly created Path pPolyh ponter to polygon RETURNS err |
Method | PathToMacro | err PathToMacro( path* pPath ) PURPOSE Transform MOVE, ROTATE, and SCALE animation data attached to the Path into Macro for sweeping tool. PARAMETERS pPath path*: a pointer to Path RETURNS err |
Method | PathToPolygon | err PathToPolygon( path* pPath, polyh** ppPolyh ) PURPOSE Transform MOVE animation data attached to the Path into polygon. Spline path for MOVE animation is projected into World X-Y plane and transformed into plane polygon. PARAMETERS pPath path*: a pointer to Path ppPolyh polyh**: returns a pointer to a newly created Polyhedron RETURNS err |
Method | PhysSimSetFixationPoints | err PhysSimSetFixationPoints( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p vecFx1, Vec3f_p vecFx2, Vec3f_p vecFx3, i valid ) PURPOSE Sets fixation points for specified phys sim object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object vecFx1 Vec3f_p : the first fixation point vecFx2 Vec3f_p : the second fixation point vecFx3 Vec3f_p : the third fixation point valid i: number of valid fixation points that will be set RETURNS err |
Method | PhysSimSetPerPrimStatus | err PhysSimSetPerPrimStatus( sobj *pObj, bool value ) PURPOSE Sets for specified phys sim object to simulate physics for each primitive. Notes: - If the status is changing, animation of the object will be deleted. - It is necessary to unselect the object if it is selected. Otherwise the selection will not working properly. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value bool: e_tsxTRUE = simulate each primitive separately RETURNS err: |
Method | PipeSurfConstruct | err PipeSurfConstruct( ncurve *prof, ncurve *rail, i snap, bool snap_align, bool apply_snap, i tracking, f pnt_parm, Vec3f_p *trk_pnt, npatch *np ) PURPOSE Build pipe surface given by profile and rail curve. PARAMETERS prof ncurve*: Pointer to profile curve rail ncurve*: Pointer to rail curve snap i: Tells whether profile or rail stays on place: tsxPIPE_SNAP_PROF_TO_RAIL - rail stays on place tsxPIPE_SNAP_RAIL_TO_PROF - profile stays on place snap_align bool: Align prof's normal with rail's tangent at u = 0 before sweeping apply_snap bool: Apply snap transformation to original curve tracking i: Tells which point of profile will track the rail: tsxPIPE_TRACK_CENTER - profile's center tracks the rail tsxPIPE_TRACK_U_PNT - profile's point given by pnt_parm tracks the rail tsxPIPE_TRACK_WLD_PNT - given world point tracks the rail pnt_parm f: U parameter value for point on profile (tsxPIPE_TRACK_U_PNT) trk_pnt Vec3f_p: Pointer to world point for tsxPIPE_TRACK_WLD_PNT np npatch*: Pointer to output patch. If it's not empty, its data will be freed before the operation. Transformation matrix of the patch will not change. RETURNS err |
Method | PointsBevel | err PointsBevel( void ) PURPOSE Bevel selected faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsClear | err PointsClear( void ) PURPOSE Deactivate point-edit. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsErase | err PointsErase( void ) PURPOSE Erase all selected vertices, edges and faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsGetAxesOrientation | err PointsGetAxesOrientation( Axes3f_p axes ) PURPOSE Get the axes orientation for selected points, as a triple of normalized orthogonal vectors. PARAMETERS axes Axes3f_p: RETURNS err. |
Method | PointsGetAxesPosition | err PointsGetAxesPosition( Vec3f_p posn ) PURPOSE Get the position of the center of selected points in World coordinates. PARAMETERS posn Vec3f_p: a pointer to a 3-vector RETURNS err |
Method | PointsLathe | err PointsLathe( void ) PURPOSE Lathe selected faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsMacroSweep | err PointsMacroSweep( void ) PURPOSE Sweep selected faces of currently selected object along the active Macro. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsPaint | err PointsPaint( void ); (no description) |
Method | PointsQuadDiv | err PointsQuadDiv( void ) PURPOSE QuadDivide the selected faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsRotate | err PointsRotate( Vec3f_p pCenter, Vec3f_p pAxis, f fAngle, e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Rotate the selected vertices, edges, and faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS pCenter Vec3f_p: Center of rotation. pAxis Vec3f_p: Rotation axis passing thru pCenter. fAngle f: Radians. Rotation angle. frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: RETURNS err |
Method | PointsScale | err PointsScale( Vec3f_p pScaleFacs, e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Scale the selected vertices, edges, and faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS pScaleFacs Vec3f_p: x, y, z scale factors ( non-zero ) frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: Reference frame for the scaling axes RETURNS err |
Method | PointsSeparate | err PointsSeparate( void ) PURPOSE Separate all selected faces of currently selected object from the rest of the object to form a new object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsSetAxesOrientation | err PointsSetAxesOrientation( Axes3f_p axes ) PURPOSE Set the axes orientation for selected points, as a triple of normalized orthogonal vectors. PARAMETERS axes Axes3f_p: pointer to a triple of normalized orthogonal vectors RETURNS err. |
Method | PointsSetAxesPosition | err PointsSetAxesPosition( Vec3f_p posn ) PURPOSE Set the position of the center of selected points in World coordinates. PARAMETERS posn Vec3f_p: a pointer to a 3-vector RETURNS err |
Method | PointsSmoothDiv | err PointsSmoothDiv( void ) PURPOSE SmoothDivide the selected faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsSweep | err PointsSweep( void ) PURPOSE Sweep selected faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsTip | err PointsTip( void ) PURPOSE Tip selected faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PointsTranslate | err PointsTranslate( Vec3f_p pVec, e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Move the selected vertices, edges, and faces of currently selected object. PARAMETERS pVec Vec3f_p: translation vector frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: Reference frame for pVec RETURNS err |
Method | PointsUVMap | err PointsUVMap( void ); (no description) |
Method | PointsWeld | err PointsWeld( void ) PURPOSE Merge each group of selected vertices that are interconnected by edges ( of currently selected object ) into one vertex. PARAMETERS RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhComputeFaceAdjacency | err PolyhComputeFaceAdjacency( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Set up the `nextfaceix' fields in FaceVx_p structs. To be called after all the other Face-Vertex data has been set for all faces. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhCreate | err PolyhCreate( polyh** ppPolyh ) PURPOSE Create an empty Polyhedron (0 vertices and faces). The Model-Axes are set to the World Axes. The Vertex Transformation Matrix is set to the identity matrix with no translation. PARAMETERS ppPolyh polyh**: a pointer to a pointer to the new polyhedron RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhDeselectAll | err PolyhDeselectAll( polyh* pPolyh ); (no description) |
Method | PolyhDeselectEdges | err PolyhDeselectEdges( polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrEdges, EdgeArray_p pEdges ) PURPOSE Deselect specified edges. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrEdges i: a number of edges to deselect pEdges EdgeArray_p: an array of edges to deselect RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhDeselectFaces | err PolyhDeselectFaces( polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrFaces, i* pFaceIndices ) PURPOSE Deselect specified faces. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrFaces i: a number of faces to deselect pFaceIndices i*: an array of indices of faces to deselect RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhDeselectVertices | err PolyhDeselectVertices( polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrVertices, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Deselect specified vertices. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrVertices i: a number of vertices to deselect pVertexIndices i*: an array of indices of vertices to deselect RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhInitializeMaterials | err PolyhInitializeMaterials( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Assign active material to entire Polyhedron. Call this function AFTER setting/modifying a polyhedron's geometry, and BEFORE painting faces or vertices. Use other material functions to specify specific materials. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhInvertFaceNormals | err PolyhInvertFaceNormals( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Invert face normals. The geometry of the polyhedron is modified so that all faces are pointing the opposite way. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhKillEdge | err PolyhKillEdge( polyh* pPolyh, EdgeArray_p pEdge ) PURPOSE Kill an edge. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pEdge EdgeArray_p: start and end vertex of an edge RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhKillVertexOnEdge | err PolyhKillVertexOnEdge( polyh* pPolyh, i iVertex ) PURPOSE Kill a vertex on an edge. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iVertex i: an index of a vertex RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhMakeEdge | err PolyhMakeEdge( polyh* pPolyh, EdgeArray_p pEdge ) PURPOSE Make a new edge that connects two existing vertices. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pEdge EdgeArray_p: start and end vertex of the new edge RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhMakeEdgeFromVertex | err PolyhMakeEdgeFromVertex( polyh* pPolyh, EdgeArray_p pEdge, i iFace, Vec3f_p pVect ) PURPOSE Make a new vertex on a face and connect it by a new edge with a vertex. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pEdge EdgeArray_p: iStartVertex: an index of existing vertex iEndVertex: returns an index of a new vertex iFace i: an index of a face pVect Vec3f_p: local coordinates of the new vertex on the face RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhMakeEdgeOnFace | err PolyhMakeEdgeOnFace( polyh* pPolyh, EdgeArray_p pEdge, i iFace, Vec3f_p pVect1, Vec3f_p pVect2 ) PURPOSE Make a new edge on a face with two new vertices. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pEdge EdgeArray_p: returns indices of two new vertices iFace i: an index of a face pVect1 Vec3f_p: local coordinates of the start vertex pVect2 Vec3f_p: local coordinates of the end vertex RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhMakeFaceOnFace | err PolyhMakeFaceOnFace( polyh* pPolyh, i iFace, Vec3f_p pVect, i* iFace2 ) PURPOSE Make a new face on a face with the same shape scaled in. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iFace i: an index of a face pVect Vec3f_p: local coordinates of a point through which the new face will go iFace2 i*: returns an index of the new face RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhMakeVertexOnEdge | err PolyhMakeVertexOnEdge( polyh* pPolyh, i* iVertex, EdgeArray_p pEdge, f t ) PURPOSE Make a new vertex on an edge. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iVertex i*: returns an index of a new vertex pEdge EdgeArray_p: start and end vertex of the edge t f: relative position of the new vertex on the edge ( 0.0 : 1.0 ) RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhPhrenderFace | err PolyhPhrenderFace( polyh* pPolyh,i iFaceIndex ) PURPOSE Photo-render a face in the active view. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iFaceIndex i: index to the face to be rendered RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhSelectEdges | err PolyhSelectEdges( polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrEdges, EdgeArray_p pEdges ) PURPOSE Select specified edges. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrEdges i: a number of edges to select pEdges EdgeArray_p: an array of edges to select RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhSelectFaces | err PolyhSelectFaces( polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrFaces, i* pFaceIndices ) PURPOSE Select specified faces. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrFaces i: a number of faces to select pFaceIndices i*: an array of indices of faces to select RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhSelectVertices | err PolyhSelectVertices( polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrVertices, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Select specified vertices. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrVertices i: a number of vertices to select pVertexIndices i*: an array of indices of vertices to select RETURNS err |
Method | PolyhTessellate | err PolyhTessellate( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Tessellate the polyhedron. The geometry of the polyhedron is modified so that all faces are triangles. If the original polyhedron had some non-triangular faces, then the number of faces will probably increase. Actually replaces the internal face and related structures. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS err |
Method | QuaternionToEuler | err QuaternionToEuler( Quaternion_p *q,Vec3f_p *angles ) PURPOSE To get three euler angles representing a rotation specified by the quaternion. PARAMETERS q input quaternion angles output angles (stored in vector structure) RETURNS Nonzero if failed, otherwise tsxERR_SUCCESS |
Method | RegisterWidgetType | err RegisterWidgetType( char *widgetsname, tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx wdgIntAcs, tsxWDG_CreateWidget *tsxCreateWidgetCB, tsxWDG_CloneWidget *tsxCloneWidgetCB ) PURPOSE To register new type of widget. PARAMETERS widgetsname char*: a unique name of the registered widget's type wdgIntAcs tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx: the interface access flags tsxCreateWidgetCB tsxWDG_CreateWidget*: pointer to callback that will be called when a new widget should be created. tsxCloneWidgetCB tsxWDG_CloneWidget*: pointer to a callback that will be called when a widget should be cloned. Can be NULL and a standard function will be used. RETURNS err |
Method | RemoveAudio | err RemoveAudio( sobj* obj ); (no description) |
Method | RenderAViewRectangle | err RenderAViewRectangle( Rect_p *rectangle ); (no description) |
Method | RenderAViewRectangleToFile | err RenderAViewRectangleToFile( RenderToFileData *data, Rect_p *rectangle ); (no description) |
Method | RenderAViewToFile | err RenderAViewToFile( RenderToFileData *data ) PURPOSE Photo render active view with the output to the file PARAMETERS data RenderToFileData*: rendering parameters RETURNS err |
Method | SceneNew | err SceneNew() PURPOSE Create a new trueSpace scene. PARAMETERS None RETURNS err |
Method | ScriptAttach | err ScriptAttach( sobj *obj, char *filepath ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptCreate | err ScriptCreate( sobj* obj, char *data ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptGetEnable | err ScriptGetEnable( sobj* obj, BOOL *enable ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptGetFlags | err ScriptGetFlags( sobj* obj, UINT *flags ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptSetEnable | err ScriptSetEnable( sobj* obj, BOOL enable ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptSetFlags | err ScriptSetFlags( sobj* obj, UINT flags ); (no description) |
Method | SetIdenTransf | err SetIdenTransf( polyh* ); (no description) |
Method | SetObjDir | err SetObjDir( sobj* pSobj, char *pFileName, bool bUnique ) PURPOSE Set the full file name for an object. If NULL is specified, the file name will be deleted. If the file name needs to be unique for a whole scene, set bUnique to e_tsxTRUE PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: object pFileName char*: full object path to be set bUnique bool: set to e_tsxTRUE if you need the name to be unique RETURNS err |
Method | SkeletonAddBranch | err SkeletonAddBranch( skeleton* pSkeleton, joint** ppJoint, e_tsxJOINT_xxxx type, Vec3f_p pLoc, bone* pBone1, bone** ppBone2 ) PURPOSE Add a new joint of specified type that will link specified bone and a new bone. If the specified bone is not the leaf bone, the joint will start a new branch from the bone. PARAMETERS pSkeleton skeleton*: a pointer to Skeleton ppJoint joint**: returns a pointer to a new joint type e_tsxJOINT_xxxx: a type of a new joint pLoc Vec3f_p: joint's location pBone1 bone*: a pointer to bone 1 to link ppBone2 bone**: returns a pointer to new bone 2 linked with new joint RETURNS err |
Method | SkeletonAddJoint | err SkeletonAddJoint( skeleton* pSkeleton, joint** ppJoint, e_tsxJOINT_xxxx type, Vec3f_p pLoc, bone* pBone1, bone** ppBone2 ) PURPOSE Add a new joint of specified type. If the specified bone is not the leaf bone, the bone will be divided into two. Otherwise that will link specified bone and a new bone. PARAMETERS pSkeleton skeleton*: a pointer to Skeleton ppJoint joint**: returns a pointer to a new joint type e_tsxJOINT_xxxx: a type of a new joint pLoc Vec3f_p: joint's location pBone1 bone*: a pointer to bone 1 to link ppBone2 bone**: returns a pointer to new bone 2 linked with new joint RETURNS err |
Method | SkeletonAddSkin | err SkeletonAddSkin( skeleton* pSkeleton, mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Add specified object as a child to specified skeleton. PARAMETERS pSkeleton skeleton*: a pointer to Skeleton pMNode mnode*: a pointer to Skin RETURNS err |
Method | SkeletonAttachSkin | err SkeletonAttachSkin( skeleton* pSkeleton, mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Attach specified object as a skin to specified skeleton. All muscles around bones and tendons around joints will be automatically created. All vertices of the object will be added to closest muscle or tendon. PARAMETERS pSkeleton skeleton*: a pointer to Skeleton pMNode mnode*: a pointer to Skin RETURNS err |
Method | SkeletonCreate | err SkeletonCreate( skeleton** ppSkeleton, joint** ppJoint, e_tsxJOINT_xxxx type, Vec3f_p pLoc, bone** ppBone1, bone** ppBone2 ) PURPOSE Create a Skeleton object with one joint and two bones linked with this joint. PARAMETERS ppSkeleton skeleton**: returns a pointer to a new Skeleton ppJoint joint**: returns a pointer to a new joint type e_tsxJOINT_xxxx: a type of a new joint pLoc Vec3f_p: joint's location ppBone1 bone**: returns a pointer to new bone 1 linked with new joint ppBone2 bone**: returns a pointer to new bone 2 linked with new joint RETURNS err |
Method | SkeletonDeleteJoint | err SkeletonDeleteJoint( skeleton* pSkeleton, joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Delete specified joint. PARAMETERS pSkeleton skeleton*: a pointer to Skeleton pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS err |
Method | SkeletonDetachSkin | err SkeletonDetachSkin( skeleton* pSkeleton, mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Detach specified object from the skeleton. All vertices will be removed from muscles and tendons. PARAMETERS pSkeleton skeleton*: a pointer to Skeleton pMNode mnode*: a pointer to Skin RETURNS err |
Method | SkeletonNewBranch | err SkeletonNewBranch( skeleton* pSkeleton, joint** ppJoint, e_tsxJOINT_xxxx type, Vec3f_p pLoc, bone** ppBone1, bone** ppBone2 ) PURPOSE Add a new joint of specified type that will link two new bones. PARAMETERS pSkeleton skeleton*: a pointer to Skeleton ppJoint joint**: returns a pointer to a new joint type e_tsxJOINT_xxxx: a type of a new joint pLoc Vec3f_p: joint's location ppBone1 bone**: returns a pointer to new bone 1 linked with new joint ppBone2 bone**: returns a pointer to new bone 2 linked with new joint RETURNS err |
Method | SkinSurfConstruct | err SkinSurfConstruct( ncurve **ncs, i nnc, bool v_closed, bool simpler, npatch *np ) PURPOSE Build skin surface passing through set of N section curves. PARAMETERS ncs ncurve**: Pointer to array of pointers to section curves. They will be skinned in the order in which they appear in the array. nnc i: Number of section curves. v_closed bool: Produce V closed patch (smooth the seam). Has sense only if first and last curve are identical. simpler bool: Produce simpler surface. Can cause unwanted distortions to appear in case of nonhomogenously spaced control points (one curve has majority of them at its beginning and second on its end, for example), because 'simpler' ignores chord length knot parameterization of section curves (that reflect relative positions of their control points). When 'simpler' is not set, distortions will not appear (almost), but the patch will be denser. np npatch*: Pointer to output patch. If it's not empty, its data will be freed before the operation. Transformation matrix of the patch will not change. RETURNS err |
Method | SobjAddAttribute | err SobjAddAttribute( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Allow an animation of specified attribute for Sobj. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the attribute to be added (as animatable) RETURNS err |
Method | SobjAddChild | err SobjAddChild( sobj* pParent, sobj* pNewChild ); (no description) |
Method | SobjCopyScript | err SobjCopyScript( sobj* pSobjTo,sobj* pSobjFrom ) PURPOSE Copie animation of From object to destination To object PARAMETERS pSobjTo sobj*: target object pSobjFrom sobj*: source object RETURNS err |
Method | SobjCreateScript | err SobjCreateScript( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Create and attach a Script, if none present. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj RETURNS err |
Method | SobjDeleteScript | err SobjDeleteScript( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Delete animation for the object PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj RETURNS err |
Method | SobjGetMinMaxTime | err SobjGetMinMaxTime( sobj* pSobj,f* min,f* max ) PURPOSE Get time range of the whole animation of Sobj. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj min f*: time of the very first frame for this SObj max f*: time of the very last frame for this SObj RETURNS err |
Method | SobjInsertFrame | err SobjInsertFrame( sobj* pSobj,keyframe* pKFrame,long segment,f time ) PURPOSE Add Keyframe to obj, for specified attribute (and optional segment). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj pKFrame keyframe*: the new keyframe to add segment long: a segment identifier; used when an attribute can have several threads of keyframes, like vertex animation (one thread per animated vertex) or deformation animation. 0 if not used time f: time of the keyframe RETURNS err |
Method | SobjSetClosed | err SobjSetClosed( sobj* pSobj, bool closed, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, long segment ) PURPOSE Close or open animation path. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj closed bool: type of animation path - e_tsxTRUE: closed animation path - e_tsxFALSE: opened animation path keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the specified attribute segment long: an optional segment of the specified attribute ( 0 in none ) RETURNS err |
Method | SobjSetFrame | err SobjSetFrame( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Create Keyframe (at current active frame number) for object, for specified attributes. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the desired animatable attribute (see this data type) RETURNS err |
Method | SobjSetInterpolation | err SobjSetInterpolation( sobj* pSobj, bool splineInterpolation, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, long segment ) PURPOSE Set type of interpolation. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj splineInterpolation bool: type of interpolation - e_tsxTRUE: spline interpolation - e_tsxFALSE: linear interpolation keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the specified attribute segment long: an optional segment of the specified attribute ( 0 in none ) RETURNS err |
Method | SobjTreeCreateScript | err SobjTreeCreateScript( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Create and attach a Script, if none present for object and all its children PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj RETURNS err |
Method | SobjTreeDeleteScript | err SobjTreeDeleteScript( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Delete animation for object and all its children PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj RETURNS err |
Method | SobjTreeGetMinMaxTime | err SobjTreeGetMinMaxTime( sobj* pSobj,f* min,f* max ) PURPOSE Get time ranges of the whole animation of Sobj and all its children. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj min f*: time of the very first frame for this Sobj and its children max f*: time of the very last frame for this Sobj and its children RETURNS err |
Method | SobjUnsetFrame | err SobjUnsetFrame( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Delete Keyframe (at current active frame number) for object, for specified attributes. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the desired animatable attribute (see this data type) RETURNS err |
Method | StandaloneLatticeCreate | err StandaloneLatticeCreate( lattice** ppLattice, sadef** ppSADef, e_tsxSADEF_xxxx type ) PURPOSE Create stand-alone Lattice of specified type. Create a special object of sadef type to visualize the lattice (if ppSADef is specified). PARAMETERS ppLattice lattice**: a pointer to lattice ppSADef sadef**: a pointer to SADef object type e_tsxSADEF_xxxx: type of stand-alone deformation RETURNS err |
Method | StitchSurfConstruct | err StitchSurfConstruct( npatch *np1, e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x dir1, f parm1, npatch *np2, ncurve *trim2, e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x dir2, f parm2, bool simpler, i lev, f smooth, bool invert_edge, f u2_shift, f max_angle, npatch *stitch ) PURPOSE Stitch one patch to another (modify first patch to get smooth transition between the patches). PARAMETERS np1 npatch*: Pointer to patch1 (slave) dir1 e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x: Direction of np1's ordinary edge parm1 f: Parameter of np1's ordinary edge (0.0 or 1.0) np2 npatch*: Pointer to patch2 (master) trim2 ncurve*: Pointer to UV trimming curve of np2 (NULL if ordinary edge) dir2 e_tsxNPATCH_DIR_x: Direction of np2's ordinary edge parm2 f: Parameter of np2's ordinary edge (0.0 or 1.0) simpler bool: Produce simpler surface. lev i: Blending level on shared edge: tsxSTITCH_LEVEL_POSITION or tsxSTITCH_LEVEL_SMOOTHNESS smooth f: Smoothness factor (0.0 to 1.0) invert_edge bool: Invert edge to remove twist in blend u2_shift f: If both edges are closed, shift edge2's starting point to remove the twist (0.0 to 1.0) max_angle f: Precision of UV to 3D trimming curve sampling (use -1.0f for default) stitch npatch*: Pointer to output patch. If stitch == np1, np1 will be modified directly. If stitch is not empty, its data will be freed before the operation. Transformation matrix of the patch will not change. RETURNS err |
Method | SweepSetFloor | err SweepSetFloor( i floor ) PURPOSE Set a new active floor of swept part. PARAMETERS floor i: a number of floor RETURNS err |
Method | TendonAddVertices | err TendonAddVertices( lattice* pTendon, polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrVertices, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Add a list of vertices of specified polyhedron to specified tendon. While each vertex can be only in one muscle or tendon, they all are removed from other muscles and tendons. PARAMETERS pTendon lattice*: a pointer to tendon's lattice pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron. INbrVertices i: a number of vertices pVertexIndices i*: an array of indices. RETURNS err |
Method | TendonRemoveVertices | err TendonRemoveVertices( lattice* pTendon, polyh* pPolyh, i iNbrVertices, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Remove a list of vertices of specified polyhedron from specified tendon. Vertices are not automaticaly moved into other muscle or tendon. PARAMETERS pTendon lattice*: a pointer to tendon's lattice pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron. INbrVertices i: a number of vertices pVertexIndices i*: an array of indices. RETURNS err |
Method | TextureDirectory | err TextureDirectory( char* path ); (no description) |
Method | tsxClipsActivateClip | err tsxClipsActivateClip ( sobj* pSobj , char *name ) PURPOSE Activate clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsCleanupClip | err tsxClipsCleanupClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Update values and delete empty clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsCopyClip | err tsxClipsCopyClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name , sobj **ppClipboard ) PURPOSE Copy specified clip into clipboard. Clipboard object is allocated by trueSpace. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip ppClipboard sobj **: pointer to clipboard RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsCutClip | err tsxClipsCutClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name , sobj **ppClipboard ) PURPOSE Cut specified clip into clipboard. Clipboard object is allocated by trueSpace. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip ppClipboard sobj **: pointer to clipboard RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsDeleteClip | err tsxClipsDeleteClip ( sobj* pSobj , char *name ) PURPOSE Delete specified clip of the object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsDisableAllClips | err tsxClipsDisableAllClips ( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Disable all clips. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsDisableClip | err tsxClipsDisableClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Disable specified clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsEnableAllClips | err tsxClipsEnableAllClips ( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Enable all clips. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsEnableClip | err tsxClipsEnableClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Enable clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsInvalidate | err tsxClipsInvalidate ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Invalidate cashed values of the clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsLoopClip | err tsxClipsLoopClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name , i number ) PURPOSE Make clip to loop forever or stop looping the clip. TS6.5 does not support finite number of repetitions. This method only swithes to and from infinite looping. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip number i: set/clear looping. Despite its name, it only sets looping (non-zero values) or clears looping (zero) RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsMakeAbsolute | err tsxClipsMakeAbsolute ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Make the clip to play in world space. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsMakeRelative | err tsxClipsMakeRelative ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Make the clip to play in object's space. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsPasteClip | err tsxClipsPasteClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name , FLOAT at, sobj *pClipboard ) PURPOSE Paste the clip from clipboard to the object. Clip is renamed to specified name and it will start at specified time. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: new name of the clip at FLOAT: starting time (in frames) pClipboard sobj *: clipboard RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsRenameClip | err tsxClipsRenameClip ( sobj* pSobj , char *oldName, char *newName ) PURPOSE Rename clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj oldName char*: current name of the clip newName char*: new name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsReverseClip | err tsxClipsReverseClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Reverse an order of all key-frames of the clip. This method is not procedural and it is implemented directly on key-frames. It makes the clip to play backward. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsSetClipStartEnd | err tsxClipsSetClipStartEnd ( sobj* pSobj, char *name , FLOAT start, FLOAT end ) PURPOSE Shift and stretch clip to start and end in specified times. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip start FLOAT: new starting time (in frames) end FLOAT: new ending time (in frames) RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsShiftClip | err tsxClipsShiftClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name , FLOAT newStart ) PURPOSE Shift clip to start in new time. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip newStart FLOAT: new starting time (in frames) RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsStretchClip | err tsxClipsStretchClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name , FLOAT newEnd ) PURPOSE Stretch clip to end in new time. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip newEnd FLOAT: new ending time (in frames) RETURNS err |
Method | tsxClipsToggleClip | err tsxClipsToggleClip ( sobj* pSobj, char *name ) PURPOSE Make clip to toggle or stop toggling (if the clip is toggled). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip RETURNS err |
Method | tsxImageBrowser | err tsxImageBrowser ( char *initPath ) PURPOSE Open image browser as UI for selecting an image. Note, set plugin image browser callback (e_tsxECT_PLUGINIMAGEBROWSER) before calling this function. Also free the callback before terminating your plugin (preferably callback should be freed when you are done with the image browser. PARAMETERS initPath char*: path to the directory which image browser should open as default RETURNS err: |
Method | tsxImageSaveData | err tsxImageSaveData ( Image *image, char *path, e_tsxIMAGE_xxxx type ) PURPOSE Save the image to a file. PARAMETERS image Image*: a pointer to the image data structure path char*: file path type e_tsxIMAGE_xxxx: image file type to save image to. RETURNS err: |
Method | tsxSobjRemoveAttribute | err tsxSobjRemoveAttribute ( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Remove attribute of Sobj PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: type of keyframe to delete RETURNS err: |
Method | UnregisterWidgetType | err UnregisterWidgetType( ulong wdgTypeID ) PURPOSE To remove a widget type from the list of the registered widget's types. PARAMETERS wdgTypeID ulong: widget's type ID RETURNS err |
Method | AudioGetType | e_tsxAD_xxxx AudioGetType( audio* pAudio ); (no description) |
Method | GetObjCollisionLevel | e_tsxCOLLISION_xxxx GetObjCollisionLevel( sobj* obj ) PURPOSE To get the collision level of an object. PARAMETERS obj sobj*: pointer to a sobj RETURNS return current e_tsxCOLLISION_xxxx of the object |
Method | LightGetIntensityUnits | e_tsxIU_xxxx LightGetIntensityUnits( light* pLight ) PURPOSE To get the type of intensity units used for a physically based light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS e_tsxIU_xxxx: intensity units used for a particular light |
Method | AnimCreateAttribute | e_tsxKFT_xxxx AnimCreateAttribute( i tsxid,char* name,tsxAnimCallbackFP* attrCallback,long attrDataLength,short* kfDataDescription, long kfDataDescriptionSize ) PURPOSE Register an attribute among attributes that may be animated. PARAMETERS tsxid i: eXtension id name char*: name of the attribute (maximum 16 characters) attrCallback tsxAnimCallbackFP*: callback functions for the attribute attrDataLength long: length of stored original data (may be 0L) kfDataDescription short*: description of keyframe data kfDataDescriptionSize long: length of description array RETURNS e_tsxKFT_xxxx |
Method | FrameGetType | e_tsxKFT_xxxx FrameGetType( keyframe* pKFrame ) PURPOSE Get attribute of Keyframe. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the target keyframe RETURNS e_tsxKFT_xxxx |
Method | SobjGetFirstAttribute | e_tsxKFT_xxxx SobjGetFirstAttribute( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Get the first attribute of Sobj. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj RETURNS e_tsxKFT_xxxx |
Method | SobjGetNextAttribute | e_tsxKFT_xxxx SobjGetNextAttribute( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Get the next attribute of Sobj. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: type of current attribute RETURNS e_tsxKFT_xxxx: type of next attribute |
Method | LightGetShadowTransparency | e_tsxLST_xxxx LightGetShadowTransparency( light* plight ) PURPOSE Get shadow transparency setting for a light ( e_tsxLST_UNDEF if not light ). PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS e_tsxLST_xxxx: shadow transparency setting for a given light |
Method | LightGetShadType | e_tsxLS_xxxx LightGetShadType( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get shadowing.type PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS e_tsxLS_xxxx |
Method | LightSetShadType | e_tsxLS_xxxx LightSetShadType( light* pLight, e_tsxLS_xxxx newShType ) PURPOSE Set shadowing type. Returns new value, e_tsxLS_NOSHADOWS if not a light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newShType e_tsxLS_xxxx: the new shadowing type RETURNS e_tsxLS_xxxx |
Method | LightGetType | e_tsxLT_xxxx LightGetType( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Return Light type PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS e_tsxLT_xxxx |
Method | MetaballPrimitiveGetType | e_tsxMETABALL_xxxx MetaballPrimitiveGetType( mball* pMetaball, mnode* pPrim ) PURPOSE Queries the primitive type of a particular metaball primitive PARAMETERS pMetaball mball *: pointer to a metaball object pPrim mnode*: pointer to a metaball primitve RETURNS e_tsxMETABALL_xxxx: the type of the particular metaball primitive, e_tsxMETABALL_UNKNOWN if not a primitive |
Method | AnimGetPlayMode | e_tsxPLAY_xxxx AnimGetPlayMode( void ); (no description) |
Method | GetRadiosityMethod | e_tsxRADIOSITY_xxxx GetRadiosityMethod( void ); (no description) |
Method | AViewGetRenderMode | e_tsxRM_xxxx AViewGetRenderMode() PURPOSE Get the rendering mode of the active view. PARAMETERS None RETURNS e_tsxRM_xxxx |
Method | LightGetSkyType | e_tsxSKY_xxxx LightGetSkyType( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the type of the sky light PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS e_tsxSKY_xxxx |
Method | LightGetShmapQuality | e_tsxSMQ_xxxx LightGetShmapQuality( light* pLight ); (no description) |
Method | LightGetShmapSharpness | e_tsxSMS_xxxx LightGetShmapSharpness( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get shadow-map sharpness (_UNDEF if not light). PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS e_tsxSMS_xxxx |
Method | LightSetShmapSharpness | e_tsxSMS_xxxx LightSetShmapSharpness( light* pLight,e_tsxSMS_xxxx NewSharpness ) PURPOSE Set shadow-map sharpness. Return new value, or tsxSMS_UNDEF if the request is invalid. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light NewSharpness e_tsxSMS_xxxx: the new shadow map sharpness RETURNS e_tsxSMS_xxxx |
Method | LightGetShmapSize | e_tsxSMZ_xxxx LightGetShmapSize( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get shadow-map size PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS e_tsxSMZ_xxxx |
Method | LightSetShmapSize | e_tsxSMZ_xxxx LightSetShmapSize( light* pLight, e_tsxSMZ_xxxx NewSz ) PURPOSE Set shadow-map size. Return the new value, or e_tsxSMZ_UNDEF if the request is invalid. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light NewSz e_tsxSMZ_xxxx: the new shadow map size RETURNS e_tsxSMZ_xxxx |
Method | GNodeGetUnits | e_tsxUNITS_xxxx GNodeGetUnits( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Returns the units type of a given GNode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE RETURNS e_tsxUNITS_xxxx: one of units types (see units types constants) |
Method | SceneGetUnits | e_tsxUNITS_xxxx SceneGetUnits( void ) PURPOSE Returns scene units type. PARAMETERS RETURNS e_tsxUNITS_xxxx: scene units type |
Method | NPatchGetUVProjection | e_tsxUV_xxxx NPatchGetUVProjection( npatch *np, Vec3f_p *center, Vec3f_p *axis, Vec3f_p *origin, f *scale, f *ratio ) PURPOSE Get texture space projection information associated with the patch. PARAMETERS np npatch*: Pointer to the patch center Vec3f_p: axis Vec3f_p: origin Vec3f_p: scale f*: ratio f*: RETURNS e_tsxUV_xxxx: e_tsxUV_NONE, e_tsxUV_PLANE, e_tsxUV_CUBE, e_tsxUV_CYLINDER, or e_tsxUV_SPHERE |
Method | AViewGetViewMode | e_tsxVM_xxxx AViewGetViewMode() PURPOSE Get the view mode for the active view. PARAMETERS None RETURNS e_tsxVM_xxxx |
Method | NCurveGetKnots | f *NCurveGetKnots( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Get pointer to array of knots of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS f*: pointer to array of knots |
Method | NCurveGetWeights | f *NCurveGetWeights( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Get pointer to array of weights of control points of rational curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS f*: pointer to array of weights |
Method | NPatchGetUKnots | f *NPatchGetUKnots( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Get pointer to array of patch knots in U direction. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS f*: pointer to array of knots |
Method | NPatchGetVKnots | f *NPatchGetVKnots( npatch *np ); (no description) |
Method | NPatchGetWeights | f *NPatchGetWeights( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Get pointer to array of weights of control points of rational patch. Weights are stored in V-major order, as control points. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS f*: pointer to array of weights |
Method | AngleBtwVecs3f | f AngleBtwVecs3f( const Vec3f_p u,const Vec3f_p v, Vec3f_p axis ) PURPOSE Signed angle from vector 'u' to 'v' about the axis 'axis'. 'axis' gets the (unnormalized) cross-product (axis = u x v). Angle in radians. PARAMETERS u const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector v const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector axis Vec3f_p: cross product u x v RETURNS f: angle in radians |
Method | AnimGetActiveTime | f AnimGetActiveTime( void ) PURPOSE Get the active frame number. PARAMETERS None RETURNS f |
Method | AnimGetBaseFramerate | f AnimGetBaseFramerate( void ) PURPOSE Get base framerate (frame per second). PARAMETERS None RETURNS f |
Method | AudioGetDiffuseRange | f AudioGetDiffuseRange( audio* pAudio ); (no description) |
Method | AudioGetDirectRange | f AudioGetDirectRange( audio* pAudio ); (no description) |
Method | AudioGetIntensity | f AudioGetIntensity( audio* pAudio ); (no description) |
Method | AudioSetDiffuseRange | f AudioSetDiffuseRange( audio* pAudio, f fNew ); (no description) |
Method | AudioSetDirectRange | f AudioSetDirectRange( audio* pAudio, f fNew ); (no description) |
Method | AudioSetIntensity | f AudioSetIntensity( audio* pAudio, f fNew ); (no description) |
Method | AViewGetBankAngle | f AViewGetBankAngle() PURPOSE Get the Bank angle in radians PARAMETERS None RETURNS f: bank angle in radians |
Method | AViewGetViewAspectRatio | f AViewGetViewAspectRatio( void ) PURPOSE Get the image aspect ration of the current view (width/height) PARAMETERS None RETURNS f: the image aspect ratio (width/height) |
Method | AViewGetZoom | f AViewGetZoom() PURPOSE Get the Zoom factor PARAMETERS None RETURNS f: zoom factor |
Method | AViewSetZoom | f AViewSetZoom( f newzoom ) PURPOSE Change the active view's zoom (clamped to allowed min/max values). Return the new zoom value. PARAMETERS newzoom f: desired zoom value RETURNS f: desired zoom value |
Method | BevelGetBevel | f BevelGetBevel( void ) PURPOSE Get a value of bevel. PARAMETERS RETURNS f: a value of bevel |
Method | ContractorGetFalloff | f ContractorGetFalloff( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a falloff of contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a falloff of contraction by specified joint. |
Method | ContractorGetLength | f ContractorGetLength( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a length of contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a length of contraction by specified joint. |
Method | ContractorGetStrength | f ContractorGetStrength( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a strength of contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a strength of contraction by specified joint. |
Method | ContractorGetWidth | f ContractorGetWidth( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a width of contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a width of contraction by specified joint. |
Method | DistanceToLine3f | f DistanceToLine3f( const Vec3f_p p,const Vec3f_p line_point,const Vec3f_p line_unitvec ) PURPOSE Distance from a point 'p' to a line containing point 'line_point' and with unit direction vector 'line_unitvec'. PARAMETERS p const Vec3f_p: test point line_point const Vec3f_p: line origin line_unitvec const Vec3f_p: line direction RETURNS f |
Method | DistanceToPlane3f | f DistanceToPlane3f( const Vec3f_p p,const Vec3f_p plane_norm,const Vec3f_p plane_point ) PURPOSE Distance from a Point 'p' to a Plane with normal 'plane_norm' and containing Point 'plane_point'. This distance is positive only if 'plane_norm' points towards 'p'. PARAMETERS p const Vec3f_p: test point plane_norm const Vec3f_p: plane normal plane_point const Vec3f_p: plane origin RETURNS f |
Method | DistanceToPoint3f | f DistanceToPoint3f( const Vec3f_p p,const Vec3f_p q ) PURPOSE Distance between 2 points 'p', 'q'. PARAMETERS p const Vec3f_p: the coordinates of a 3-D point q const Vec3f_p: the coordinates of a 3-D point RETURNS f |
Method | DProdVec3f | f DProdVec3f( const Vec3f_p u,const Vec3f_p v ) PURPOSE u . v (Dot Product, a.k.a. interior product) PARAMETERS u const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector v const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector RETURNS f |
Method | ExtensorGetFalloff | f ExtensorGetFalloff( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a falloff of extensor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a falloff of extensor contraction by specified joint. |
Method | ExtensorGetLength | f ExtensorGetLength( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a length of extensor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a length of extensor contraction by specified joint. |
Method | ExtensorGetStrength | f ExtensorGetStrength( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a strength of extensor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a strength of extensor contraction by specified joint. |
Method | ExtensorGetWidth | f ExtensorGetWidth( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a width of extensor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a width of extensor contraction by specified joint. |
Method | FlexorGetFalloff | f FlexorGetFalloff( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a falloff of flexor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a falloff of flexor contraction by specified joint. |
Method | FlexorGetLength | f FlexorGetLength( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a length of flexor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a length of flexor contraction by specified joint. |
Method | FlexorGetStrength | f FlexorGetStrength( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a strength of flexor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a strength of flexor contraction by specified joint. |
Method | FlexorGetWidth | f FlexorGetWidth( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a width of flexor contraction by specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: a width of flexor contraction by specified joint. |
Method | FrameGetTime | f FrameGetTime( keyframe* pKFrame ) PURPOSE Get frame number (time) of Keyframe. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the queried keyframe RETURNS f: the keyframe time |
Method | GetNormalized2f | f GetNormalized2f( Vec2f_p norm,const Vec2f_p vec ) PURPOSE norm = vec/|vec| PARAMETERS norm Vec2f_p: a normalized vector aligned with vec vec const Vec2f_p: a 2-D vector RETURNS f: original length of vec |
Method | GetNormalized3f | f GetNormalized3f( Vec3f_p norm,const Vec3f_p vec ) PURPOSE norm = vec/|vec| PARAMETERS norm Vec3f_p: a normalized vector aligned with vec vec const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector RETURNS f |
Method | JointGetLimits | f JointGetLimits( joint* pJoint, i dof ) PURPOSE Test whether specified degree of freedom is limited or not. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_... ) RETURNS BOOL: TRUE active limits, |
Method | JointGetMaxLimit | f JointGetMaxLimit( joint* pJoint, i dof ) PURPOSE Get a upper limit of specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_... ) RETURNS f: an angle in radians for rotational DoF, |
Method | JointGetMinLimit | f JointGetMinLimit( joint* pJoint, i dof ) PURPOSE Get a lower limit of specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_... ) RETURNS f: an angle in radians for rotational DoF, |
Method | JointGetStiffness | f JointGetStiffness( joint* pJoint, i dof ) PURPOSE Get a stiffness of specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_... ) RETURNS f: stiffness (0.0 - 1000.0) |
Method | JointGetTendonRate | f JointGetTendonRate( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a rate between tendon and neigboring muscles. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS f: tendon rate for skinning. Rate is a number from range ( 0.0 , 1.0 ). |
Method | JointGetValue | f JointGetValue( joint* pJoint, i dof ) PURPOSE Get a value of specified degree of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint dof i: flag for one degree of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_... ) RETURNS f: an angle in radians for rotational DoF, |
Method | LatheGetHelix | f LatheGetHelix( void ) PURPOSE Get a value of lathing helix. PARAMETERS RETURNS f: a value of lathing helix |
Method | LatheGetRadius | f LatheGetRadius( void ) PURPOSE Get a value of lathing radius. PARAMETERS RETURNS f: a value of lathing radius |
Method | LightGetColorTemperature | f LightGetColorTemperature( light* pLight ) PURPOSE To get the color temperature for a particular light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: color temperature ( in Kelvins ) for a particular light |
Method | LightGetFalloffCoeff | f LightGetFalloffCoeff( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the light intensity falloff coefficient. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: light intensity falloff coefficient |
Method | LightGetIBLLightCutoff | f LightGetIBLLightCutoff( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns the light cutoff value ( minimum texture average to spawn a light), 0.-1. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: light cutoff value |
Method | LightGetIBLSampleFuzziness | f LightGetIBLSampleFuzziness( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns the amount of jitter used for texture lookups, from 0 to 1.0f PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: sample fuzziness |
Method | LightGetIBLShadowCutoff | f LightGetIBLShadowCutoff( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns the shadow cutoff value (minimum texture average to turn shadow-casting on for each light), 0.-1. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: shadow cutoff value |
Method | LightGetIntensity | f LightGetIntensity( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the light intensity. Returns -1 if not a light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f |
Method | LightGetMaxSubdivision | f LightGetMaxSubdivision( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the maximum subdivision quality parameter of the light ( are, object, sky ) PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: a value of the parameter |
Method | LightGetMinSubdivision | f LightGetMinSubdivision( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the minimal subdivision quality parameter of the light ( are, object, sky ) PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: a value of the parameter |
Method | LightGetProjectorAngle | f LightGetProjectorAngle( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the cone angle (in radians). This is the solid angle of the lit area subtended at the light source. Return -1.0 if not a spotlight. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: the cone angle in radians, -1 if the light is not a projector light |
Method | LightGetSpotAngle | f LightGetSpotAngle( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the cone angle (in radians). This is the solid angle of the lit area subtended at the light source. Return -1.0 if not a spotlight. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f: the cone angle in radians, -1 if the light is not a spotlight |
Method | LightGetSpotRatio | f LightGetSpotRatio( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the hot-spot ratio. The hot-spot in a spotlight is the inner circle of even bright light. In the lit ring outside the hot-spot, the light intensity decreases towards the outer edge. The hot-spot ratio is the ratio of the hot-spot cone solid angle to the entire spotlight cone solid angle. Return the ratio in [0.0, 1.0], -1.0 if the light is not a spotlight. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS f |
Method | LightSetIntensity | f LightSetIntensity( light* pLight,f fNewIntens ) PURPOSE Set the light intensity. Returns new intensity, -1.0 if not a light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light fNewIntens f: RETURNS f |
Method | LightSetProjectorAngle | f LightSetProjectorAngle( light* pLight,f newAngle ) PURPOSE Set the projector light cone angle (in radians). ). This is the solid angle of the lit area subtended at the light source. Return the new angle, -1 if not a projector light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newAngle f: the new projector angle, in radians RETURNS f: the new angle, -1 if the light is not a projector light |
Method | LightSetSpotAngle | f LightSetSpotAngle( light* pLight,f newAngle ) PURPOSE Set the spotlight cone angle (in radians). ). This is the solid angle of the lit area subtended at the light source. Return the new angle, -1 if not a spotlight. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newAngle f: the new spot angle, in radians RETURNS f: the new angle, -1 if the light is not a spotlight |
Method | LightSetSpotRatio | f LightSetSpotRatio( light* pLight,f newRatio ) PURPOSE Set the hot-spot ratio . The hot-spot in a spotlight is the inner circle of even bright light. In the lit ring outside the hot-spot, the light intensity decreases towards the outer edge. The hot-spot ratio is the ratio of the hot-spot cone solid angle to the entire spotlight cone solid angle. It is a value in [0.0, 1.0]. Return the new value, -1.0 if not the light is not a spotlight, or the new Ratio is invalid. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newRatio f: the new ratio, a value in [0.0, 1.0] RETURNS f: the new value, -1.0 if the ratio is invalid or the light not a spotlight |
Method | Magnitude2f | f Magnitude2f( const Vec2f_p vec ) PURPOSE |vect| PARAMETERS vec const Vec2f_p: a 2-D vector RETURNS f |
Method | Magnitude3f | f Magnitude3f( const Vec3f_p vec ) PURPOSE |vect| PARAMETERS vec const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector RETURNS f |
Method | MaterialGetIor | f MaterialGetIor( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Get the index of refraction : [1.0 - 2.0], 0 on error PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS f: the index of refraction [1.0-2.0], 0.0 on error |
Method | MNodeGetRadiosityMaxArea | f MNodeGetRadiosityMaxArea( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Get the max area radiosity parameter of the MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS f: the max area radiosity parameter of the MNode |
Method | MNodeGetRadiosityMinArea | f MNodeGetRadiosityMinArea( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Get the min area radiosity parameter of the MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS f: the min area radiosity parameter of the MNode |
Method | Normalize2f | f Normalize2f( Vec2f_p vec ) PURPOSE Normalizing ... returns the length of the original vector vec. PARAMETERS vec Vec2f_p: a 2-D vector RETURNS f |
Method | Normalize3f | f Normalize3f( Vec3f_p vec ) PURPOSE Normalizing ... returns the length of the original vector vec. PARAMETERS vec Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector RETURNS f |
Method | PhysCollNormal | f PhysCollNormal( sobj *sobj, Vec3f_p *direction, Vec3f_p *point, Vec3f_p *norm ) PURPOSE Returns the normal vector of collision event PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object direction Vec3f_p: direction vector of the collision point Vec3f_p: point of the collision event norm: Vec3f_p: normal vector of the collision event RETURNS f: collision distance |
Method | PhysSimGetAdhesion | f PhysSimGetAdhesion( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get adhesion strength of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS f: Adhesion strength. |
Method | PhysSimGetCharge | f PhysSimGetCharge( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get charge of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS f: Charge. |
Method | PhysSimGetCoarseness | f PhysSimGetCoarseness( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get coarseness of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS f: Friction or -1 if object has no physical properties. |
Method | PhysSimGetElasticity | f PhysSimGetElasticity( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get elasticity of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS f: Elasticity or -1 if object has no physical properties. |
Method | PhysSimGetFriction | f PhysSimGetFriction( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get friction of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS f: Friction or -1 if object has no physical properties. |
Method | PhysSimGetGrav | f PhysSimGetGrav() PURPOSE Get global gravition settings PARAMETERS None RETURNS f: gravitation |
Method | PhysSimGetResistance | f PhysSimGetResistance( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get environmental resistance of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS f: Resistance or -1 if object has no physical properties. |
Method | PhysSimGetSpeed | f PhysSimGetSpeed( sobj *pObj,Vec3f_p cog, Vec3f_p *speed, Vec3f_p *rotation, Vec3f_p *acc, Vec3f_p *angacc ) PURPOSE Gets the momentary speeds of phys. object during simulation PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object cog Vec3f_p: center of gravity speed Vec3f_p: motion vector rotation Vec3f_p: rotation vector acc Vec3f_p: acceleration angacc Vec3f_p: angular acceleration RETURNS f: weight of the object, -1 if no physical animation data are available |
Method | PhysSimGetWeight | f PhysSimGetWeight( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Get weight of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS f: Weight or -1 if object has no physical properties. |
Method | SobjGetFirstTime | f SobjGetFirstTime( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Get time of the first frame for specified attribute if it exists (otherwise -1). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the desired attribute RETURNS f: time of the first frame, -1 if none |
Method | SobjGetLastTime | f SobjGetLastTime( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Get time of the last frame for specified attribute if it exists (otherwise -1). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the desired attribute RETURNS f: time of the last frame, -1 if none |
Method | SobjGetNextTime | f SobjGetNextTime( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, f time ) PURPOSE Get time of the next frame for specified attribute if it exists (otherwise -1). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: time f: current time RETURNS f: time of the next frame, -1 if none |
Method | SobjGetPrevTime | f SobjGetPrevTime( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, f time ) PURPOSE Get time of the previous frame for specified attribute if it exists (otherwise -1). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the desired attribute time f: current time RETURNS f: time of the previous frame, -1 if none |
Method | SobjTreeGetNextTime | f SobjTreeGetNextTime( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, f time ) PURPOSE Get time of the closest next frame for specified attribute for whole tree if it exists (otherwise -1). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the desired attribute time f: current time RETURNS f: time of the next frame, -1 if none |
Method | SobjTreeGetPrevTime | f SobjTreeGetPrevTime( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, f time ) PURPOSE Get time of the closest previous frame for specified attribute for whole tree if it exists (otherwise -1). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the desired attribute time f: current time RETURNS f: time of the previous frame, -1 if none |
Method | tsxClipsGetClipStartEnd | f tsxClipsGetClipStartEnd ( sobj* pSobj , char *name, FLOAT *start, FLOAT *end, bool *Toggle, bool *Loop ) PURPOSE Get attributes of the clip. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj name char*: name of the clip start FLOAT*: starting time (in frames) [optional - can be NULL] end FLOAT*: ending time (in frames) [optional - can be NULL] Toggle bool*: Toggle flag [optional - can be NULL] Loop bool*: Loop flag [optional - can be NULL] RETURNS f: length of the clip (in frames) |
Method | PolyhGetFaceptrArray | Face PolyhGetFaceptrArray( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to the array of Face-ptrs (0 if not a Polyhedron). PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS Face_p* |
Method | FaceAlloc | Face_p FaceAlloc() PURPOSE Allocate a new face structure PARAMETERS None RETURNS Face_p |
Method | NURBSCylinderCreate | gnode *NURBSCylinderCreate( bool one_piece, f bot_radius, f top_radius, f height, f start_ang, f end_ang, bool closed_arc, i lat_div, i long_div, i cap_div, bool bot_cap, bool top_cap ) PURPOSE Create NURBS cylinder (or its part). Cylinder will be centered at (0,0,0). PARAMETERS one_piece bool: Create the cylinder from one patch, or use three patches: bottom cap, cloak and top cap. bot_radius f: Bottom Radius top_radius f: Top radius height f: Height start_ang f: Start angle of the arc from [0, 360) end_ang f: End angle of the arc from (0, 360] closed_arc bool: Circular arc making the XY profile of the cylinder can be closed by two lines from its center to beginning and to end of the arc. lat_div i: Control mesh density: latitude division long_div i: Control mesh density: longitude division cap_div i: Control mesh density: cap division bot_cap bool: Create bottom cap top_cap bool: Create top cap RETURNS gnode*: Single patch (polyhedron/patch hierarchy) or group of patches, depending on parameters |
Method | NURBSPlaneCreate | gnode *NURBSPlaneCreate( i u_div, i v_div ) PURPOSE Create NURBS plane. It will be centered at (0,0,0). PARAMETERS u_div i: Control mesh density: division in U direction v_div i: Control mesh density: division in V direction RETURNS gnode*: Polyhedron/patch hierarchy |
Method | NURBSSphereCreate | gnode *NURBSSphereCreate( bool one_piece, f radius, f start_ang, f end_ang, bool closed_arc, f side_start_ang, f side_end_ang, i lat_div, i long_div, i cap_div, bool bot_cap, bool top_cap ) PURPOSE Create NURBS sphere (or its part). Sphere will be centered at (0,0,0). PARAMETERS one_piece bool: Create the sphere from one patch, or use three patches: bottom cap, cloak and top cap. radius f: Radius start_ang f: Start angle of the arc from [0, 360) end_ang f: End angle of the arc from (0, 360] closed_arc bool: Circular arc making the XY profile of the sphere can be closed by two lines from its center to beginning and to end of the arc. side_start_ang f: Side start angle from [0, 180) side_end_ang f: Side end angle from (0, 180] lat_div i: Control mesh density: latitude division long_div i: Control mesh density: longitude division cap_div i: Control mesh density: cap division bot_cap bool: Create bottom cap top_cap bool: Create top cap RETURNS gnode*: Single patch (polyhedron/patch hierarchy) or group of patches, depending on parameters |
Method | BoneGetFirstObject | gnode* BoneGetFirstObject( bone* pBone ) PURPOSE Get the first object attached to specified bone. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object pGNode gnode*: a pointer to object RETURNS gnode*: a pointer to object or NULL |
Method | BoneGetNextObject | gnode* BoneGetNextObject( bone* pBone, gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Get the next object attached to specified bone. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object pGNode gnode*: a pointer to object RETURNS gnode*: a pointer to object or NULL |
Method | GNodeGetFirstChild | gnode* GNodeGetFirstChild( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Get the first child of a Group or LOD object. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode RETURNS gnode* |
Method | GNodeGetNext | gnode* GNodeGetNext( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Get the next node of valid tsx Type PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode RETURNS gnode* |
Method | GNodeGetParent | gnode* GNodeGetParent( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Get the parent node in the scene graph. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: Node whose parent is looked for RETURNS gnode* |
Method | GNodeGetPrev | gnode* GNodeGetPrev( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Get the previous node of valid tsx Type PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode RETURNS gnode* |
Method | GNodeGetRoot | gnode* GNodeGetRoot( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Returns: 0 if pGNode is the Scene object; pGNode if parent of pGNode is the Scene object, or pGNode has no parent; else ptr to highest gnode ancestor of pGNode below Scene. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: RETURNS gnode* |
Method | GroupRemoveCurrobj | gnode* GroupRemoveCurrobj() PURPOSE This is the same function as used in the [Unglue] button. Currobj is removed from its parent Group and added as a top level object to the scene. Current selection is updated to next available sibling. Side Effect: If the Currobj has only one sibling before calling this function, then the parent GROUP object is removed and the sibling takes the place in the scene graph of the removed GROUP object. Thus this function never results in a Group object with just one child. (Parent = parent GROUP of Currobj before calling this function ) Returns: 0 on failure (e.g. No Currobj, Currobj not part of group), else ptr to oject that takes the place of Parent in the scene graph: Parent if it had more than 2 children before this function, else the sibling that replaces Parent. PARAMETERS None RETURNS gnode* |
Method | RenderMaterialSampleGetIIRObject | gnode* RenderMaterialSampleGetIIRObject( void ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetFirstNode | gnode* SceneGetFirstNode() PURPOSE Get the first top level GNode. The rest can be accessed using 'tsxGNodeGetNext'. PARAMETERS None RETURNS gnode* |
Method | SizeTextCreate | gnode* SizeTextCreate( char *text, char* family, double size, double *direction, double *pt, SHORT style ); (no description) |
Method | TextCreate | gnode* TextCreate( char *text, char* family, SHORT style ) PURPOSE Create polygonal text string. PARAMETERS text char*: Text string family char*: String that specifies the facetype name of the font style SHORT: One or combination of following styles: TEXT_STYLE_NONE TEXT_STYLE_BOLD TEXT_STYLE_ITALIC RETURNS gnode*: Group object of polygons representing the text string |
Method | GroupAtCurrobj | group* GroupAtCurrobj( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE This is the same function as used in the [Glue as Sibling] button. (Currobj = currently selected object) IF Currobj is a Group node, THEN pGNode is added to it as another child; ELSE Makes pGNode and Currobj children of a new Group obj, and the Group obj is placed where Currobj was in the Scene Graph. The new Group obj becomes the current selection, and acquires the previous Currobj's axes position and orientation. The animation timeline window is updated. pGNode and Currobj must have different Roots ('tsxGNodeGetRoot'). pGNode must be a top level object (no parent groups above it). Return: 0 if no pGNode or Currobj, or not valid GNodes, or if pGNode is same as Currobj (no grouping done), else ptr to the (new or Currobj) Group obj. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a node to group at currobj RETURNS group* |
Method | GroupNewWithCurrobj | group* GroupNewWithCurrobj( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE This is the same function as used in the [Glue as Child] button. (Currobj = currently selected object) Makes pGNode and Currobj children of a new Group obj, and the Group obj is placed where Currobj was in the Scene Graph. The new Group obj becomes the current selection, and acquires the previous Currobj's axes position and orientation. The animation timeline window is updated. pGNode and Currobj must have different Roots ('tsxGNodeGetRoot'). Return: 0 if no pGNode or Currobj, or not valid GNodes, or if pGNode is same as Currobj (no grouping done), else return a ptr to the new Group obj. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a node to group under currobj RETURNS group* |
Method | FaceGetHoleptrArray | Hole FaceGetHoleptrArray( Face_p pFace ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to the array of hole-arrays PARAMETERS pFace Pointer to the face RETURNS pointer to the array which contains pointers to hole-arrays |
Method | HoleAlloc | Hole_p HoleAlloc() PURPOSE Allocate a new hole PARAMETERS none RETURNS Ptr to the allocated hole |
Method | AViewGetHwnd | HWND AViewGetHwnd() PURPOSE Return a handle to the active view's window PARAMETERS None RETURNS HWND a window handle |
Method | GetMainViewHwnd | HWND GetMainViewHwnd( void ) PURPOSE Return a handle to the main view window. PARAMETERS None RETURNS HWND |
Method | NotebookGetHandle | HWND NotebookGetHandle( void ) PURPOSE Retrieves notebook's handle. PARAMETERS RETURNS HWND: Notebook's handle |
Method | AViewGetDrawingMode | i AViewGetDrawingMode( void ) PURPOSE Get the drawing mode of the active view. PARAMETERS None RETURNS i: drawing mode as bitflags (see drawing mode constants above) |
Method | BevelGetAngle | i BevelGetAngle( void ) PURPOSE Get a value of beveling angle. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: a value of beveling angle |
Method | BoneGetNbrJoints | i BoneGetNbrJoints( bone* pBone ) PURPOSE Get a number of joints that link specified bone to other bones. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object RETURNS i: a number of joints |
Method | BooleanGetIdentity | i BooleanGetIdentity( void ) PURPOSE Get currently active identity value for Booleans. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: active identity value ( in 1/1000 of unit ) |
Method | BooleanGetOptions | i BooleanGetOptions( void ) PURPOSE Get currently active options for Booleans. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: flags for currently active options ( see above ) |
Method | DataDefine | i DataDefine( i tsxid, char* name, tsxDataCallbackFP* dataCallback, long dataLength ) PURPOSE Register a new type of external data. PARAMETERS tsxid i: eXtension id name char*: name of the data ( max 16 characters ) dataCallback tsxDataCallbackFP*: callback functions for the data dataLength long: length of data (may be 0L) RETURNS i: type of the data |
Method | FaceGetNbrHoles | i FaceGetNbrHoles( Face_p pFace ) PURPOSE Get the number of holes i the face PARAMETERS pFace Pointer to the face RETURNS number of holes or 0 if the face is not valid |
Method | FILEerror | i FILEerror( tsxFILE *fd ) PURPOSE Get a file error. PARAMETERS fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor RETURNS i: file error |
Method | FILEgetc | i FILEgetc( tsxFILE *fd ) PURPOSE Get the next character from the input stream. PARAMETERS fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor RETURNS i: character |
Method | FILEprintf | i FILEprintf( tsxFILE *fd, const char *fmt,... ); (no description) |
Method | FILEputc | i FILEputc( i ch, tsxFILE *fd ) PURPOSE Put the character to the output stream. PARAMETERS ch i: the character fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor RETURNS i: a number of charcters passed into output |
Method | FILEputs | i FILEputs( const char *buf, tsxFILE *fd ) PURPOSE Put the string to the output stream. PARAMETERS buf char*: a pointer to the string fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor RETURNS i: a number of characters passed into output |
Method | FILEread | i FILEread( void *buf, i size, i count, tsxFILE *fd ) PURPOSE Read from the input stream into the buffer. PARAMETERS buf char*: a pointer to the buffer size i: a size of one element in the buffer count number of elements in the buffer fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor RETURNS i: a number of read bytes |
Method | FILEscanf | i FILEscanf( tsxFILE *fd, const char *fmt,... ); (no description) |
Method | FILEseek | i FILEseek( tsxFILE *fd, long offset, i where ) PURPOSE Change a position of I/O head.. PARAMETERS fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor offset long: offset from a place specified in "where" where i: RETURNS i: |
Method | FILEwrite | i FILEwrite( const void *buf, i size, i count, tsxFILE *fd ) PURPOSE Write the buffer into output stream. PARAMETERS buf char*: a pointer to the buffer size i: a size of one element in the buffer count number of elements in the buffer fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor RETURNS i: a number of written bytes |
Method | GetInvisibleLayers | i GetInvisibleLayers( mate* mat, tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass ) PURPOSE Get bit-mask of invisible layers ( 0 - all visible). PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material tsxShclass tsxSHCLASS_xxxx: class of shaders to get the bit-mask for. RETURNS i: bit-mask of the invisible layers |
Method | GetScriptMDataType | i GetScriptMDataType(); (no description) |
Method | GetShadingTypeFromShader | i GetShadingTypeFromShader( shader* pShader ) PURPOSE Get the reflection shading type from shader PARAMETERS shader shader*: shader to query RETURNS i: tsxSHADER_PHONG if phong shading is used, tsxSHADER_METAL if metal shading is used, tsxSHADER_FLAT if flat shading is used, tsxSHADER_UNDEFINED otherwise |
Method | GNodeGetDrawingMode | i GNodeGetDrawingMode( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Get the drawing mode for the object PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: object RETURNS i: drawing mode as bitflags ( see drawing mode constants above ) |
Method | GNodeGetFullName | i GNodeGetFullName( gnode* pGNode, gnode* pParent, char* pName, i iNameSz ) PURPOSE Get the full name of a Gnode including names of all parent nodes up to specified top node ( pParent ). If no top node specified, returns the full name in the scene. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode pParent gnode*: a pointer to a top node in which the full name should be created, or NULL if the full name in the scene should be created. pName char*: buffer where the name is copied iNameSz i: Size of the pName buffer RETURNS i: length of the name. (0 if not valid request or null name) |
Method | GNodeGetLookingAtThis | i GNodeGetLookingAtThis( gnode* pGNode, gnode** ppLookingAt ) PURPOSE Get the list of objects which look-at the specified object PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE ppLookingAt gnode**: NULL(to get the number of objects) or a pointer to an array for all objects RETURNS i: number of objects looking at the particular object |
Method | GNodeGetName | i GNodeGetName( gnode* pGNode,char* pName,i iNameSz ) PURPOSE Get the Name of a Gnode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode pName char*: buffer where the name is copied iNameSz i: Size of the pName buffer RETURNS i: length of the name. (0 if not valid request or null name) |
Method | JointGetDoF | i JointGetDoF( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a set of degrees of freedom. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: joint RETURNS i: set of active degrees of freedom ( see flags tsxJOINT_DOF_... ) |
Method | LatheGetAngle | i LatheGetAngle( void ) PURPOSE Get a value of lathing angle. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: a value of lathing angle |
Method | LatheGetRotation | i LatheGetRotation( void ) PURPOSE Get a value of lathing orientation. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: a value of lathing orientation |
Method | LatheGetSegments | i LatheGetSegments( void ) PURPOSE Get a number of segments for Lathe. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: a number of segments |
Method | LatticeGetSelectedPoints | i LatticeGetSelectedPoints( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p pPoints ) PURPOSE Get a number and/or a list of selected control points. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pPoints LatticeVector_p: an array for coordinates of selected control points RETURNS i: number of selected control points |
Method | LightGetIBLNbrSamples | i LightGetIBLNbrSamples( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns the number of samples used for texture lookups, from 1 to 100 PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS i: number of samples |
Method | LightGetIBLSphereResolution | i LightGetIBLSphereResolution( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns the resolution of the sphere representing an IBL light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS i: sphere resolution for an IBL light (range 1-10) |
Method | LightGetIBLUReps | i LightGetIBLUReps( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns the number of u repeats for IBL light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS i: number of u repeats |
Method | LightGetIBLVReps | i LightGetIBLVReps( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Returns the number of v repeats for IBL light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS i: number of v repeats |
Method | MaterialGetAutofacetAngle | i MaterialGetAutofacetAngle( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Get the autofacet angle in degrees (0 - 120) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material RETURNS i: The angle in degrees (0 - 120) |
Method | MaterialGetEnvrFlags | i MaterialGetEnvrFlags( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Return tsxENVR_* (0 on error) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS i: tsxENVR_* flags |
Method | MaterialGetFacetingType | i MaterialGetFacetingType( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Surface faceting (tsxFACET_*, 0 on error) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material RETURNS i one of tsxFACET_FACETED, tsxFACET_AUTO, tsxFACET_SMOOTH |
Method | MaterialGetId | i MaterialGetId( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Get the material ID (0-64K, -1 if not material) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material RETURNS i an ID between 0-64K, -1 if not a material |
Method | MaterialGetShaderParametersNumber | i MaterialGetShaderParametersNumber( mate* mat, tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass ); (no description) |
Method | MaterialGetShadingType | i MaterialGetShadingType( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Get Reflection shading (tsxSHADER_*, 0 on error) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material RETURNS i: one of tsxSHADER_FLAT, tsxSHADER_PHONG, tsxSHADER_METAL |
Method | MaterialGetTextureType | i MaterialGetTextureType( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Return tsxTEXTURE_* PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS i |
Method | MNodeGetRadiosityMeshAccuracy | i MNodeGetRadiosityMeshAccuracy( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Get the mesh accuracy radiosity parameter of the MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS i: the mesh accuracy radiosity parameter of the MNode |
Method | MNodeGetRadiosityQuality | i MNodeGetRadiosityQuality( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Return quality setting (range 0-9 ) to be used for MNode during the radiosity computations PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS i: quality setting (0 if not set, -1 if not MNode) |
Method | MuscleGetVertices | i MuscleGetVertices( lattice* pMuscle, polyh* pPolyh, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Get a number and a list of vertices of specified polyhedron that are part of specified muscle. PARAMETERS pMuscle lattice*: a pointer to muscle's lattice pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron. pVertexIndices i*: an array for indices. If pVertexIndices is NULL pointer, it returns only the number of vertices, otherwise pVertexIndices has to be a valid pointer to sufficently long memory. RETURNS i: a number of vertices |
Method | NCurveGetNumCntlPts | i NCurveGetNumCntlPts( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Get number of control points of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS i: number of control points |
Method | NCurveGetNumKnots | i NCurveGetNumKnots( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Get number of knots of the curve. There's no complementary Set function, because number of knots always equals to number of control points plus order and they are set by tsxNCurveSetNumCntlPts and tsxNCurveSetOrder. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS i: number of knots |
Method | NCurveGetOrder | i NCurveGetOrder( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Get order of the curve. Order is degree - 1. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS i: order |
Method | NCurveRemoveKnot | i NCurveRemoveKnot( ncurve *nc, f u, i num, f tol ) PURPOSE Remove knot from the curve knot vector (one knot removal results in one control point removal), but preserve the shape of the curve within given tolerance. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve u f: knot to be removed (must be internal knot, not end knot) num i: how many times to remove this (multiple) knot tol f: how much the new curve is allowed to deviate from old curve (world distance) after one knot removal RETURNS i: how many times the knot u was removed (0 if can't remove) |
Method | NCurveRemoveMaxKnots | i NCurveRemoveMaxKnots( ncurve *nc, f tol ) PURPOSE Remove as many knots from the curve as possible (one knot removal results in one control point removal), but preserve the shape of the curve within given tolerance. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve tol f: how much the new curve is allowed to deviate from old curve (world distance) after one knot removal RETURNS i: how many knots were removed |
Method | NPatchGetNumUCntlPts | i NPatchGetNumUCntlPts( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Get number of control points of the path in U direction. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS i: number of control points |
Method | NPatchGetNumUKnots | i NPatchGetNumUKnots( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Get number of patch knots in U direction. There's no complementary Set function, because number of knots always equals to number of control points plus order (in U direction) and they are set by tsxNPatchSetNumUCntlPts and tsxNPatchSetUOrder. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS i: number of knots |
Method | NPatchGetNumVCntlPts | i NPatchGetNumVCntlPts( npatch *np ); (no description) |
Method | NPatchGetNumVKnots | i NPatchGetNumVKnots( npatch *np ); (no description) |
Method | NPatchGetUOrder | i NPatchGetUOrder( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Get order of the patch in U direction. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS i: order |
Method | NPatchGetVOrder | i NPatchGetVOrder( npatch *np ); (no description) |
Method | PhysSimGetFixationPoints | i PhysSimGetFixationPoints( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p *vecFx1, Vec3f_p *vecFx2, Vec3f_p *vecFx3 ) PURPOSE Gets fixation points of specified phys sim object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object vecFx1 Vec3f_p *: the first fixation point vecFx2 Vec3f_p *: the second fixation point vecFx3 Vec3f_p *: the third fixation point RETURNS i: number of valid fixation points (0..3) or -1 if an error |
Method | PolyhGetFirstMaterialIdx | i PolyhGetFirstMaterialIdx( polyh* pPolyh ); (no description) |
Method | PolyhGetNbrFaces | i PolyhGetNbrFaces( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Get the number of Faces (0 if not a Polyhedron). PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS i |
Method | PolyhGetNbrHoles | i PolyhGetNbrHoles( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Get the number of holes in the polyhedron. PARAMETERS pPolyh Pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS Number of holes |
Method | PolyhGetNbrMaterials | i PolyhGetNbrMaterials( polyh* pPolyh ); (no description) |
Method | PolyhGetNbrUV | i PolyhGetNbrUV( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Get the number of entries in UV-array (0 if not a Polyhedron). PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS i |
Method | PolyhGetNbrVxs | i PolyhGetNbrVxs( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Get the number of vertices (0 if not a Polyhedron). PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS i: number of vertices |
Method | PolyhGetNextMaterialIdx | i PolyhGetNextMaterialIdx( polyh* pPolyh, i iIdx ); (no description) |
Method | PolyhGetSelectedEdges | i PolyhGetSelectedEdges( polyh* pPolyh, EdgeArray_p pEdges ) PURPOSE Get a number of selected edges and ( optionly ) a list of selected edges. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pEdges EdgeArray_p: fills an array of selected edges RETURNS i: a number of selected edges |
Method | PolyhGetSelectedFaces | i PolyhGetSelectedFaces( polyh* pPolyh, i* pFaceIndices ) PURPOSE Get a number of selected faces and ( optionly ) a list of selected faces. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pFaceIndices i*: fills an array of indices of selected faces (optional) RETURNS i: a number of selected faces |
Method | PolyhGetSelectedVertices | i PolyhGetSelectedVertices( polyh* pPolyh, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Get a number of selected vertices and ( optionly ) a list of selected vertices. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pVertexIndices i*: fills an array of indices of selected vertices (optional) RETURNS i: a number of selected vertices |
Method | PolyhGetUserSelectedEdges | i PolyhGetUserSelectedEdges( polyh* pPolyh, EdgeArray_p pEdges ) PURPOSE Get a number of selected edges and ( optionally ) a list of selected edges. In contrary to tsxPolyhGetSelectedEdges, this functions works with selections active in point-edit mode. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pEdges EdgeArray_p: fills an array of selected edges RETURNS i: a number of selected edges |
Method | PolyhGetUserSelectedFaces | i PolyhGetUserSelectedFaces( polyh* pPolyh, i* pFaceIndices ) PURPOSE Get a number of selected faces and ( optionally ) a list of selected faces. In contrary to tsxPolyhGetSelectedFaces, this functions works with selections active in point-edit mode. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pFaceIndices i*: fills an array of indices of selected faces (optional) RETURNS i: a number of selected faces |
Method | PolyhGetUserSelectedVertices | i PolyhGetUserSelectedVertices( polyh* pPolyh, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Get a number of selected vertices and ( optionally ) a list of selected vertices. In contrary to tsxPolyhGetSelectedVertices, this functions works with selections active in point-edit mode. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pVertexIndices i*: fills an array of indices of selected vertices (optional) RETURNS i: a number of selected vertices |
Method | SceneGetShaderIndexParametersNumber | i SceneGetShaderIndexParametersNumber( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i shader_index ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetShaderParametersNumber | i SceneGetShaderParametersNumber( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass ); (no description) |
Method | ShaderGetID | i ShaderGetID( shader* shader ) PURPOSE Return a session-unique shader identifier PARAMETERS shader input shader RETURNS ID of the shader. It can be stored for later usage. |
Method | ShaderInfoGetParameterID | i ShaderInfoGetParameterID( shinfo* shinfo, i param_index ) PURPOSE Get shader parameter ID PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo param_index 0-based shader parameter index RETURNS shader parameter ID |
Method | ShaderInfoGetParametersNumber | i ShaderInfoGetParametersNumber( shinfo* shinfo ) PURPOSE Returns number of shader parameters PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo RETURNS number of shader parameters |
Method | ShaderInfoGetSeed | i ShaderInfoGetSeed( shinfo* shinfo ) PURPOSE Shaders random values support. It returns random value for the shader info, by which Lightworks random numbers generator should be initialised before corresponding Lightworks shader is created. Return value -1 indicates, that generator shouldn't be set. PARAMETERS shinfo shinfo*: pointer to shader info RETURNS i: seed value for random number generator |
Method | SmoothDivGetAngle | i SmoothDivGetAngle( void ) PURPOSE Get a value of SmoothDiv angle. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: a value of SmoothDiv angle |
Method | SubDivActiveCageGetEdges | i SubDivActiveCageGetEdges( mnode* pMNode, SubDivEdgeArray_p pEdges ) PURPOSE Get information about edges of subdivision surface: start/end vertex, sharpness and infinity flag for every edge (for the active control cage). PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface pEdges SubDivEdgeArray_p: Pointer to array of SubDivEdgeArray_p. Can be NULL. RETURNS i: Number of edges |
Method | SubDivGetActiveLevel | i SubDivGetActiveLevel( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Returns active level for SDS object (range 0..tsxSubDivGetDivision()) PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface RETURNS i: Active level number |
Method | SubDivGetDivision | i SubDivGetDivision( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Returns division degree of given pMNode object (0 if oMNode is not a subdiv object). (let division = number of cages - 1) PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface RETURNS i: Division degree |
Method | SubDivGetEdges | i SubDivGetEdges( mnode* pMNode, SubDivEdgeArray_p pEdges ) PURPOSE Get information about edges of subdivision surface: start/end vertex, sharpness and infinity flag for every edge. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface pEdges SubDivEdgeArray_p: Pointer to array of SubDivEdgeArray_p. Can be NULL. RETURNS i: Number of edges |
Method | SubDivGetFinestEditedLevel | i SubDivGetFinestEditedLevel( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Get finest edited (i.e using PE) level number. NOTE: You can alter this level without harming other finer levels changes PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface RETURNS i: finest edited level number |
Method | SweepGetFloor | i SweepGetFloor( void ) PURPOSE Get a number of active floor of swept part. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: a number of active floor |
Method | SweepGetSegments | i SweepGetSegments( void ) PURPOSE Get a number of segments for Sweep and Tip. PARAMETERS RETURNS i: a number of segments |
Method | TendonGetVertices | i TendonGetVertices( lattice* pTendon, polyh* pPolyh, i* pVertexIndices ) PURPOSE Get a number and a list of vertices of specified polyhedron that are part of specified tendon. PARAMETERS pTendon lattice*: a pointer to tendon's lattice pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron. pVertexIndices i*: an array for indices. If pVertexIndices is NULL pointer, it returns only the number of vertices, otherwise pVertexIndices has to be a valid pointer to sufficently long memory. RETURNS i: a number of vertices |
Method | tsxClipsGetClipNames | i tsxClipsGetClipNames ( sobj* pSobj , char **names[] ) PURPOSE Get a list of names of all clips of specified object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj names (char[])**: a pointer to an array of pointers to names of clips. It's filled by the function. No need to allocate or deallocate memory. RETURNS number of clips of the object |
Method | CreateImage | Image* CreateImage( void ) PURPOSE Create an empty image data structure ( doesn't allocate memory for image data) PARAMETERS RETURNS Image*: a pointer to the newly created image |
Method | long ScriptMGetTimeDelay | inline long ScriptMGetTimeDelay(); (no description) |
Method | BoneGetFirstJoint | joint* BoneGetFirstJoint( bone* pBone ) PURPOSE Get the first joint that links specified bone to other bone. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object RETURNS joint*: a pointer to Joint |
Method | BoneGetNextJoint | joint* BoneGetNextJoint( bone* pBone, joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get the next joint that links specified bone to other bone. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object pJoint joint*: a pointer to Joint object RETURNS joint*: a pointer to Joint or NULL |
Method | FrameGetNextFrame | keyframe* FrameGetNextFrame( keyframe* pKFrame ) PURPOSE Get closest next (to specified keyframe) keyframe. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: reference keyframe RETURNS keyframe*: keyframe next to reference, if it exists |
Method | FrameGetPrevFrame | keyframe* FrameGetPrevFrame( keyframe* pKFrame ) PURPOSE Get closest previous (to specified keyframe) keyframe. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: reference keyframe RETURNS keyframe*: keyframe previous to reference, if it exists |
Method | SobjGetFirstFrame | keyframe* SobjGetFirstFrame( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType,long segment ) PURPOSE Get first Keyframe of obj, for specified attribute (and optional segment). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the animatable attribute segment long: an optional segment of the attribute (0 if not used) RETURNS keyframe* |
Method | SobjGetFrame | keyframe* SobjGetFrame( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType,long segment,f time ) PURPOSE Get Keyframe at specified time for specified attribute (and optional segment) if it exists. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: segment long: an optional segment of the attribute (0 if not used) time f: the time of the keyframe RETURNS keyframe*: a pointer to the desired keyframe, if it exists |
Method | SobjGetLastFrame | keyframe* SobjGetLastFrame( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType,long segment ) PURPOSE Get last Keyframe of obj, for specified attribute (and optional segment). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the desired attribute segment long: an optional segment of the attribute (0 if not used) RETURNS keyframe* |
Method | SobjGetLeftFrame | keyframe* SobjGetLeftFrame( sobj* pSobj, e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, long segment,f time ) PURPOSE Get closest previous (to specified time) keyframe of object, for specified attribute (and optional segment). PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the attribute looked for segment long: an optional segment of the attribute (0 if not used) time f: current time RETURNS keyframe* a pointer to the desired keyframe, if it exists |
Method | BoneGetMuscle | lattice* BoneGetMuscle( bone* pBone, joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to muscle's lattice around the specified bone near specified joint. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object pJoint joint*: a pointer to Joint. If the bone is linked by one or two joints, the pJoint can be NULL. RETURNS lattice*: a pointer to muscle's lattice |
Method | JointGetTendon | lattice* JointGetTendon( joint* pJoint ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to tendon's lattice around the specified joint. PARAMETERS pJoint joint*: a pointer to joint RETURNS lattice*: a pointer to tendon's lattice |
Method | MaterialGetEmission | light* MaterialGetEmission( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Get emission properties of the material ( in a form of a light source ) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material RETURNS light*: pointer to a valid light source specification - light source acts as an object/material light thus the light is emitted from the whole surface of the object. |
Method | FILEtell | long FILEtell( tsxFILE *fd ) PURPOSE Get a position of I/O head. PARAMETERS fd tsxFILE*: a pointer to file descriptor RETURNS long: |
Method | FrameGetData | long FrameGetData( keyframe* pKFrame,void* pData,long length ) PURPOSE Get Keyframe data. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the source keyframe pData void*: a pointer to the memory area to be filled with the Data length long: the length of the data RETURNS long: the length of the data |
Method | FrameGetDataDescription | long FrameGetDataDescription( keyframe* pKFrame,short** ppDescr ) PURPOSE Get description of Keyframe data. Returns size of description. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the source keyframe ppDescr short**: a pointer to the start of the description RETURNS long: size of the description |
Method | FrameGetDataLength | long FrameGetDataLength( keyframe* pKFrame ) PURPOSE Get the length of Keyframe data. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the source keyframe RETURNS long: length of keyframe data |
Method | FrameSetData | long FrameSetData( keyframe* pKFrame,void* pData,long length ) PURPOSE Set Keyframe data. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the target keyframe pData void*: a pointer to a memory area containing the data to set length long: the length of the data RETURNS long: the length of the data |
Method | ScriptMGetTime | long ScriptMGetTime(); (no description) |
Method | SobjGetAttrData | long SobjGetAttrData( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, void* pData,long length ) PURPOSE Get Attribute data. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: queried attribute pData void*: attribute block length long: length of the attribute block RETURNS long |
Method | SobjGetAttrDataLength | long SobjGetAttrDataLength( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Get length of Attribute data. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: queried attribute RETURNS long: length of attribute data |
Method | SobjGetFirstSegment | long SobjGetFirstSegment( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType ) PURPOSE Get the first segment of attribute of Sobj. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: attribute queried RETURNS long: segment id |
Method | SobjGetInterpolatedData | long SobjGetInterpolatedData( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType,long segment,f time,void* pData,long length ) PURPOSE Get interpolated data for specified attribute (and optional segment) at specified time. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: the specified attribute segment long: an optional segment of the specified attribute (0 in none) time f: time of the requested interpolation pData void*: pointer to the memory area containing the interpolated data length long: size of the memory area containing the interpolated data RETURNS long |
Method | SobjGetNextSegment | long SobjGetNextSegment( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType,long segment ) PURPOSE Get the next segment of attribute of Sobj. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: segment long: current segment RETURNS long: id of the next segment |
Method | SobjSetAttrData | long SobjSetAttrData( sobj* pSobj,e_tsxKFT_xxxx keyfType, void* pData,long length ) PURPOSE Set Attribute data. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the SObj keyfType e_tsxKFT_xxxx: target attribute pData void*: attribute data block length long: length of attribute data RETURNS long |
Method | tsxPolyhFaceTriangulate | long tsxPolyhFaceTriangulate ( polyh* pPolyh, Face_p pFace, long* pBuffer, long bufferSize ) PURPOSE Takes a polyhedron and its face and returns triangulation in a given buffer; each three entries are the vertices of a triangle. Each triangle vertex represents an index in the combined list of vertices for this face including all holes. Note, the buffer size has to be 3*(v-2+2*h) long where v is the total number of vertices, and h is the number of holes. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pFace Face_p: a face to be triangulated pBuffer long*: a pointer to the buffer to hold the results of the triangulation bufferSize long: size of the buffer to be used for triangulation RETURNS long: number of triangles created |
Method | LightGetMaterial | mate* LightGetMaterial( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Return material of the area light PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS mate: material associated with the given area light |
Method | MaterialGetActive | mate* MaterialGetActive() PURPOSE Return a ptr to the Active Material (may be NULL ) PARAMETERS None RETURNS mate* the active material, NULL if none |
Method | MatRectGetMaterial | mate* MatRectGetMaterial( matrect* pMatRect ) PURPOSE Get material associate with the material rectangle PARAMETERS pMatRect matrect*: a pointer to the Material rectangle RETURNS mate*: a pointer to the Material associated with the material rectangle |
Method | PolyhGetIndexedMaterial | mate* PolyhGetIndexedMaterial( polyh* pPolyh, i iIdx ); (no description) |
Method | RenderMaterialSampleGetIIRMat | mate* RenderMaterialSampleGetIIRMat( void ); (no description) |
Method | BoneGetNail | nail* BoneGetNail( bone* pBone ) PURPOSE Get the nail if it nails specified bone. PARAMETERS pBone bone*: a pointer to Bone object RETURNS nail*: a pointer to Nail or NULL if the bone is not nailed. |
Method | IKgroupGetNail | nail* IKgroupGetNail( ikg* pIKgroup ) PURPOSE Get a nail of IKgroup. PARAMETERS pIKgroup ikg*: IK Group object RETURNS nail*: nail |
Method | IKgroupGetNextNail | nail* IKgroupGetNextNail( ikg* pIKgroup, nail* pNail ) PURPOSE Get another nail of IKgroup ( if IKgroup consists of more independent branches ) PARAMETERS pIKgroup ikg*: IK Group object pNail nail*: nail RETURNS nail*: another nail |
Method | NURBSCircularArcCreate | ncurve *NURBSCircularArcCreate( f radius, f start_ang, f end_ang, i nint_pts, bool closed_arc ) PURPOSE Create NURBS circle or circular arc. It will lay in XY plane, centered at (0,0,0). PARAMETERS radius f: Radius start_ang f: Start angle of the arc from [0, 360) end_ang f: End angle of the arc from (0, 360] nint_pts i: Number of interpolative points to use. 6 should be enough for almost perfect circular shape. closed_arc bool: Circular arc can be closed by two lines from its center to beginning and to end of the arc. RETURNS ncurve |
Method | UVTrimCurveTo3D | ncurve *UVTrimCurveTo3D( npatch *np, ncurve *uv_nc, f curv_angle, f break_angle ) PURPOSE Make 3D curve corresponding to UV trimming curve. PARAMETERS np npatch: pointer to patch to which UV trimming curve belongs uv_nc tsxNCurve*: pointer to UV trimming curve curv_angle f: Precision of reconstruction (how much the tangent must change to emit new control point). -1 means default. break_angle f: Sharp corner threshold (min angle of two adjacent tangents). -1 means default. RETURNS ncurve |
Method | NPatchPolyhGetNPatch | npatch *NPatchPolyhGetNPatch( polyh *polyh ) PURPOSE Get npatch object that is attached to polyh as a child. Parent polyhedron of the patch is ordinary polyh object with the following exception: tsxSobjGetType will identify it as e_tsxNPATCH_POLYH instead of e_tsxPOLYHEDRON. PARAMETERS polyh polyh*: parent polyhedron RETURNS npatch*: patch |
Method | PathCreate | path* PathCreate( void ) PURPOSE Create an empty Path. The Model-Axes are set to the World Axes. The Transformation Matrix is set to the identity matrix with no translation. PARAMETERS RETURNS path* |
Method | CreateWdgPolyh | polyh *CreateWdgPolyh( Vec3f_p vects[], i facelist[], i numvects, i numfaces, Txmx3f_p *pPosCorrection ) PURPOSE Function create the widget's polyhedron. PARAMETERS vects[] Vec3f_p: list of the object's vectors facelist[] i: list of the polyhedron's faces and holes numvects i: number of the vectors numfaces i: number of the faces pPosCorrection Txmx3f_p *: pointer to a matrix that will be applied to the vectors. Can be NULL. RETURNS polyh *: return the polyhedron if successful |
Method | GetWdgDrawObject | polyh *GetWdgDrawObject( widget *lpWidget ) PURPOSE To get a polyhedron that currently represents the widget. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object RETURNS polyh *: polyhedron that represents the widget |
Method | NCurveConvertToPolyhedron | polyh *NCurveConvertToPolyhedron( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Convert NURBs curve to polyhedron - the curve object is not replaced in the scene tree PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS polyh*: pointer to the polyhedron created by the conversion from a curve. |
Method | NPatchGetPolyh | polyh *NPatchGetPolyh( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Get parent polyhedron of npatch object. If npatch is going to be a part of the scene graph, it must have polyh as a parent. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS polyh*: parent polyhedron |
Method | CreateCone | polyh* CreateCone( i NbrLongitudes,i NbrLattitudes, f botRadius, f height ) PURPOSE Create a Cone (really a cylinder with a very very small top) with the base in the XY plae, and Z as the vertical axis. PARAMETERS NbrLongitudes i: # Longitudes (Min = 3) NbrLattitudes i: # Lattitudes (Min = 2) botRadius f: Base radius height f: height of the cone RETURNS polyh* |
Method | CreateCube | polyh* CreateCube( i nbrSections,f x,f y,f z ) PURPOSE Create a cube aligned with the World axes. PARAMETERS nbrSections i: resolution x f: X dimension y f: Y dimension z f: Z dimension RETURNS polyh* |
Method | CreateCylinder | polyh* CreateCylinder( i NbrLongitudes,i NbrLattitudes, f topRadius,f botRadius,f height ) PURPOSE Create a Cylinder with the base in the XY plane and Z as the vertical axis. PARAMETERS NbrLongitudes i: # Longs (Min = 3) NbrLattitudes i: # Latts (Min = 2) topRadius f: Top radius botRadius f: Base radius height f: height of the cylinder RETURNS polyh* |
Method | CreatePlane | polyh* CreatePlane( i nbrXrects,i nbrYrects ) PURPOSE Create rectangular plane in XY plane. PARAMETERS nbrXrects i: # rects in X direction (Min = 1) nbrYrects i: # rects in Y direction (Min = 1) RETURNS polyh* |
Method | CreateSphere | polyh* CreateSphere( i NbrLongitudes,i NbrLattitudes, f radius ) PURPOSE Create a sphere sitting on the XY plane, with Z as the vertical axis. PARAMETERS NbrLongitudes i: # Longs (Min = 3) NbrLattitudes i: # Latts (Min = 2) radius f: radius of the sphere RETURNS polyh* |
Method | CreateTorus | polyh* CreateTorus( i NbrLongitudes,i NbrLattitudes, f innerRadius ) PURPOSE Create a torus with Z as the axis. PARAMETERS NbrLongitudes i: # Longitudes (Min = 3) NbrLattitudes i: # Lattitudes (Min = 3) innerRadius f: Inner radius (0 < radius < 1.0) RETURNS polyh* |
Method | MNodeGetPolyhedron | polyh* MNodeGetPolyhedron( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Returns representative polyhedron of the MNode object PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS Ptr to the representative polyhedron |
Method | MNodeGetRenderingPolyhedron | polyh* MNodeGetRenderingPolyhedron( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Returns polyhedron used for subsequent realistic rendering of the MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS Ptr to the polyhedron used for rendering |
Method | MNodeGetTriangulatedPolyhedron | polyh* MNodeGetTriangulatedPolyhedron( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Returns triangulated representative polyhedron of the MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS Ptr to the triangulated representative polyhedron |
Method | SubDivGetActiveCagePtr | polyh* SubDivGetActiveCagePtr( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Get pointer to the active control mesh of subdivision surface. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface RETURNS polyh*: Pointert to control mesh, NULL if invalid |
Method | SubDivGetCagePtr | polyh* SubDivGetCagePtr( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Get pointer to control mesh of subdivision surface. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface RETURNS polyh*: Pointert to control mesh |
Method | InvertMx3f | ret InvertMx3f( Txmx3f_p Minv,const Txmx3f_p M ) PURPOSE Minv = Inverse of M. Return e_tsxFAILURE if result is not reliable. PARAMETERS Minv Txmx3f_p: M const Txmx3f_p: RETURNS ret |
Method | MaterialGetShaderName | ret MaterialGetShaderName( mate* mat, tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, char* name ); (no description) |
Method | MaterialGetShaderParameterName | ret MaterialGetShaderParameterName( mate* mat, tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i param_index, char* name ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetShaderIndexName | ret SceneGetShaderIndexName( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i shader_index, char* name ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetShaderIndexParameterName | ret SceneGetShaderIndexParameterName( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i shader_index, i param_index, char* name ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetShaderIndexParameterTypedValue | ret SceneGetShaderIndexParameterTypedValue( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i shader_index , i param_index, tsxSHPARAM_xxxx type, void* dest ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetShaderName | ret SceneGetShaderName( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, char* name ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetShaderParameterName | ret SceneGetShaderParameterName( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i param_index, char* name ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetShaderParameterTypedValue | ret SceneGetShaderParameterTypedValue( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i param_index, tsxSHPARAM_xxxx type, void* dest ); (no description) |
Method | SceneSetShaderIndexParameterValue | ret SceneSetShaderIndexParameterValue( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i shader_index, i param_index, void* value ); (no description) |
Method | SceneSetShaderParameterValue | ret SceneSetShaderParameterValue( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i param_index, void* value ); (no description) |
Method | ShaderInfoGetParameterName | ret ShaderInfoGetParameterName( shinfo* shinfo, i param_index, char* name ) PURPOSE Get shader parameter name PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo param_index 0-based shader parameter index name output shader name buffer RETURNS e_tsxSUCCESS if everything OK, otherwise e_tsxFAILURE |
Method | ShaderInfoGetShaderName | ret ShaderInfoGetShaderName( shinfo* shinfo, char* name ) PURPOSE Get the name of the shader attached to this shaderinfo PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo name output string storing the shader name RETURNS e_tsxSUCCESS if the name was successfuly retrieved, otherwise e_tsxFAILURE |
Method | GetScene | scene* GetScene() PURPOSE Get the trueSpace scene. PARAMETERS None RETURNS scene* |
Method | ShaderInfoGetShader | shader* ShaderInfoGetShader( shinfo* shinfo ) PURPOSE Get shader associated with shader info. PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo RETURNS pointer to the shader |
Method | ShaderGetActive | shader* ShaderGetActive( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx shclass ) PURPOSE Get active shader of the specified shader class (the shader selected in the shader panel) PARAMETERS shclass shader class RETURNS active shader |
Method | ShaderGetFirst | shader* ShaderGetFirst() PURPOSE To obtain first shader in the shader list PARAMETERS RETURNS first shader in the shader list |
Method | ShaderGetNext | shader* ShaderGetNext( shader* shader ) PURPOSE Trace through the shader list PARAMETERS shader the shader of which descendant is asked for RETURNS descendant of the input shader or NULL if input shader is last in the list |
Method | MaterialGetShaderInfo | shinfo* MaterialGetShaderInfo( mate* mat, tsxSHCLASS_xxxx shclass ) PURPOSE Get material shader information of the specified shader class (see shinfo) PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material shclass shader class RETURNS pointer to shinfo object which contains desired information |
Method | ParameterValueGetShaderInfo | shinfo* ParameterValueGetShaderInfo( shparamval* value ) PURPOSE Get shader info pointer if parameter points to the shader info. Used for layered shaders and can be called only if tsxParameterValueIsShaderInfo returns e_tsxTRUE. PARAMETERS value input abstract value RETURNS poniter to sub-shader info or NULL if invalid |
Method | SceneGetGlobalShaderInfo | shinfo* SceneGetGlobalShaderInfo( void* pGBox, tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass ); (no description) |
Method | ShaderInfoCreate | shinfo* ShaderInfoCreate() PURPOSE Create shader info. The tsxShaderInfoSetShader must be called to make shader info valid. Shader info created by this sunction must be deleted by tsxShaderInfoDestroy. The usual mechanism of setting up the material is: shinfo* si = tsxShaderInfoCreate( ) ... get shader sh ... tsxShaderInfoSetShader( sh ) ... set up shader info parameters ... tsxMaterialSetShaderInfo( mat, si ) tsxShaderInfoDestroy( si ) PARAMETERS none RETURNS pointer to created shader info |
Method | GetActiveLayerIndex | short GetActiveLayerIndex() PURPOSE Function returns active layer index. PARAMETERS none RETURNS short: index of the active layer |
Method | GetLayerIndexByName | short GetLayerIndexByName( const char* pName ) PURPOSE Function returns index of the layer with given name. PARAMETERS pName char *: name of the layer RETURNS short: index of the layer. |
Method | GetLayerIndexByNumber | short GetLayerIndexByNumber( short number ) PURPOSE Function returns index of the layer with given number. PARAMETERS number short: number associated with the layer RETURNS short: the index of the layer with given number on success, -1 otherwise. |
Method | GetLayerNumber | short GetLayerNumber( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns number of the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS short: the number of the layer with given index on success, -1 otherwise. |
Method | GetNumberOfLayerObjects | short GetNumberOfLayerObjects( short index ) PURPOSE Function returns the number of root objects belonging to the layer with given index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer to count objects in RETURNS short: object count. |
Method | GetNumberOfLayers | short GetNumberOfLayers() PURPOSE Function returns the number of layers including the removed ones (invalid ). PARAMETERS none RETURNS short: number of layers. |
Method | GetNumberOfValidLayers | short GetNumberOfValidLayers() PURPOSE Function returns the number of valid layers. PARAMETERS none RETURNS short: number of valid layers. |
Method | GetObjectLayerIndex | short GetObjectLayerIndex( sobj* pObject ) PURPOSE Function returns the layer index of given object. PARAMETERS pObject sobj*: object to request layer number for. RETURNS short: The layer index of given object on success, -1 otherwise. |
Method | LightGetShadowMapResolution | short LightGetShadowMapResolution( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get shadow-map resolution. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS short: shadowmap resolution is pixels |
Method | LightGetShmapQualityCustom | short LightGetShmapQualityCustom( light* pLight ); (no description) |
Method | LightGetShmapSharpnessCustom | short LightGetShmapSharpnessCustom( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get custom setting for shadowmap sharpness. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS short: sharpness setting for shadowmap - range 1. - 10. |
Method | ShaderInfoGetParameterValue | shparamval* ShaderInfoGetParameterValue( shinfo* shinfo, i param_index ) PURPOSE Get shader parameter name PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo param_index 0-based shader parameter index RETURNS pointer to the parameter value (see shparamval section) |
Method | ObjectGetNote | size_t ObjectGetNote( gnode* pObject, char *note, size_t noteLength ) PURPOSE Get length of attached note. PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node note char*: Pointer to buffer for attached note data if exists noteLength size_t: Length of note buffer RETURNS size_t: Length of attached note |
Method | ObjectGetNoteLength | size_t ObjectGetNoteLength( gnode* pObject ) PURPOSE Get length of attached note. PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node RETURNS size_t: Length of attached note |
Method | GenericHeadLoad | sobj *GenericHeadLoad( char *name ); (no description) |
Method | ObjectLoad | sobj *ObjectLoad( char *name ) PURPOSE Load object. If an object is successfully loaded, it is selected as the current object. PARAMETERS name char*: a name of the file with the object if name == NULL, load dialog will appear (new for 4.1) RETURNS sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj |
Method | AViewGetCameraObj | sobj* AViewGetCameraObj() PURPOSE Get pointer to the object that the active view is currently constrained to look through, if any. PARAMETERS None RETURNS sobj* |
Method | GetCurrentSelection | sobj* GetCurrentSelection() PURPOSE Get pointer to the currently selected object. Note: trueSpace may select objects that are not currently supported in TSX. PARAMETERS None RETURNS sobj* |
Method | GetNextSelection | sobj* GetNextSelection( sobj* pSobj ); (no description) |
Method | ObjectCreate | sobj* ObjectCreate( tsxSOBJTYPE objType ) PURPOSE Create a new object of specified type of external object. PARAMETERS objType tsxSOBJTYPE: a type of external object RETURNS sobj*: a pointer to a new object |
Method | SobjGetFirstChild | sobj* SobjGetFirstChild( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Get the first child of an object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS sobj*: a pointer to the first child |
Method | SobjGetLastChild | sobj* SobjGetLastChild( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Get the last child of an object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS sobj*: a pointer to the last child |
Method | SobjGetNext | sobj* SobjGetNext( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Get the next node of valid tsx Sobj Type pSobj is any Calobj PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS sobj*: a pointer to the next node of valid type |
Method | SobjGetParent | sobj* SobjGetParent( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Get the parent of an object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS sobj*: a pointer to the parent |
Method | SobjGetPrev | sobj* SobjGetPrev( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Get the prev node of valid tsx Sobj Type pSobj is any Calobj PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS sobj*: a pointer to the previous node of valid type |
Method | SubDivActiveCageGetSubdivideFaces | SubDivFaceArray_p SubDivActiveCageGetSubdivideFaces( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Get subdivide faces array for the active cage. NOTE: size of the array is equall to size of vertex array (or could be larger but extra fields are unused) PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface RETURNS SubDivFaceArray_p: subdivide faces array |
Method | bool LightIsLensFlares | SYNTAX bool LightIsLensFlares( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Return true if the light should create lens flares effect PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS bool |
Method | bool LightIsVolumetric | SYNTAX bool LightIsVolumetric( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Return true if the light should create volumetric effect PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS bool |
Method | bool LightSetShadowMapResolution | SYNTAX bool LightSetShadowMapResolution( light* pLight, short resolution ) PURPOSE Set shadow-map resolution numerically. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light resolution short: resolution of the shadowmap in pixels RETURNS bool: e_tsxFALSE if not light, e_tsxTRUE otherwise |
Method | bool MetaballIsPrimitive | SYNTAX bool MetaballIsPrimitive( mnode* pPrim, mball** pMetaball ) PURPOSE Tests whether object is a metaball primitive PARAMETERS pPrim mnode*: pointer to an object to be tested for metaball primitive pMetaball mball **: pointer to a metaball object containing the primitive will be returned here RETURNS bool: |
Method | err MetaballCreate | SYNTAX err MetaballCreate( mball** ppMetaball ) PURPOSE Create an empty (no primitives) metaball object in the scene PARAMETERS ppMetaball mball**: pointer to the created metaball object will be returned here RETURNS err: |
Method | err MetaballPrimitiveCreate | SYNTAX err MetaballPrimitiveCreate( mball* pMetaball, mnode** ppPrim, e_tsxMETABALL_xxxx mbType ) PURPOSE Adds metaball primitive to metaball object. Primitive is placed into "default" position: location (0,0,1), no rotation, default size. The position/rotation/scaling of the object can be manipulated afterwards by tsxGNode functions such as tsxGNodeSetLocation, tsxGNodeSetRotation, tsxGNodeSetSize. Metaball "skin" and display are NOT refreshed automatically - the refresh needs to be performed manually by calling tsxMetaballRefresh function PARAMETERS pMetaball mball *: pointer to a metaball object ppPrim mnode**: pointer to the added metaball primitive will be returned here mbType e_tsxMETABALL_xxxx: type of the primitive to create RETURNS err: |
Method | err MetaballPrimitiveGetParam | SYNTAX err MetaballPrimitiveGetParam( mball* pMetaball, mnode* pPrim, bool *positive, f *volume ) PURPOSE Queries parameters of a metaball primitive PARAMETERS pMetaball mball *: pointer to a metaball object pPrim mnode*: pointer to a metaball primitive positive bool*: returns e_tsxTRUE if primitive is positive, e_tsx_FALSE if negative volume f*: volume of influence will be returned here (must be > 1.25) RETURNS err: |
Method | err MetaballPrimitiveSetParam | SYNTAX err MetaballPrimitiveSetParam( mball* pMetaball, mnode* pPrim, bool *positive, f *volume ) PURPOSE Sets parameters of a metaball primitive PARAMETERS pMetaball mball *: pointer to a metaball object pPrim mnode*: pointer to a metaball primitive positive bool*: e_tsxTRUE if primitive is positive, e_tsx_FALSE if negative volume f*: volume of influence to set (must be > 1.25) RETURNS err: |
Method | err MetaballRefresh | SYNTAX err MetaballRefresh( mball* pMetaball, e_tsxMETABALL_REFRESH_xxxx type, bool refreshDisplay ) PURPOSE Refreshes the metaball "skin" (based on the parameter refresh type) and refreshes metaball object in real time renderer (if refreshDisplay is TRUE) PARAMETERS pMetaball mball *: pointer to a metaball object to refresh type e_tsxMETABALL_REFRESH_xxxx: type of the refresh (render or display) refreshDisplay bool: e_tsxTRUE if display of the metaball object should be refreshed in real time renderer, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS err: |
Method | err RenderAView | SYNTAX err RenderAView() PURPOSE render a particular view using photorealistic rendering PARAMETERS none RETURNS err: |
Method | FaceSetHoles | SYNTAX FaceSetHoles( polyh* pPolyh, Face_p pFace, i iNbrHoles, Hole_p pHoles[] ) PURPOSE Assign a new hole-ptr array to the face of the polyhedron. The corresponding field in pFace is set to pHoles. Clears old holes and array and frees memory, if any. Note: Use the TSXAPI memory routines ( tsxMisc.h ) to allocate the memory area (pHoles) for the hole array. PARAMETERS pPolyh Face to assign holes to pFace Pointer to the face iNbrHoles Number of holes (>=0) pHoles Ptr to the array of holes (may be NULL) RETURNS void |
Method | HBITMAP RenderGNodePreview | SYNTAX HBITMAP RenderGNodePreview( gnode *obj, i width, i height ) PURPOSE render a thumbnail image of a particular object using photorealistic rendering PARAMETERS obj object to render the thumbnail for width width of the thumbnail height height of the thumbnail RETURNS HBITMAP: handle to thumbnail bitmap - plugin is responsible for deleting the bitmap afterwards. |
Method | NPatchCntlPointIdx | SYNTAX NPatchCntlPointIdx( nu, i, j ) PURPOSE This macro computes index to array of patch control points from indices in U and V direction. PARAMETERS nu number of control points in U direction i U index j V index RETURNS index to array of control points |
Method | NPatchCntlPointUVIdcs | SYNTAX NPatchCntlPointUVIdcs( nu, idx, i, j ) PURPOSE This macro computes indices in U and V direction from index to array of patch control points. PARAMETERS nu number of control points in U direction idx index to array of control points i U index j V index RETURNS void |
Method | SceneRefreshObject | SYNTAX SceneRefreshObject( sobj* obj ) PURPOSE Refresh the given object in all the views of the scene PARAMETERS obj sobj object to be refreshed RETURNS void |
Method | shinfo* LayeredMaterialGetVisibleShaderInfo | SYNTAX shinfo* LayeredMaterialGetVisibleShaderInfo( mate* mat, tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass ) PURPOSE Get shader info for a particular shader class masked by the visibility information PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material tsxShclass tsxSHCLASS_xxxx: class of shaders to get the bit-mask for. RETURNS shinfo*: resulting shader info |
Method | void FixMatList | SYNTAX void FixMatList( gnode* pNode ) PURPOSE Fix all materials associated with the object. All corresponding files are verified for existence (if not existent the filename is replaced). PARAMETERS pNode gnode*: a pointer to the object to fix materials for RETURNS void |
Method | ActiveTimeChangedCB | tsxBasicCallbackFP ActiveTimeChangedCB( i tsxid, tsxBasicCallbackFP func ) PURPOSE Specify the callback function called for a change of the active frame number. The function 'func' will get called each time there is a change in the frame number, made by the normal trueSpace animation panels or through a call to one of the above functions for setting active time. Use 0 (NULL) to remove an installed callback. Returns the previous callback function pointer (or 0 if none). PARAMETERS tsxid i: Id of this eXtn (see tsxGetData). func tsxBasicCallbackFP: This function gets installed as the callback. RETURNS tsxBasicCallbackFP: previous callback function pointer |
Method | SelectionChangedCB | tsxBasicCallbackFP SelectionChangedCB( i tsxid,tsxBasicCallbackFP func ) PURPOSE The function `func' will get called each time there is a change in the current selection, made by the normal trueSpace mouse tool or through a call to one of the above functions for making/changing a selection, while an eXtension is active. Use 0 (NULL) to remove an installed callback. Installation and callback works only while an eXtension is active. Returns the previous callback function pointer (or 0 if none). PARAMETERS tsxid i: Id of this eXtn (see tsxGetData). func tsxBasicCallbackFP: This function gets installed as the callback. RETURNS tsxBasicCallbackFP |
Method | LightGetFalloff | tsxLIGHT_FALLOFF LightGetFalloff( light* pLight ) PURPOSE Get the light intensity falloff type with distance. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS tsxLIGHT_FALLOFF |
Method | LightSetFalloff | tsxLIGHT_FALLOFF LightSetFalloff( light* pLight, tsxLIGHT_FALLOFF NewFo ) PURPOSE Set the light intensity falloff type with distance. Returns the new value, or tsxLF_UNDEF for invalid request. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light NewFo tsxLIGHT_FALLOFF: new fallof type RETURNS tsxLIGHT_FALLOFF |
Method | ShaderGetClass | tsxSHCLASS_xxxx ShaderGetClass( shader* shader ) PURPOSE Return shader class PARAMETERS shader input shader RETURNS shader class to which shader belongs |
Method | ShaderInfoGetClass | tsxSHCLASS_xxxx ShaderInfoGetClass( shinfo* shinfo ) PURPOSE Returns class of the appended shader (see tsxSHCLASS_xxxx) PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo RETURNS shader class to which shaderinfo belongs |
Method | ParameterValueGetType | tsxSHPARAM_xxxx ParameterValueGetType( shparamval* value ) PURPOSE Get parameter value type identifier PARAMETERS value input abstract value RETURNS code of the parameter value type |
Method | SceneGetShaderIndexParameterType | tsxSHPARAM_xxxx SceneGetShaderIndexParameterType( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass,i shader_index, i param_index ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetShaderParameterType | tsxSHPARAM_xxxx SceneGetShaderParameterType( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i param_index ); (no description) |
Method | ObjectDefine | tsxSOBJTYPE ObjectDefine( i tsxid, char* name, tsxObjectCallbackFP* objCallback, long objDataLength ) PURPOSE Register a new type of external object. PARAMETERS tsxid i: eXtension id name char*: name of the object ( max 16 characters ) objCallback tsxObjectCallbackFP*: callback functions for the object objDataLength long: length of data (may be 0L) RETURNS tsxSOBJTYPE: type of the object |
Method | ObjectIsArray | tsxSOBJTYPE ObjectIsArray( gnode* pObject, gnode** ppItem, gnode** ppInfo ) PURPOSE Checks if given pObject is an array or a part of array. PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node ppItem gnode**: Pointer of pointer to array item Node, may be NULL ppInfo gnode**:Pointer of pointer to array info Node, may be NULL RETURNS tsxSOBJTYPE: Type of array - e_tsxXXX_ARRAY_INFO |
Method | SobjGetType | tsxSOBJTYPE SobjGetType( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Return the Sobj Type. One of these: enum tsxSOBJTYPE { e_tsxUNDEFINED = 0, //Not a TSX-supported SOBJ type // SOBJ types e_tsxMATERIAL = 1, e_tsxSCENE, e_tsxPLUGIN_FILTER, e_tsxPHYS_WIND, e_tsxMATRECT, // Selectable objects e_tsxSELECTABLE = 50, //(Not a legal SOBJ type) e_tsxAXES, // GNODE types e_tsxGNODETYPES = 100, //(Not a legal SOBJ type) e_tsxCAMERA, e_tsxLIGHT, e_tsxJOINT, e_tsxNAIL, e_tsxLATTICE, e_tsxPATH, // MNODE types e_tsxMNODETYPES = 200, //(Not a legal SOBJ type) e_tsxPOLYHEDRON, e_tsxGROUP, e_tsxLODGROUP, //Levels of Detail e_tsxMBALLOBJ, //Object with meta-balls e_tsxSADEF, // Free-standing deformation e_tsxIKGROUP, //Object with joints (Inverse Kinematics) e_tsxMETANURBS, e_tsxMETANURBS_MESH, e_tsxOPARTICLE, e_tsxSKELETON, e_tsxPARAMOBJECT, // Object behaves like group object even it is not, but it has children. e_tsxHTMLBUTTON, // *IH* March 1999, special object for iSpace, a kind of group object e_tsxNPATCH_POLYH, // patch representation for real-time display e_tsxNPATCH, // mesh of patch's control points e_tsxNURBOBJ, // meta NURB object e_tsxNCURVE, e_tsxSUBDIV, // subdivision surface e_tsxSUBDIV, // subdivision surface e_tsxSUBDIV_MESH, // subdivision control mesh e_tsxGRID_ARRAY_INFO, // Grid array info object e_tsxRADIAL_ARRAY_INFO, // Radial array info object e_tsxSPLINE_ARRAY_INFO, // Spline array info object e_tsxSOBJEND //(Not a legal SOBJ type) }; PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS tsxSOBJTYPE |
Method | GetWdgIntAcs | tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx GetWdgIntAcs( widget *lpWidget ) PURPOSE To get current interface access flags of the widget. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object RETURNS tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx: current interface access flags |
Method | AddMxTranslation3f | Txmx3f_p AddMxTranslation3f( Txmx3f_p Txmx,const Vec3f_p trvec ) PURPOSE Add translation vector 'trvec' to Txmx PARAMETERS Txmx Txmx3f_p: the target transformation matrix trvec const Vec3f_p: the desired translation increment RETURNS Txmx3f_p |
Method | AViewGetEye2WorldTxmx | Txmx3f_p AViewGetEye2WorldTxmx( Txmx3f_p pTxmx ) PURPOSE Get the matrix for transforming view's Eye coordinates to world coordinates (inverse of the World-to-Eye matrix). PARAMETERS pTxmx Txmx3f_p: a pointer to the transformation matrix RETURNS Txmx3f_p: a pointer to the transformation matrix |
Method | AViewGetWorld2EyeTxmx | Txmx3f_p AViewGetWorld2EyeTxmx( Txmx3f_p pTxmx ) PURPOSE Get the matrix for transforming world coordinates to view's Eye coordinates. PARAMETERS pTxmx Txmx3f_p: a pointer to the transformation matrix RETURNS Txmx3f_p: a pointer to the transformation matrix |
Method | AViewGetWorld2VportTxmx | Txmx3f_p AViewGetWorld2VportTxmx( Txmx3f_p pTxmx ) PURPOSE Get the matrix for transforming world coordinates to viewport (screen) coordinates. PARAMETERS pTxmx Txmx3f_p: a pointer to the transformation matrix RETURNS Txmx3f_p: a pointer to the transformation matrix |
Method | GNodeGetPureTransform | Txmx3f_p GNodeGetPureTransform( gnode* pGNode,Txmx3f_p pTxmx ) PURPOSE Return the transformation matrix representation of the GNode's axes, with only Rotation and Translation elements, and no Scaling/Shearing factors. 0 if not GNode PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to the GNode pTxmx Txmx3f_p: a pointer to the transformation matrix RETURNS Txmx3f_p: The pure transform, 0 if not GNode |
Method | GNodeGetTransform | Txmx3f_p GNodeGetTransform( gnode* pGNode, Txmx3f_p pTxmx ); (no description) |
Method | MakeMxFromXZO3f | Txmx3f_p MakeMxFromXZO3f( const Vec3f_p xAxis,const Vec3f_p zAxis,const Vec3f_p origin,Txmx3f_p pTxmx,Txmx3f_p pInvTxmx = 0 ) PURPOSE Make a Transformation Matrix from specified X and Z axes and Origin. pTxmx points to the matrix where the result Transformation Matrix is stored. If pInvTxmx is specified, the inverted Transform is stored there. Returns reference to Txmx. PARAMETERS xAxis const Vec3f_p: X Axis of the desired transformation zAxis const Vec3f_p: Y Axis of the desired transformation origin const Vec3f_p: Origin of the desired transformation pTxmx Txmx3f_p: the result transformation pInvTxmx Txmx3f_p : a matrix to store the inverse transformation, computed if a non-NULL pointer is given as argument RETURNS Txmx3f_p |
Method | MakePureRotMx3f | Txmx3f_p MakePureRotMx3f( const Vec3f_p axis,f angle, Txmx3f_p pTxmx,Txmx3f_p pInvTxmx = 0 ) PURPOSE Build a pure rotation matrix, leaving other cells untouched. The rotation is about a (unit) vector 'axis'. PARAMETERS axis const Vec3f_p: Axis of the desired rotation angle f: Angle of the desired rotation in radians pTxmx Txmx3f_p: the result transformation (only the rotational part has been modified) Txmx3f_p pInvTxmx: a matrix to store the inverse transformation, computed if a non-NULL pointer is given as argument RETURNS Txmx3f_p |
Method | MakeRotMx3f | Txmx3f_p MakeRotMx3f( const Vec3f_p cent,const Vec3f_p axis,f angle,Txmx3f_p pTxmx,Txmx3f_p pInvTxmx = 0 ) PURPOSE Makes a transformation matrix for a rotation by 'angle' about a line defined by the center point 'cent' and the normalized axis vector 'axis', using the "Right Hand" convention. Return reference to Txmx. PARAMETERS cent const Vec3f_p: Center of the desired rotation axis const Vec3f_p: Axis of the desired rotation angle f: Angle of the desired rotation in radians pTxmx Txmx3f_p: the result transformation Txmx3f_p pInvTxmx: a matrix to store the inverse transformation, computed if a non-NULL pointer is given as argument RETURNS Txmx3f_p |
Method | PolyhGetVxTxmx | Txmx3f_p PolyhGetVxTxmx( polyh* pPolyh, Txmx3f_p pTxmx ) PURPOSE Get the Vertex Transformation Matrix. Returns pTxmx, if valid operation. Note: This matrix includes scaling and shearing terms, so it is not guaranteed to be orthogonal. Use `tsxUnMatrix3f' before inverting. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pTxmx Txmx3f_p: ptr to Txmx where result is copied. RETURNS Txmx3f_p |
Method | SetMxTranslation3f | Txmx3f_p SetMxTranslation3f( Txmx3f_p Txmx,const Vec3f_p trvec ) PURPOSE Set the translation components of a Txmx PARAMETERS Txmx Txmx3f_p: the target transformation matrix trvec const Vec3f_p: the desired translation vector RETURNS Txmx3f_p |
Method | SubMxTranslation3f | Txmx3f_p SubMxTranslation3f( Txmx3f_p Txmx,const Vec3f_p trvec ) PURPOSE Subtract translation vector 'trvec' from Txmx PARAMETERS Txmx Txmx3f_p: the target transformation matrix trvec const Vec3f_p: the desired translation decrement RETURNS Txmx3f_p |
Method | XProdMx3f | Txmx3f_p XProdMx3f( Txmx3f_p A,const Txmx3f_p B , const Txmx3f_p C ) PURPOSE A = B x C Matrix Multiplication. A may be the same as B or C. PARAMETERS A Txmx3f_p: a transformation matrix to store the result B const Txmx3f_p: a transformation matrix C const Txmx3f_p: a transformation matrix RETURNS Txmx3f_p |
Method | GetWdgFlags | ulong GetWdgFlags( widget *lpWidget ) PURPOSE To get current widget's flags. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object RETURNS ulong: current widget's flags |
Method | NPatchDetectPoles | USHORT NPatchDetectPoles( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Detect patch poles (edges collapsed to one point). PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS USHORT: combination of following pole flags: |
Method | PolyhGetUVArray | UV_p PolyhGetUVArray( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Get pointer to the UV-array (0 if not a Polyhedron). PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS UV_p |
Method | NCurveGetCntlPts | Vec3f_p *NCurveGetCntlPts( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Get pointer to array of control points of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS Vec3f_p: pointer to array of control points |
Method | NPatchGetCntlPts | Vec3f_p *NPatchGetCntlPts( npatch *np ) PURPOSE Get pointer to array of control points of the patch. Number of points is nu * nv. Points are stored in V-major order, i.e. index in U direction changes faster than index in V direction. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch RETURNS Vec3f_p: pointer to array of control points |
Method | AddScalar3f | Vec3f_p AddScalar3f( Vec3f_p vec,const f uu ) PURPOSE vec = vec + s, where s = (uu, uu, uu). 'vec' is modified and returned PARAMETERS vec Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, to be modified uu const f: a constant to be added to each coordinate RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | AddToVec3f | Vec3f_p AddToVec3f( const Vec3f_p u,const Vec3f_p v, Vec3f_p x ) PURPOSE x = u + v PARAMETERS u const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, 1st addend v const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, 2nd addend x Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, will store the result RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | AddVec3f | Vec3f_p AddVec3f( Vec3f_p u,const Vec3f_p v ) PURPOSE u = u + v PARAMETERS u Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, will store the result v const Vec3f_p: added 3-D vector, unmodified RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | GetMxTranslation3f | Vec3f_p GetMxTranslation3f( Vec3f_p trvec,const Txmx3f_p Txmx ) PURPOSE Get the translation components {x, y, z} into 'trvec'. PARAMETERS trvec Vec3f_p: the resulting translation vector Txmx const Txmx3f_p: the source transformation matrix RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | GNodeGetAxesPosition | Vec3f_p GNodeGetAxesPosition( gnode* pGNode, Vec3f_p posn ) PURPOSE Get the GNode's position in World coordinates. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode posn Vec3f_p: a pointer to a 3-vector RETURNS Vec3f_p: 0 if not GNODE, else posn. |
Method | GNodeGetLocation | Vec3f_p GNodeGetLocation( gnode* pGNode, Vec3f_p loc ). PURPOSE Returns the location of a given GNode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE loc Vec3f_p: a pointer to a location vector RETURNS 0 if pGNode isn't a GNODE; otherwise, a pointer to a location vector |
Method | GNodeGetRotation | Vec3f_p GNodeGetRotation( gnode* pGNode, Vec3f_p rot ). PURPOSE Returns the euler angles of the given GNode's orientation. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE rot Vec3f_p *: a pointer to an orientation vector RETURNS 0 if pGNode isn't a GNODE; otherwise, a pointer to a location vector |
Method | GNodeGetSize | Vec3f_p GNodeGetSize( gnode* pGNode, Vec3f_p size ). PURPOSE Returns the size of a given GNode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE size Vec3f_p: a pointer to a size vector RETURNS 0 if pGNode isn't a GNODE; otherwise, a pointer to a location vector |
Method | LatticePointGetLocation | Vec3f_p LatticePointGetLocation( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p pPoint, Vec3f_p loc ) PURPOSE Get a local position of specified control point. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pPoint LatticeVector_p: pointer to coordinates of the control point loc Vec3f_p: pointer to a 3-vector RETURNS err |
Method | LatticePointSetLocation | Vec3f_p LatticePointSetLocation( lattice* pLattice, LatticeVector_p pPoint, Vec3f_p loc ) PURPOSE Set a local position of specified control point. PARAMETERS pLattice lattice*: lattice pPoint LatticeVector_p: pointer to coordinates of the control point loc Vec3f_p: pointer to a 3-vector RETURNS err |
Method | MulScalar3f | Vec3f_p MulScalar3f( Vec3f_p vec,const f s ) PURPOSE vec = vec * s PARAMETERS vec Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector s const f: scalar RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | PhysSimGetAccelMotionVector | Vec3f_p PhysSimGetAccelMotionVector( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p *vec ) PURPOSE Get motion acceleration vector of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object vec Vec3f_p: Place to store the motion acceleration vector RETURNS Vec3f_p: 'vec' or NULL if object has no physical properties. |
Method | PhysSimGetCenterOfGravity | Vec3f_p PhysSimGetCenterOfGravity( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p *cog ) PURPOSE Get center of gravity of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object cog Vec3f_p: Place to store the center of gravity RETURNS Vec3f_p: 'cog' or NULL if object has no physical properties. |
Method | PhysSimGetInitialMotionVector | Vec3f_p PhysSimGetInitialMotionVector( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p *vec ) PURPOSE Get initial motion vector of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object vec Vec3f_p: Place to store the initial motion vector RETURNS Vec3f_p: 'vec' or NULL if object has no physical properties. |
Method | PolyhGetVxArray | Vec3f_p PolyhGetVxArray( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to the array of vertices (0 if not a Polyhedron). The Vertex coordinates are in the frame defined by the Vertex Transformation Matrix. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | PolyhGetVxNormalsArray | Vec3f_p PolyhGetVxNormalsArray( polyh* pPolyh ); (no description) |
Method | SubToVec3f | Vec3f_p SubToVec3f( const Vec3f_p u,const Vec3f_p v, Vec3f_p x ) PURPOSE x = u - v PARAMETERS u const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, minuend v const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, subtrahend x Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, will store the result RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | SubVec3f | Vec3f_p SubVec3f( Vec3f_p u,const Vec3f_p v ) PURPOSE u = u - v PARAMETERS u Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, will store the result v const Vec3f_p: substracted 3-D vector, unmodified RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | XProdVec3f | Vec3f_p XProdVec3f( Vec3f_p uxv,const Vec3f_p u,const Vec3f_p v ) PURPOSE u x v (Cross Product, a.k.a. exterior product) PARAMETERS uxv Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector, will store the result u const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector v const Vec3f_p: a 3-D vector RETURNS Vec3f_p |
Method | GetWdgUsersData | void *GetWdgUsersData( widget *lpWidget ) PURPOSE To get the pointer to user's data. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object RETURNS void *: pointer to user's data |
Method | ScriptGetDataPtr | void *ScriptGetDataPtr( sobj* obj ); (no description) |
Method | AddMemBlockMark | void AddMemBlockMark( char* mark ); (no description) |
Method | AllViewRefreshSelObject | void AllViewRefreshSelObject() PURPOSE Use this function to refresh the selected object in the all views PARAMETERS RETURNS void |
Method | AllViewsRefresh | void AllViewsRefresh() PURPOSE Use this function to refresh all views of the scene simultaneously PARAMETERS RETURNS void |
Method | AnimGetPlayRanges | void AnimGetPlayRanges( f* start, f* end ); (no description) |
Method | AnimRecordSelectionKeyframes | void AnimRecordSelectionKeyframes() PURPOSE Record keyframes for a currently selected object (equivalent to hitting record button within tS ). PARAMETERS none RETURNS none |
Method | AnimSetActiveFrame | void AnimSetActiveFrame( gnode* pGNode, f frameNbr ); (no description) |
Method | AnimSetActiveTime | void AnimSetActiveTime( f frameNbr ) PURPOSE Set the active frame number. It updates whole scene according the new frame number. If there is an animated object in the scene, it may be changed to correspond its keyframes. So if an eXtension is animating the Sobj, it should repeat the following three steps: 1/ set the active frame number, 2/ change the animated attribute of Sobj (i.e. its position), 3/ create a keyframe of the attribute in active frame number (see tsxSobjSetFrame) PARAMETERS frameNbr f: RETURNS void |
Method | AnimSetActiveTimeObject | void AnimSetActiveTimeObject( sobj* pSobj, f frameNbr ) PURPOSE Put the object into a frame number without the screen refresh PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: object to change the frame number for frameNbr f: RETURNS void |
Method | AnimSetActiveTimeScene | void AnimSetActiveTimeScene( f frameNbr ) PURPOSE Put the scene into a frame number without the screen refresh. PARAMETERS frameNbr f: RETURNS void |
Method | AnimSetAutoRecord | void AnimSetAutoRecord( bool value ) PURPOSE Get the status of the auto-record button. PARAMETERS value bool - e_tsxTRUE if the autorecord should be switched ON, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS bool - e_tsxTRUE if the autorecord is ON, e_tsxFALSE otherwise |
Method | AnimSetPlayMode | void AnimSetPlayMode( e_tsxPLAY_xxxx mode ) PURPOSE Set mode for playback. PARAMETERS mode e_tsxPLAY_xxxx: RETURNS void |
Method | AnimSetPlayRanges | void AnimSetPlayRanges( f start,f end ) PURPOSE Set ranges for playback. PARAMETERS start f: start time end f: end time RETURNS void |
Method | ArrayObjectHideWidget | void ArrayObjectHideWidget( gnode* pObject, bool hide ) PURPOSE Checks if widget is hidden for given array PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node hide bool: e_tsxTRUE to hide widget RETURNS |
Method | AViewGetDirection | void AViewGetDirection( Vec3f_p dirn ) PURPOSE Get the direction in which the view is pointed, as a normalized vector relative to its position (copied into 'dirn') PARAMETERS dirn Vec3f_p: the direction in which the view points RETURNS void |
Method | AViewGetDrawportSize | void AViewGetDrawportSize( long* width, long* height ) PURPOSE Get size of the screen drawport PARAMETERS width, height output drawport sizes RETURNS void |
Method | AviewGetEyeToRenderTxmx | void AviewGetEyeToRenderTxmx( long dpw, long dph, long rw, long rh, f par, Txmx2f_p pm ) PURPOSE Get transformation matrix from the viewport to rendered output PARAMETERS dpw, dph drawport width and height - can be obtained by calling tsxAViewGetDrawportSize rw, rh output resolution width and height par used pixel aspect ratio pm output 2D transformation matrix RETURNS void |
Method | AViewGetMouseRay | void AViewGetMouseRay( short mousePtX, short mousePtY, Vec3f_p pRayOrigin, Vec3f_p pRayDirn ) PURPOSE Compute a ray pointing from the eye's viewpoint through the mouse point. The ray is returned in pRayOrigin and pRayDirn, the latter giving the direction as a normalized vector pointing from pRayOrigin. Any of the output arguments may be NULL, if that value is not desired. PARAMETERS mousePtX short: IN: mouse X coordinate (in screen space) mousePtY short: IN: mouse Y coordinate pRayOrigin Vec3f_p: OUT: Eye location for active view pRayDirn Vec3f_p: OUT: Normalized direction from pRayOrigin RETURNS void |
Method | AViewGetPosition | void AViewGetPosition( Vec3f_p posn ) PURPOSE Get the eye position (copied into 'posn') in world coordinates PARAMETERS posn Vec3f_p: the position of the eye in world coordinates RETURNS void |
Method | AViewGetScreenPoint | void AViewGetScreenPoint( Vec3f_p pWorldPt, short* pScreenPtX, short* pScreenPtY ) PURPOSE Compute screen cordinates of the point in the active view PARAMETERS pWorldPt input world coordinates pScreenPtX output screen x-coordinate in pixels pScreenPtY output screen y-coordinate in pixels RETURNS void |
Method | AViewRefresh | void AViewRefresh() PURPOSE Refresh the active view of the scene after changing the view's attributes. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | AViewSetBank | void AViewSetBank( f bankAngle ) PURPOSE Change the bank angle between the view's horizontal axis and the world X axis. PARAMETERS bankAngle f: the bank angle in radians RETURNS void |
Method | AViewSetDrawingMode | void AViewSetDrawingMode( i mode ) PURPOSE Set the drawing mode of the active view. PARAMETERS mode i: drawing mode represented as bitflags (see drawing mode constants above) RETURNS void |
Method | AViewSetPen | void AViewSetPen( e_tsxPEN_xxxx pen ) PURPOSE Set a color of a pen for wireframe drawing ( for external type of object ). PARAMETERS Pen e_tsxPEN_xxxx: a color for the wireframe drawing RETURNS void |
Method | AViewSetView | void AViewSetView( Vec3f_p pEyePosn, Vec3f_p pLookAt, bool bLevelIt ) PURPOSE Change the position and direction of the active view's "eye". A NULL value for 'pEyePosn' or 'pLookAt' indicates no change in that parameter. PARAMETERS pEyePosn Vec3f_p: New position of eye, in world coordinates pLookAt Vec3f_p: New point at which eye should point, in world coordinates bLevelIt bool: e_tsxTRUE if eye's horizontal axis should be made parallel to world X, otherwise current bank with world-X maintained. RETURNS void |
Method | AViewUnsetCameraMode | void AViewUnsetCameraMode() PURPOSE Turn off the camera mode, removing the constraint on the active view to look through an object. The current view of the scene is not changed. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | AxesToEuler | void AxesToEuler( Axes3f_p *axes, Vec3f_p *angles ) PURPOSE Get euler angles representing the rotation defined by the axes position. PARAMETERS axes CtsxAxes3F*: axes position angles Vec3f_p: euler angles in radians representing the same rotation RETURNS void |
Method | BBoxInit | void BBoxInit( BBox3f_p pBBox ) PURPOSE Initialize BBox to a negative volume. PARAMETERS pBBox BBox3f_p: the initialized bounding box RETURNS void |
Method | BevelSetAngle | void BevelSetAngle( i angle ) PURPOSE Set a new value of beveling angle. PARAMETERS angle i: a new value of beveling angle RETURNS void |
Method | BevelSetBevel | void BevelSetBevel( f bevel ) PURPOSE Set a new value of bevel. PARAMETERS bevel f: a new value of bevel RETURNS void |
Method | BooleanSetIdentity | void BooleanSetIdentity( i identity ) PURPOSE Set new active identity value for Booleans. PARAMETERS identity i: active identity value (in 1/1000 of unit ) REUTURNS void identity i: active identity value (in 1/1000 of unit) |
Method | BooleanSetOptions | void BooleanSetOptions( i options ) PURPOSE Set new active options for Booleans. PARAMETERS Options i: flags for new active options (see above ) REUTURNS void Options i: flags for new active options (see above) |
Method | CloseNotebook | void CloseNotebook( void ) PURPOSE Close Notebook editor. PARAMETERS RETURNS |
Method | CreateWidgetMaterial | void CreateWidgetMaterial( polyh *polyh, Color_p colors[], long num_colors, i facelist[] ) PURPOSE Function creates the object's materials and assign it to the faces. PARAMETERS polyh polyh *: the polyhedron colors[] Color_p: table of the object's color num_colors long: number of the colors facelist[] i: the face list of the polyhedron RETURNS |
Method | CurrobjDraw | void CurrobjDraw() PURPOSE Draw the curr selection PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | CurrobjEditTool | void CurrobjEditTool() PURPOSE Start the default edit tool (based on the object type ) for the current object. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | CurrobjPhrender | void CurrobjPhrender() PURPOSE Photo-render the current object in the active view. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | CurrobjRefresh | void CurrobjRefresh() PURPOSE Refresh the current selection. This function is equivalent but more efficient than tsxCurrobjDraw PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | CurrobjReplace | void CurrobjReplace( gnode* pNewGNode,bool bNoDraw ) PURPOSE Removes the current object and substitutes it with pNewGNode. If the selected part of the current object does not include it's children, the children are moved to the new object and removed from the current object, leaving the children non-selected. pNewGNode is installed in Currobj's location, and becomes the new Currobj. The old Currobj is deleted. PARAMETERS pNewGNode gnode*: a pointer to the Gnode that should become Currobj bNoDraw bool: TRUE if View displays should not be refreshed. RETURNS void |
Method | CurrobjToggleAxes | void CurrobjToggleAxes() PURPOSE Toggles (On/Off ) the display of the current object's axes, if applicable. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | DerivCurvesDelete | void DerivCurvesDelete( DerivCurves_p *der_curves ) PURPOSE Delete the structure that keeps derivative curves and free all data allocated by tsxNCurveDerivCurves. PARAMETERS der_curves DerivCurves_p: pointer to structure keeping derivative curves RETURNS void |
Method | DisableLayersLockSwitchUsing | void DisableLayersLockSwitchUsing() PURPOSE Function resets the flag of the mass locked-visible direct switch's using. PARAMETERS none RETURNS none |
Method | EnableLayersLockSwitchUsing | void EnableLayersLockSwitchUsing() PURPOSE Function sets the flag of the mass locked-visible direct switch's using. PARAMETERS none RETURNS none |
Method | EulerToAxes | void EulerToAxes( Vec3f_p *angles, Axes3f_p *axes ) PURPOSE Get axes representing the rotation defined by 3 euler angles. PARAMETERS angles Vec3f_p: euler angles in radians axes CtsxAxes3F*: axes position representing the same rotation RETURNS void |
Method | FaceDelete | void FaceDelete( Face_p pFace ) PURPOSE Delete's pFace and all related structures. PARAMETERS pFace Face_p: the face to delete RETURNS void |
Method | FindSNorms | void FindSNorms( Vec3f_p pVxs, Face_p pFace ); (no description) |
Method | FrameDelete | void FrameDelete( keyframe* pKFrame ) PURPOSE Delete Keyframe. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the keyframe to delete RETURNS void |
Method | FrameRemove | void FrameRemove( keyframe* pKFrame ) PURPOSE Remove Keyframe from whatever list it is in. PARAMETERS pKFrame keyframe*: a pointer to the Keyframe to be removed RETURNS void |
Method | Free | void Free( void* memblock ) PURPOSE Free a block PARAMETERS memblock void*: the block to free RETURNS voidOther functions |
Method | FreeCollisionReport | void FreeCollisionReport( struct ColRpt_p **CollReport, long *ReportCount ) PURPOSE Function free the collision report generated by the previous two functions. PARAMETERS CollReport ColRpt_p **: the collision report array reportCount long *: number of the reports RETURNS void |
Method | GetGlobalShadersDir | void GetGlobalShadersDir( char* path ) PURPOSE Get root directory for the material custom shaders. PARAMETERS path returned path RETURNS void |
Method | GetMaterialShadersDir | void GetMaterialShadersDir( char* path ) PURPOSE Get root directory for the material custom shaders. PARAMETERS path returned path RETURNS void |
Method | GetShaderDefaultDir | void GetShaderDefaultDir( tsxSHCLASS_xxxx shclass, char* path ) PURPOSE Return default directory for the shaders of the specified shader class. PARAMETERS shclass shader class path returned path RETURNS void |
Method | GetTsVersionNbrs | void GetTsVersionNbrs( short* pMajor,short* pMinor ) PURPOSE Accessing an installed trueSpace's TSX Version Info. Values placed in the arguments. PARAMETERS pMajor short*: Major version nbr pMinor short*: Minor version nbr RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeDraw | void GNodeDraw( gnode* pGNode ) PURPOSE Draw pGNode in the current view, in the current view's rendering mode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeRotate | void GNodeRotate( gnode* pGNode,Vec3f_p pCenter,Vec3f_p pAxis,f fAngle,e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Rotate by fAngle radians about pAxis passing thru pCenter, in the specified reference frame. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode pCenter Vec3f_p: Center of rotation. pAxis Vec3f_p: Rotation axis passing thru pCenter. fAngle f: Radians. Rotation angle. frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeScale | void GNodeScale( gnode* pGNode,Vec3f_p pScaleFacs,e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Scale by factors along each axis, in the specified reference frame. Scale factors must be non-zero. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode pScaleFacs Vec3f_p: x, y, z scale factors (non-zero) frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: Reference frame for the scaling axes RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeScaleUniform | void GNodeScaleUniform( gnode* pGNode,f fScaleFac, e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ). PURPOSE Scale by factor UNIFORMLY along each axis, in the specified reference frame. Scale factor must be non-zero. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode fScaleFac f: uniform scaling factor frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: Reference frame for the scaling axes RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeSetDrawingMode | void GNodeSetDrawingMode( gnode* pGNode, i mode ) PURPOSE Set the drawing mode for the object PARAMETERS GNode gnode*: object mode i: drawing mode represented as bitflags ( see drawing mode constants above ) RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeSetLocation | void GNodeSetLocation( gnode* pGNode, Vec3f_p loc ). PURPOSE Sets the location of the given GNode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE loc Vec3f_p: a pointer to a location vector RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeSetRotation | void GNodeSetRotation( gnode* pGNode, Vec3f_p rot ). PURPOSE // Set the euler angles of GNode's orientation. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE rot Vec3f_p *: a pointer to an orientation vector RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeSetSize | void GNodeSetSize( gnode* pGNode, Vec3f_p size ). PURPOSE // Set the size of GNode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE size Vec3f_p: a pointer to a size vector RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeSetUnits | void GNodeSetUnits( gnode* pGNode, e_tsxUNITS_xxxx units ) PURPOSE Sets the units type of a given GNode. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNODE unita e_tsxUNITS_xxxx: units type (see units types constants) RETURNS void |
Method | GNodeTranslate | void GNodeTranslate( gnode* pGNode,Vec3f_p pVec,e_tsxXxxxFrame frameid ) PURPOSE Translate GNode by pVec, in the specified reference frame. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: a pointer to a GNode pVec Vec3f_p: translation vector frameid e_tsxXxxxFrame: Reference frame for pVec RETURNS void |
Method | HideWidget | void HideWidget( bool hide ) PURPOSE Hide or show the selection widget. PARAMETERS hide bool: TRUE to hide selection widget, FALSE to show it RETURNS None |
Method | HoleDelete | void HoleDelete( Hole_p pHole ) PURPOSE Delete the hole and all related structures PARAMETERS pHole Ptr to the hole RETURNS void |
Method | InitRenderData | void InitRenderData( RenderData *r_data ); (no description) |
Method | LatheSetAngle | void LatheSetAngle( i angle ) PURPOSE Set a new value of lathing angle. PARAMETERS angle i: a new value of lathing angle RETURNS void |
Method | LatheSetHelix | void LatheSetHelix( f helix ) PURPOSE Set a new value of lathing helix. PARAMETERS helix f: a new value of lathing helix RETURNS void |
Method | LatheSetRadius | void LatheSetRadius( f radius ) PURPOSE Set a new value of lathing radius. PARAMETERS radius f: a new value of lathing radius RETURNS void |
Method | LatheSetRotation | void LatheSetRotation( i rotation ) PURPOSE Set a new value of lathing orientation. PARAMETERS rotation i: a new value of lathing orientation RETURNS void |
Method | LatheSetSegments | void LatheSetSegments( i iNbrSeg ) PURPOSE Set a number of segments for Lathe. PARAMETERS iNbrSeg i: a number of segments RETURNS void |
Method | LightAreaSetShowGeometry | void LightAreaSetShowGeometry( light* pLight, bool value ); (no description) |
Method | LightAreaSetUseColorShader | void LightAreaSetUseColorShader( light* pLight, bool value ) PURPOSE Use color shader for area light? PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light value bool: e_tsxTRUE to use color shader, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS none |
Method | LightGetColor | void LightGetColor( light* pLight,Color_p pColor ) PURPOSE Get Light color (copied into pColor). PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light pColor Color_p: a pointer to a color structure, updated upon return RETURNS void |
Method | LightGetGoniometricDataFilename | void LightGetGoniometricDataFilename( light* pLight, char* szFilename, i iFilenameSize ) PURPOSE Get the filename of the goniometric data for a goniometric light PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light szFilename char*: a pointer to the string containing the filename of the goniometric data iFilenameSize i: the length of the string RETURNS void |
Method | LightGetProjectorFilename | void LightGetProjectorFilename( light* pLight, char* szFilename, i iFilenameSize ) PURPOSE Get the filename of the image projected by the light PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light szFilename char*: file name copied here, if any iFilenameSize i: size of szFilename buffer RETURNS None |
Method | LightSetColor | void LightSetColor( light* pLight,Color_p pColor ) PURPOSE Set Light color (copied from pColor). PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light pColor Color_p: a pointer to a color structure to be used for the light RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetColorTemperature | void LightSetColorTemperature( light* pLight, f colorTemperature ); (no description) |
Method | LightSetFalloffCoeff | void LightSetFalloffCoeff( light* pLight,f value ) PURPOSE Set the light intensity falloff coefficient. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light value f: light intensity falloff coefficient to set RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetGoniometricDataFilename | void LightSetGoniometricDataFilename( light* pLight, char* szFilename ) PURPOSE Set the filename of the goniometric data for a goniometric light PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light szFilename char*: a pointer to the string containing the filename of the goniometric data RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLLightCutoff | void LightSetIBLLightCutoff( light* pLight, f newLightCutoff ) PURPOSE Sets the light cutoff value (minimum texture average to spawn a light), 0.-1. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newLightCutoff f: a new light cutoff value (range 0.f - 1.f) RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLLightsBelowGround | void LightSetIBLLightsBelowGround( light* pLight, bool newValue ) PURPOSE Sets whether or not lights are created below the ground plane. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLNbrSamples | void LightSetIBLNbrSamples( light* pLight, i newSamples ) PURPOSE Sets the number of samples used for texture lookups, from 1 to 100 PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newSamples i: a new number of samples RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLSampleFuzziness | void LightSetIBLSampleFuzziness( light* pLight, f newFuzziness ) PURPOSE Sets the amount of jitter used for texture lookups, from 0 to 1.0f PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newFuzziness f: a new sample fuziness RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLShadowCutoff | void LightSetIBLShadowCutoff( light* pLight, f newShadowCutoff ) PURPOSE Sets the shadow cutoff value (minimum texture average to turn shadow-casting on for each light ), 0.-1. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newShadowCutoff f: a new shadow cutoff value (range 0.f - 1.f) RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLShowEnvironment | void LightSetIBLShowEnvironment( light* pLight, bool newValue ) PURPOSE Sets whether or not the environment sphere is rendered PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newValue bool: e_tsxTRUE if the environment sphere is to be rendered, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLSphereResolution | void LightSetIBLSphereResolution( light* pLight, i newResolution ) PURPOSE Sets the resolution of the sphere representing an IBL light (range 1-10 ) PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newResolution i: a new resolution for IBL light sphere (range 1-10) RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLUReps | void LightSetIBLUReps( light* pLight, f newReps ) PURPOSE Sets the number of u repeats for IBL light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newReps f: number of u repeats RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIBLVReps | void LightSetIBLVReps( light* pLight, f newReps ) PURPOSE Sets the number of u repeats for IBL light. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light newReps f: number of v repeats RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetIntensityUnits | void LightSetIntensityUnits( light* pLight, e_tsxIU_xxxx units ); (no description) |
Method | LightSetLensFlares | void LightSetLensFlares( light* pLight, bool value ) PURPOSE Set light as generating lens-flares PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light value e_tsxTRUE/ e_tsxFALSE to set/unset the light to generate lens-flares RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetPhysicallyBased | void LightSetPhysicallyBased( light* pLight, bool value ) PURPOSE To set a particular light to use physically based intensity units. PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light value bool: e_tsx_TRUE to set as physically based light, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS void |
Method | LightSetProjectorFilename | void LightSetProjectorFilename( light* pLight, char* szFilename ); (no description) |
Method | LightSetShmapQuality | void LightSetShmapQuality( light* pLight, e_tsxSMQ_xxxx quality ); (no description) |
Method | LightSetSkyType | void LightSetSkyType( light* pLight, e_tsxSKY_xxxx type ); (no description) |
Method | LightSetSubdivision | void LightSetSubdivision( light* pLight, f min, f max ) PURPOSE Set the subdivision quality parameters of the light ( are, object, sky) PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light min f: min. subdivision max f: max. subdivision RETURNS none |
Method | LightSetType | void LightSetType( light* pLight, e_tsxLT_xxxx type ); (no description) |
Method | LightSetVolumetric | void LightSetVolumetric( light* pLight, bool value ) PURPOSE Set light as volumetric PARAMETERS pLight light*: a pointer to the light value e_tsxTRUE/ e_tsxFALSE to set/unset the light as volumentric RETURNS void |
Method | LoadPluginSettings | void LoadPluginSettings( const char *chunkName, char **data, i *size ) PURPOSE Load a chunk of configuration data from tS configuration file ( truespace.cfg). PARAMETERS chunkName const char*: name of the data chunk - used for identification data const char**: data to load size i: size of the data to load RETURNS None |
Method | MaterialCopyActive | void MaterialCopyActive( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Copy Active Material's (if any) attributes into pMatrl. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialCreateShaderBox | void MaterialCreateShaderBox( mate* mat ) PURPOSE Crete shader information contained in the material PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialCreateShadersFromProps | void MaterialCreateShadersFromProps( mate* mat ); (no description) |
Method | MaterialDestroy | void MaterialDestroy( mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Destroy a material object. If assigned to faces, the corresponding material entries in matlist are set to null. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material to destroy RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialFixColor | void MaterialFixColor( mate* mat ) PURPOSE Set up material color by used color shader. If shader uses more than one color then one of them is used. Should be called after setting the material shaders to update the information for real time renderers. PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialFixReflectance | void MaterialFixReflectance( mate* mat ) PURPOSE Set up material reflectance parameters by used reflectance shader. Should be called after setting the material shaders to update the information for real time renderers. PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialFixTexture | void MaterialFixTexture( mate* mat ); (no description) |
Method | MaterialFixTransparency | void MaterialFixTransparency( mate* mat ); (no description) |
Method | MaterialGetBumpFilename | void MaterialGetBumpFilename( mate* pMatrl,char* szFilename,i iFilenameSize ) PURPOSE Get the name of the file file used as bump map image. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material szFilename char*: File name copied here, if any iFilenameSize i: size of szFilename buffer RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialGetBumpProps | void MaterialGetBumpProps( mate* pMatrl,BumpProps_p pBumpProps ) PURPOSE Get the bump mapping parameters PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material pBumpProps BumpProps_p: a pointer to a bump map properties data structure, filled upon return RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialGetColor | void MaterialGetColor( mate* pMatrl,Color_p pColor ) PURPOSE Color PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: pColor Color_p: RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialGetEnvrFilename | void MaterialGetEnvrFilename( mate* pMatrl, char* szFilename, i iFilenameSize ); (no description) |
Method | MaterialGetProcTexture | void MaterialGetProcTexture( mate* pMatrl,ProTexXxxx* pPrTxt ) PURPOSE Fill the pointer to a procedural texture with the current data. If the texture is not procedural, the type is set to tsxTEXTURE_NONE. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material pPrTxt ProTexXxxx*: a pointer to a procedural texture structure RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialGetReflectionProps | void MaterialGetReflectionProps( mate* pMatrl, f& ambient, f& specular, f& diffuse, f& exponent ) PURPOSE Gets reflection (surface ) properties PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material ambient f&: ambient coefficient specular f&: specular coefficient diffuse f&: diffuse coefficient exponent f&: specular exponent RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialGetSurfaceProps | void MaterialGetSurfaceProps( mate* pMatrl, SurPro_p pSprops ) PURPOSE Get Surface properties PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material pSprops SurPro_p: a pointer to a SurPro_p structure, updated upon return RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialGetTextureFilename | void MaterialGetTextureFilename( mate* pMatrl, char* szFilename, i iFilenameSize ) PURPOSE Return the file used as a texture map image. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material szFilename char*: file name copied here, if any iFilenameSize i: size of szFilename buffer RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialGetTextureProps | void MaterialGetTextureProps( mate* pMatrl,TextureProps_p pTxtrProps ) PURPOSE Get texture mapping parameters PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the mterial pTxtrProps TextureProps_p: a pointer to a texture properties structure, filled upon return RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetActive | void MaterialSetActive( mate* pNewActive ) PURPOSE Set the active material to pNewActive (may be NULL). PARAMETERS pNewActive mate*: a pointer to a material to be activated RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetAutofacetAngle | void MaterialSetAutofacetAngle( mate* pMatrl,i angleDegrees ) PURPOSE Set the autofacet angle in degrees [0, 120] PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material angleDegrees i: autofacet angle in degrees [0, 120] RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetBumpFilename | void MaterialSetBumpFilename( mate* pMatrl,char* szFilename ) PURPOSE Set the file used as bump map image. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material szFilename char*:File name RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetBumpProps | void MaterialSetBumpProps( mate* pMatrl,BumpProps_p pBumpProps ) PURPOSE Set the bump mapping parameters PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material pBumpProps BumpProps_p: a pointer to a bump map properties structures, initialized to the desired values RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetColor | void MaterialSetColor( mate* pMatrl,Color_p pColor ) PURPOSE Set the material's color PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material pColor Color_p: a color data structure, initialized to the desired values RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetEnvrFilename | void MaterialSetEnvrFilename( mate* pMatrl,char* szFilename ) PURPOSE Set the file used as environment map image. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material szFilename char*:File name RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetEnvrFlags | void MaterialSetEnvrFlags( mate* pMatrl,i flags ) PURPOSE Set the Environment map flags (tsxENVR_*) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material flags i: flags to be set (tsxENVR_*) RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetFacetingType | void MaterialSetFacetingType( mate* pMatrl,i faceting ) PURPOSE Set surface faceting type (tsxFACET_*) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material faceting i: a faceting type, tsxFACET_* RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetIor | void MaterialSetIor( mate* pMatrl,f ior ) PURPOSE Set the index of refraction [1.0, 2.0] PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material ior f: the desired index of refraction, [1.0, 2.0] RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetProcTexture | void MaterialSetProcTexture( mate* pMatrl, ProTexXxxx* pPrTxt ) PURPOSE Set the parameters of a procedural texture for the material. If the material's texture is not procedural, the type of pPrTxt is set to tsxTEXTURE_NONE. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material pPrTxt ProTexXxxx*: a procedural texture structure, initialized to the desired values RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetReflectionProps | void MaterialSetReflectionProps( mate* pMatrl, f ambient, f specular, f diffuse, f exponent ) PURPOSE Sets reflection (surface ) properties PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material ambient f: ambient coefficient specular f: specular coefficient diffuse f: diffuse coefficient exponent f: specular exponent RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetShaderInfo | void MaterialSetShaderInfo( mate* mat, shinfo* shinfo ) PURPOSE Set material shader information PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material shinfo shader info to set RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetShadingType | void MaterialSetShadingType( mate* pMatrl,i shading ) PURPOSE Set the reflection shading (tsxSHADER_*) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material shading i: a shading type, tsxSHADER_* RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetSurfaceProps | void MaterialSetSurfaceProps( mate* pMatrl, SurPro_p pSprops ) PURPOSE Set the surface properties PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material pSprops SurPro_p: a surface properties data structure, initialized to the desired values RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetTextureFilename | void MaterialSetTextureFilename( mate* pMatrl,char* szFilename ) PURPOSE Set the file used as texture map image. PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material szFilename char*: File name RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetTextureProps | void MaterialSetTextureProps( mate* pMatrl, TextureProps_p pTxtrProps ) PURPOSE Set the texture mapping parameters PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material pTxtrProps TextureProps_p: a texture properties structure, initialized to the desired values RETURNS void |
Method | MaterialSetTextureType | void MaterialSetTextureType( mate* pMatrl,i txtype ) PURPOSE Set the texture type (tsxTEXTURE_*) PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to the material txtype i: the desired texture type (tsxTEXTURE_*) RETURNS void |
Method | MatRectGetProps | void MatRectGetProps( matrect* pMatRect, MatRectProps_p pMatRectProps ) PURPOSE Get the properties (UV extents) of the material rectangle PARAMETERS pMatRect matrect*: a pointer to the Material rectangle pMatRectProps MatRectProps_p: a pointer to the Material rectangle properties structire to be filled in RETURNS None |
Method | MNodeSetAxesOrientation | void MNodeSetAxesOrientation( mnode* pMNode,Axes3f_p axes ) PURPOSE Set the orientation of MNode's axes. 'axes' must point to valid (orthogonal, unit) axes. Does not update views. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode axes Axes3f_p: the desired axes orientation RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetAxesPosition | void MNodeSetAxesPosition( mnode* pMNode, Vec3f_p posn ) PURPOSE Set the position of MNode's axes. Does not update views. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode posn Vec3f_p: RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetCastShadows | void MNodeSetCastShadows( mnode* pMNode, bool cast ) PURPOSE Set cast shadows flag for MNode PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode cast bool: e_tsxTRUE if object casts shadows, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetInvisible | void MNodeSetInvisible( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Makes pMNode Invisible. Becomes effective on the next Draw operation. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetRadiosityExcluded | void MNodeSetRadiosityExcluded( mnode* pMNode, bool excluded ) PURPOSE Set radiosty excluded flag for Mnode - object will be ignored during radiosity processing PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode excluded bool: e_tsxTRUE if object is excluded from radiosity, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetRadiosityMaxArea | void MNodeSetRadiosityMaxArea( mnode* pMNode, f maxarea ) PURPOSE Set the max area radiosity parameter of the MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode maxarea f: the max area radiosity parameter RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetRadiosityMeshAccuracy | void MNodeSetRadiosityMeshAccuracy( mnode* pMNode, i accuracy ) PURPOSE Set the mesh accuracy radiosity parameter of the MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode accuracy i: the mesh accuracy radiosity parameter RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetRadiosityMinArea | void MNodeSetRadiosityMinArea( mnode* pMNode, f minarea ) PURPOSE Set the min area radiosity parameter of the MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode minarea f: the min area radiosity parameter RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetRadiosityQuality | void MNodeSetRadiosityQuality( mnode* pMNode, i quality ) PURPOSE Set radiosty quality for Mnode PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode quality i: value from range 0-9 specifying the quality ( see trueSpace manual for details on quality values) RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetReceiveShadows | void MNodeSetReceiveShadows( mnode* pMNode, bool receive ) PURPOSE Set receive shadows flag for MNode PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode receive bool: e_tsxTRUE if object receives shadows, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS void |
Method | MNodeSetVisible | void MNodeSetVisible( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Makes pMNode Visible. Becomes effective on the next Draw operation. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS void |
Method | MtoolRemove | void MtoolRemove( i tsxid ) PURPOSE Removes the mouse-tool installed by this extension, if any. Extension must be active. PARAMETERS tsxid i: extension-id RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveBuildVisRep | void NCurveBuildVisRep( ncurve *nc ) PURPOSE Build visual representation of the curve. If the curve is in edit mode (see tsxNCurveSetEditMode), its control points and handles will be highlighted. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetClosed | void NCurveSetClosed( ncurve *nc, bool closed ) PURPOSE Set 'closed' flag of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve closed bool: 'closed' flag RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetCntlPts | void NCurveSetCntlPts( ncurve *nc, Vec3f_p *cntl_pts ) PURPOSE Assign new array of control points to the curve. Corresponding field in the curve object is set to passed pointer (data are not copyed). If the curve already has control points, they are freed. To allocate memory for control points, use TSXAPI memory routines. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve cntl_pts Vec3f_p: pointer to array of control points RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetEditMode | void NCurveSetEditMode( ncurve *nc, bool edit_mode ) PURPOSE Set 'edit mode' flag of the curve. After setting the flag, tsxNCurveBuildVisRep must be called. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve edit_mode bool: 'edit mode' flag RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetKnots | void NCurveSetKnots( ncurve *nc, f *knots ) PURPOSE Assign new array of knots to the curve. Corresponding field in the curve object is set to passed pointer (data are not copied). If the curve already has knots, they are freed. To allocate memory for knots, use TSXAPI memory routines. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve knots f*: pointer to array of knots RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetNumCntlPts | void NCurveSetNumCntlPts( ncurve *nc, i n ) PURPOSE Set number of control points of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: a pointer to the curve n i: number of control points RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetOrder | void NCurveSetOrder( ncurve *nc, i order ) PURPOSE Set order of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve order i: order of the curve RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetRational | void NCurveSetRational( ncurve *nc, bool rational ) PURPOSE Set 'rational' flag of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve rational bool: 'rational' flag RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetSnappedEnd | void NCurveSetSnappedEnd( ncurve *nc, bool snapped ); (no description) |
Method | NCurveSetSnappedStart | void NCurveSetSnappedStart( ncurve *nc, bool snapped ); (no description) |
Method | NCurveSetTemporary | void NCurveSetTemporary( ncurve *nc, bool temporary ) PURPOSE Set 'temporary' flag of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve temporary bool: 'temporary' flag RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetTrim | void NCurveSetTrim( ncurve *nc, bool trim ); (no description) |
Method | NCurveSetUVTrim | void NCurveSetUVTrim( ncurve *nc, bool uvtrim ) PURPOSE Set 'UV trim' flag of the curve. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve uvtrim bool: 'UV trim' flag RETURNS void |
Method | NCurveSetWeights | void NCurveSetWeights( ncurve *nc, f *weights ) PURPOSE Assign new array of weights of control points to rational curve. Corresponding field in the curve object is set to passed pointer (data are not copied). If the curve already has weights, they are freed. To allocate memory for weights, use TSXAPI memory routines. PARAMETERS nc ncurve*: pointer to the curve weights f*: pointer to array of weights RETURNS void |
Method | NotebookUpdateByCurrentObject | void NotebookUpdateByCurrentObject( void ) PURPOSE Update notebook by current selected Node. PARAMETERS RETURNS |
Method | NPatchSetCntlPts | void NPatchSetCntlPts( npatch *np, Vec3f_p *cntl_pts ) PURPOSE Assign new array of control points to the patch. Corresponding field in the patch object is set to passed pointer (data are not copied). If the patch already has control points, they are freed. To allocate memory for control points, use TSXAPI memory routines. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch cntl_pts Vec3f_p: pointer to array of control points RETURNS void |
Method | NPatchSetNumUCntlPts | void NPatchSetNumUCntlPts( npatch *np, i nu ) PURPOSE Set number of control points of the patch in U direction. PARAMETERS np npatch*: a pointer to the patch nu i: number of control points RETURNS void |
Method | NPatchSetNumVCntlPts | void NPatchSetNumVCntlPts( npatch *np, i nv ); (no description) |
Method | NPatchSetRational | void NPatchSetRational( npatch *np, bool rational ) PURPOSE Set 'rational' flag of the patch PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch rational bool: 'rational' flag RETURNS void |
Method | NPatchSetUClosed | void NPatchSetUClosed( npatch *np, bool u_closed ) PURPOSE Set 'U closed' flag of the patch. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch u_closed bool: 'U closed' flag RETURNS void |
Method | NPatchSetUKnots | void NPatchSetUKnots( npatch *np, f *u_knots ) PURPOSE Assign new array of knots in U direction to the patch. Corresponding field in the curve object is set to passed pointer (data are not copied). If the patch already has U knots, they are freed. To allocate memory for knots, use TSXAPI memory routines. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch u_knots f*: pointer to array of knots RETURNS void |
Method | NPatchSetUOrder | void NPatchSetUOrder( npatch *np, i u_order ) PURPOSE Set order of the patch in U direction. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch u_order i: order RETURNS void |
Method | NPatchSetVClosed | void NPatchSetVClosed( npatch *np, bool v_closed ); (no description) |
Method | NPatchSetVKnots | void NPatchSetVKnots( npatch *np, f *v_knots ); (no description) |
Method | NPatchSetVOrder | void NPatchSetVOrder( npatch *np, i v_order ); (no description) |
Method | NPatchSetWeights | void NPatchSetWeights( npatch *np, f *weights ) PURPOSE Assign new array of weights of control points to rational patch. Corresponding field in the patch object is set to passed pointer (data are not copied). If the patch already has weights, they are freed. To allocate memory for weights, use TSXAPI memory routines. PARAMETERS np npatch*: pointer to the patch weights f*: pointer to array of weights RETURNS void |
Method | NURBDestroy | void NURBDestroy( mnode* pMNode, bool ask, bool what ) PURPOSE Extract NURB surface or control mesh from NURB structure to MNode. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the NURB object bool ask: if e_tsxTRUE then the user is prompted what will be extracted otherwise third parameter says what will be extracted bool what: if e_tsxTRUE then NURB surface is extracted otherwise control mesh is extracted RETURNS void |
Method | NURBMake | void NURBMake( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Convert MNode to NURB structure. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the MNode RETURNS void |
Method | ObjectNoteUpdateByNotebook | void ObjectNoteUpdateByNotebook( gnode* pObject ) PURPOSE Updates assigned Node's note by data in notebook. PARAMETERS RETURNS |
Method | ObjectSetNote | void ObjectSetNote( gnode* pObject, char *note ) PURPOSE Set new Note to given Node. PARAMETERS pObject gnode*: Tested node note char*: Pointer to the new Note RETURNS |
Method | ParameterValueSetData | void ParameterValueSetData( shparamval* value, void* src ) PURPOSE Set parameter value data. src is supposed to be castable to the data type retured by tsxParameterValueGetType PARAMETERS value input abstract value src void pointer storing input data. It is supposed to be castable to desired basic type RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimAddDefaultProperties | void PhysSimAddDefaultProperties( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Assign default physical properties to the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimClearEnviroProperties | void PhysSimClearEnviroProperties( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Delete local environment attributes from gived object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimClearProperties | void PhysSimClearProperties( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Remove all physical properties from the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimGetAccelRotationVector | void PhysSimGetAccelRotationVector( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p *orig, Vec3f_p *dir ) PURPOSE Get rotation acceleration vector of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object orig Vec3f_p: Origin dir Vec3f_p: Direction RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimGetInitialRotationVector | void PhysSimGetInitialRotationVector( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p *orig, Vec3f_p *dir ) PURPOSE Get initial rotation vector of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object orig Vec3f_p: Origin dir Vec3f_p: Direction RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetAccelMotionVector | void PhysSimSetAccelMotionVector( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p vec ) PURPOSE Set motion acceleration vector of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object vec Vec3f_p: Motion acceleration vector RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetAccelRotationVector | void PhysSimSetAccelRotationVector( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p orig, Vec3f_p dir ) PURPOSE Set rotation acceleration vector of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object orig Vec3f_p: Origin dir Vec3f_p: Direction RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetAccVectsRot | void PhysSimSetAccVectsRot( sobj *pObj, bool value ) PURPOSE Sets for specified phys sim object to rotate its acceleration vectors. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value bool: e_tsxTRUE = rotate, e_tsx_FALSE = do not rotate RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetAdhesion | void PhysSimSetAdhesion( sobj *pObj, f value ) PURPOSE Set adhesion strength of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value f: Adhesion strength. RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetAdhesionUnLim | void PhysSimSetAdhesionUnLim( sobj *pObj, bool value ) PURPOSE Set adhesion state of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value bool: e_tsxTRUE = no limits, e_tsxFALSE = only first collision RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetBuoyancy | void PhysSimSetBuoyancy( sobj *pObj, bool value ) PURPOSE Set the object flag telling whether the buoyancy is simulated or not. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value bool: 'buoyancy' flag RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetCenterOfGravity | void PhysSimSetCenterOfGravity( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p cog ) PURPOSE Set center of gravity of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object cog Vec3f_p: Center of gravity RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetCharge | void PhysSimSetCharge( sobj *pObj, f value ) PURPOSE Set charge of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value f: Charge. RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetChargeState | void PhysSimSetChargeState( sobj *pObj, bool value ) PURPOSE Set charge state of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value bool: e_tsxTRUE = conductor, e_tsx_FALSE = insulator RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetCoarseness | void PhysSimSetCoarseness( sobj *pObj, f value ) PURPOSE Set coarseness of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value f: Friction. RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetCollide | void PhysSimSetCollide( sobj *pObj, bool value ) PURPOSE Set the object flag telling whether the object bounces from the other objects during simulation or if it ignores them. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value bool: 'collide' flag RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetElasticity | void PhysSimSetElasticity( sobj *pObj, f value ) PURPOSE Set elasticity of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value f: Elasticity. Predefined elasticity values for some materials are in tsxPhysSim.h (PHYSSIM_ELASTIC_*). RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetEnviroProperties | void PhysSimSetEnviroProperties( sobj *pObj, const PhysEnvir *peProperties ) PURPOSE Set local physical environment properties for gived object (for more details please see tsxPhysSim.h). PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object peProperties const PhysEnvir *: local environment parameters RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetFriction | void PhysSimSetFriction( sobj *pObj, f value ) PURPOSE Set friction of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value f: Friction. Predefined friction values for some materials are in tsxPhysSim.h (PHYSSIM_FRICTION_*). RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetFxMove | void PhysSimSetFxMove( sobj *pObj, bool value ) PURPOSE Sets for specified phys sim object to move its fixation points with object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value bool: e_tsxTRUE = move, e_tsx_FALSE = do not move RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetInitialMotionVector | void PhysSimSetInitialMotionVector( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p vec ) PURPOSE Set initial motion vector of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object vec Vec3f_p: Initial motion vector RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetInitialRotationVector | void PhysSimSetInitialRotationVector( sobj *pObj, Vec3f_p orig, Vec3f_p dir ) PURPOSE Set initial rotation vector of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object orig Vec3f_p: Origin dir Vec3f_p: Direction RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetInitSpeedsRot | void PhysSimSetInitSpeedsRot( sobj *pObj, bool value ) PURPOSE Sets for specified phys sim object to rotate its initial speeds vectors (only while editing). PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value bool: e_tsxTRUE = rotate, e_tsx_FALSE = do not rotate RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetParticleAttribute | void PhysSimSetParticleAttribute( sobj *pObj, f weight, f elasticity, f resistance, f friction ) PURPOSE Sets the attributes of TrueParticle's objects with physics PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object weight f: weight of the object elasticity f: elasticity of the object resistance f: resistance of the object friction f: friction of the object RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetResistance | void PhysSimSetResistance( sobj *pObj, f value ) PURPOSE Set environmental resistance of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value f: Resistance. Predefined resistance values for some materials are in tsxPhysSim.h (PHYSSIM_RESIST_*). RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetTrueParticleFlag | void PhysSimSetTrueParticleFlag( sobj *pObj ) PURPOSE Sets the special particles flag for TrueParticle's objects with physics PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object RETURNS void |
Method | PhysSimSetWeight | void PhysSimSetWeight( sobj *pObj, f value ) PURPOSE Set weight of the object. PARAMETERS pObj sobj*: Pointer to the object value f: Weight. RETURNS void |
Method | PointsActivateEdit | void PointsActivateEdit( void ) PURPOSE Activate point edit mode. PARAMETERS RETURNS void |
Method | PointsSetAnim | void PointsSetAnim( BOOL anim ); (no description) |
Method | PolyhClear | void PolyhClear( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Clear a Polyhedron to 0 vertices & faces, freeing related structures. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhGetFaceNormal | void PolyhGetFaceNormal( polyh* pPolyh,Face_p pFace, Vec3f_p pNorm ) PURPOSE Use pFace->normVxs to compute face normal of pFace in pPolyh. Normal returned in pNorm, in the frame defined by the Vertex Transformation Matrix. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pFace Face_p: a pointer to the face pNorm Vec3f_p: ptr to struct where result is copied. RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhGetFaceVertexAutoFacetNormal | void PolyhGetFaceVertexAutoFacetNormal( polyh* pPolyh, Face_p pFace, long vIdx, f facet_cos, Vec3f_p pNorm ) PURPOSE Compute the normal of the face in a vertex based on the autofacet smoothing PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron pFace Face_p: a pointer to face vIdx long: index of the vertex in the face facet_cos f: cosine of the autofacet angle pNorm Vec3f_p: a pointer to structure where the result is copied. RETURNS None |
Method | PolyhMarkGeomChange | void PolyhMarkGeomChange( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Tell tS that this Polyhedron's Geometry has changed. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhMarkMaterialChange | void PolyhMarkMaterialChange( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Tell tS that this Polyhedron's Material(s) have changed. Use after modifying UV entries, for example. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhMarkTopologyChange | void PolyhMarkTopologyChange( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Tell tS that this Polyhedron's Topology has changed. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhMarkVertexChange | void PolyhMarkVertexChange( polyh* pPolyh ) PURPOSE Tell tS that this Polyhedron's Vertex has changed. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhPaint | void PolyhPaint( polyh* pPolyh,mate* pMatrl ) PURPOSE Give entire pPolyh the material pMatrl. Remove old materials. Note: A copy of pMatrl is created and assigned to the Polyhedron. Caller is responsible for managing pMatrl. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material structure to be used to paint RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhSetFaces | void PolyhSetFaces( polyh* pPolyh,i iNbrFaces, Face_p pFaces[] ) PURPOSE Assign a new Face-ptr array to the Polyhedron. The corresponding field in pPolyh is set to pFaces. Clears old Faces and array and frees memory, if any. Note: Use the TSXAPI memory routines (tsxMisc.h) to allocate the memory area (pFaces) for the Face Array -- DO NOT use `new' or `malloc/calloc'! PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrFaces i: Number of Faces (>= 0) pFaces[] Face_p: Array of ptrs. May be 0. RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhSetUVArray | void PolyhSetUVArray( polyh* pPolyh,i iNbrUV, UV_p *pUV ) PURPOSE Assign a new UV array to the Polyhedron. The corresponding field in pPolyh is set to pUV. Clears old Faces and array and frees memory, if any. Note: Use the TSXAPI memory routines (tsxMisc.h) to allocate the memory area (pUV) for the UV Array -- DO NOT use `new' or `malloc/calloc'! PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrUV i: Number of UV entries (>= 0) pUV UV_p *: ptr to UV-Array. May be 0. RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhSetVxs | void PolyhSetVxs( polyh* pPolyh,i iNbrVxs, Vec3f_p pVxs[] ) PURPOSE Assign a new vertex array to the Polyhedron. The corresponding field in pPolyh is set to pVxs. Clears old Vx array and frees memory, if any. Note: Use the TSXAPI memory routines (tsxMisc.h) to allocate the memory area (pVxs) for the Vertex Array -- DO NOT use `new' or `malloc/calloc'! PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron iNbrVxs i: Number of Vxs (>= 0) pVxs[] Vec3f_p: ptr to Array. May be 0. RETURNS void |
Method | PolyhSetVxTxmx | void PolyhSetVxTxmx( polyh* pPolyh,Txmx3f_p pTxmx ) PURPOSE Copy a new Vertex Transformation Matrix into pPolyh. PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to the polyhedron pTxmx Txmx3f_p: ptr to new Txmx copied into Polyh. RETURNS void |
Method | Refresh3DWidgets | void Refresh3DWidgets( tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx wdgIntAcs, sobj *obj ) PURPOSE Function invokes an interface access event. If for example the wdgIntAcs = tsxWDGINTACS_SELECT and obj = current object, then `CreateWidget' function will be called for all widgets that had been registered with interface access tsxWDGINTACS_SELECT. PARAMETERS wdgIntAcs tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx: interface access obj sobj*: object that should be used as widget's parent RETURNS |
Method | RegisterNotifyCallback | void RegisterNotifyCallback( sobj* pSobj, tsxObjectNotifyCallback pfn, bool bReg ) PURPOSE Register object notification callback. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj for which the callback is installed pfn installed callback bReg determines if callback is going to be installed ( e_tsxTRUE ) or unistalled (e_tsxFALSE) RETURNS void |
Method | RemoveMemBlockMark | void RemoveMemBlockMark( void ); (no description) |
Method | RenderDisplayScanline | void RenderDisplayScanline( FloatColor_p *pixels, i minX, i maxX, i current,i totalLines ); (no description) |
Method | RenderGetData | void RenderGetData( RenderData* data ) PURPOSE Get render data structure used for current rendering. It can be called from inside of the executive function of the custom shader or from the background/foreground/postprocess executive function registered by the extension. PARAMETERS data render data structure to fill RETURNS void |
Method | RenderMaterialSampleDisplayScanline | void RenderMaterialSampleDisplayScanline( Color_p *pixels,i minx, i miny,i current,i totalLines ); (no description) |
Method | RenderMaterialSampleGetAreaIIR | void RenderMaterialSampleGetAreaIIR( Rect_p rect ); (no description) |
Method | RenderMaterialSampleGetMaterial | void RenderMaterialSampleGetMaterial( mate **mat ); (no description) |
Method | RenderPostProcessDisplayScanline | void RenderPostProcessDisplayScanline( Color_p *pixels,i minx, i miny,i current,i totalLines ); (no description) |
Method | RotateAxes3f | void RotateAxes3f( Axes3f_p pOutAxes,Axes3f_p pInAxes,const Txmx3f_p Txmx ) PURPOSE Rotate InAxes using Txmx. Ignore non-rotational part of Txmx. IF InAxes are orthogonal and unit, then OutAxes are also orthonormal axes. PARAMETERS pOutAxes Axes3f_p: transformed axes pInAxes Axes3f_p: original axes Txmx const Txmx3f_p: transformation matrix RETURNS void |
Method | RotateVecs3f | void RotateVecs3f( i numVecs,Vec3f_p pOutVecs,const Vec3f_p pInVecs,const Txmx3f_p Txmx ) PURPOSE Apply only the rotational part of the Txmx to an array of vectors. PARAMETERS numVecs i: pOutVecs Vec3f_p: pInVecs const Vec3f_p: Txmx const Txmx3f_p: RETURNS void |
Method | RotateVect3f | void RotateVect3f( const Vec3f_p InVect, Vec3f_p OutVect, const Txmx3f_p Txmx ) PURPOSE Apply only the rotational part of the Txmx to vector `InVect'. Output vector is `OutVect'.The output and input vector can be the same. PARAMETERS InVect input vector OutVect output vector Txmx const Txmx3f_p: a transformation matrix RETURNS void |
Method | SavePluginSettings | void SavePluginSettings( const char *chunkName, const char *data, i size ) PURPOSE Store a chunk of configuration data in tS configuration file ( truespace.cfg). PARAMETERS chunkName const char*: name of the data chunk - used for identification data const char*: data to store size i: size of the data to be store RETURNS None |
Method | SceneAddObject | void SceneAddObject( gnode* pGNode,bool bNoDraw ) PURPOSE Adds pGNode as top-level member of scene, and makes it the current selection. If NoDraw is TRUE then the new object will not be drawn in this function call. pGNode must be a new object not already in Scene. PARAMETERS pGNode gnode*: the object to be added bNoDraw bool: TRUE if the new object shouldn't be drawn within this function call RETURNS void |
Method | SceneDraw | void SceneDraw() PURPOSE (Re )Draw the scene in the active View, in the View's rendering mode. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | SceneFreeGlobalShaderBox | void SceneFreeGlobalShaderBox( void** GlobalShaderBox ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetEnvironmentFilename | void SceneGetEnvironmentFilename( char* szFilename, i iFilenameSize ); (no description) |
Method | SceneGetFogParms | void SceneGetFogParms( unsigned i* pFogRed, unsigned i* pFogBlue, unsigned i* pFogGreen, i* pFogNear, i* pFogFar, i* pFogMax ) PURPOSE Get the scene fog parameters PARAMETERS pFogRed unsigned i*: [0, 255] pFogBlue unsigned i*: [0, 255] pFogGreen unsigned i*: [0, 255] pFogNear i*: distance where the fog starts affecting the scene pFogFar i*: distance where the fog reaches maximum density pFogMax i*: maximum density of the fog RETURNS void |
Method | SceneGetMaxMinLuminance | void SceneGetMaxMinLuminance( f* maxlum, f* minlum ); (no description) |
Method | SceneSetChanged | void SceneSetChanged( BOOL changed ); (no description) |
Method | SceneSetFogParms | void SceneSetFogParms( unsigned i FogRed, unsigned i FogBlue, unsigned i FogGreen, i FogNear, i FogFar, i FogMax ) PURPOSE Set the fog parameters for the scene PARAMETERS pFogRed unsigned i: [0, 255] pFogBlue unsigned i: [0, 255] pFogGreen unsigned i: [0, 255] pFogNear i: distance where the fog starts affecting the scene pFogFar i: distance where the fog reaches maximum density pFogMax i: maximum density of the fog RETURNS void |
Method | SceneSetMaxMinLuminance | void SceneSetMaxMinLuminance( f maxlum, f minlum ); (no description) |
Method | SceneSetUnits | void SceneSetUnits( e_tsxUNITS_xxxx units ) PURPOSE Sets scene units type. PARAMETERS units e_tsxUNITS_xxxx: scene units type RETURNS void |
Method | SceneSwitchFog | void SceneSwitchFog( bool fog_on ) PURPOSE Use tsxTRUE to set Fog On. PARAMETERS fog_on bool: TRUE is fog is to be on RETURNS void |
Method | ScriptDelete | void ScriptDelete( sobj* obj ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMDeInstallMouse | void ScriptMDeInstallMouse(); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMGetMousePos | void ScriptMGetMousePos( short &x, short &y, short &flags ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMInstallMouse | void ScriptMInstallMouse(); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMSetOutText | void ScriptMSetOutText( char *txt ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMSetTime | void ScriptMSetTime( long Time ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMSetTimeDelay | void ScriptMSetTimeDelay( clock_t delay ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptMSetTimeFlowing | void ScriptMSetTimeFlowing( BOOL Run ); (no description) |
Method | ScriptSetDataPtr | void ScriptSetDataPtr( sobj* obj, void *data ); (no description) |
Method | SelectDown | void SelectDown() PURPOSE Selects a child of the Currobj .Same function as called on the [downArrow] button. Views are updated. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | SelectNext | void SelectNext() PURPOSE Selects a sibling of the Currobj, following Currobj in the list. Same function as called on the PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | SelectPrev | void SelectPrev() PURPOSE Selects a sibling of the Currobj, preceeding Currobj in the list. Same function as called on the PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | SelectSobj | void SelectSobj( sobj* pSobj,tsxSELECTMODE selmode,bool bNoDraw ) PURPOSE Make specified pSobj the current selection. Essentially the same (with correct args) as picking an object with the mouse. Set `bNoDraw' to e_tsxTRUE if you do not wish the object to be redrawn in "selected" mode. Use this feature carefully, as it might result in all or portions of the object being erased when the next object is selected. Primarily meant as a mechanism for temporarily selecting an object for operations, and to be followed by a scene refresh. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: Must be `tsxIsSelectable' selmode tsxSELECTMODE: see data structure bNoDraw bool: TRUE if Views should not be updated. RETURNS void |
Method | SelectUp | void SelectUp() PURPOSE Selects parent of Currobj. Same function as called on the [upArrow] button. Views are updated. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | SetActiveLayerIndex | void SetActiveLayerIndex( short index ) PURPOSE Function stores given active layer index. PARAMETERS index short: index of the layer RETURNS none |
Method | SetHelpMessage | void SetHelpMessage( char *str ) PURPOSE To set the string as a current help message. PARAMETERS str char*: the string to set as a help message RETURNS void |
Method | SetMaterial | void SetMaterial( gnode* sob, mate* mat, SHORT matid ); (no description) |
Method | SetMaterialShader | void SetMaterialShader( mate* pMatrl, i ShaderID ) PURPOSE Set the material to use a particular shader specified by its ID PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material ShaderID i: ID of the shader to set into material RETURNS void |
Method | SetMaterialShaderByName | void SetMaterialShaderByName( mate* pMatrl, char *ShaderName ) PURPOSE Set the material to use a particular shader specified by its name PARAMETERS pMatrl mate*: a pointer to a material ShaderName char*: pointer to the string containing the shader name RETURNS void |
Method | SetObjCollisionLevel | void SetObjCollisionLevel( sobj* obj, e_tsxCOLLISION_xxxx collisionLevel ) PURPOSE Function set the collision level for an object. PARAMETERS obj sobj*: pointer to a sobj collisionLevel e_tsxCOLLISION_xxxx: the collision level for the object RETURNS void |
Method | SetTextureFromLighting | void SetTextureFromLighting( bool switchOn ); (no description) |
Method | SetWdgCallbacks | void SetWdgCallbacks( widget *lpWidget, WDG_CALLBACKS_p *tsxCallbacks ) PURPOSE To set a new widget's callbacks table. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object tsxCallbacks WDG_CALLBACKS_p *: pointer to a new table RETURNS |
Method | SetWdgDrawObject | void SetWdgDrawObject( widget *lpWidget, polyh *drawobj ) PURPOSE To set a new polyhedron that will be represent the widget. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object drawobj polyh *: new polyhedron RETURNS |
Method | SetWdgFlags | void SetWdgFlags( widget *lpWidget, ulong wdgFlags ) PURPOSE To set a new widget's flags. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object wdgFlags ulong : new widget's flags RETURNS |
Method | SetWdgIntAcs | void SetWdgIntAcs( widget *lpWidget, tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx wdgIntAcs ) PURPOSE To set a new interface access flags for the widget. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object wdgIntAcs tsxWDGINTACS_xxxx: new interface access flags for the widget RETURNS |
Method | SetWdgUsersData | void SetWdgUsersData( widget *lpWidget, void *data ) PURPOSE To set a new pointer to user's data. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object data void *: new pointer to user's data RETURNS |
Method | ShaderFreeCustomData | void ShaderFreeCustomData( shader* shader ); (no description) |
Method | ShaderInfoCopy | void ShaderInfoCopy( shinfo* destInfo, shinfo* srcInfo ) PURPOSE Copy one shader info state to the other PARAMETERS destInfo destination shader info ( must be valid ) srcInfo source shader info (must be valid) RETURNS void |
Method | ShaderInfoDestroy | void ShaderInfoDestroy( shinfo* shinfo ) PURPOSE Destroy shader info. PARAMETERS shifo shader info to be destroyed RETURNS pointer to created shader info |
Method | ShaderInfoFreeCustomData | void ShaderInfoFreeCustomData( shinfo* shinfo ); (no description) |
Method | ShaderInfoSetShader | void ShaderInfoSetShader( shinfo* shinfo, shader* shader ) PURPOSE Attach shader to the shader info PARAMETERS shinfo pointer to shinfo shader pointer to shader RETURNS void |
Method | ShaderSetByInfo | void ShaderSetByInfo( shader* shader, shinfo* shinfo ) PURPOSE Adjust shader settings by specified shader info. This function sets all parameters of the shader by source shader info. This is easy way how to transport shader info state to the shader state. PARAMETERS shader shader*: destination shader shinfo shinfo*: source shader info RETURNS void |
Method | ShaderUpdate | void ShaderUpdate( i id ); (no description) |
Method | ShowNotebook | void ShowNotebook( void ) PURPOSE Show Notebook editor. PARAMETERS RETURNS |
Method | SmoothDivSetAngle | void SmoothDivSetAngle( i angle ) PURPOSE Set a new value of SmoothDiv angle. PARAMETERS angle i: a new value of SmoothDiv angle RETURNS void |
Method | SobjDelete | void SobjDelete( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Delete and free memory, including internal allocations. Also delete all children, if any. Erases objects from all Views. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS void |
Method | SobjDeleteData | void SobjDeleteData( sobj* pSobj, i dataType ) PURPOSE Delete external data of specified type attached to the object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the object dataType i: a type of external data RETURNS void |
Method | SobjSetNotCopyable | void SobjSetNotCopyable( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Set object as not copyable. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS None |
Method | SobjSetNotEditable | void SobjSetNotEditable( sobj* pSobj ) PURPOSE Set object as not editable. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the Sobj RETURNS None |
Method | StringFromLocaleNumber | void StringFromLocaleNumber( LPTSTR pStr ) PURPOSE Replace the first occurence of Locale Decimal Separator in pStr by '.' PARAMETERS pStr LPTSTR: string to convert - converted string returned here as well PARAMETERS RETURNS None |
Method | StringToLocaleNumber | void StringToLocaleNumber( LPTSTR pStr ) PURPOSE Replace the first occurence of '.' in string by the Locale Decimal Separator. PARAMETERS pStr LPTSTR: string to convert - converted string returned here as well PARAMETERS RETURNS None |
Method | SubDivActiveCageSetSharpness | void SubDivActiveCageSetSharpness( mnode* pMNode, i Vx1, i Vx2, f Sharpness, bool infinity ) PURPOSE Set the sharpness of an edge for the active control cage. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface Vx1 i: Index of first edge vertex Vx2 i: Index of second edge vertex Sharpness f: Sharpness infinity bool: True if edge is infinitely sharp RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivActiveCageSetSubdivideFaces | void SubDivActiveCageSetSubdivideFaces( mnode* pMNode, SubDivFaceArray_p pSSFaces ) PURPOSE Set new subdivide faces array for the active cage NOTE: size of the array should be equall to size of vertex array (if it is smaller, it will be completed automatically to required length) PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface pSSFaces SubDivFaceArray_p: Pointer to the new subdivided faces array RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivBuild | void SubDivBuild( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Rebuild the subdivision surface after its control mesh was modified. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivExtractControlMesh | void SubDivExtractControlMesh( mnode* pMNode, bool ask, bool refresh, bool selnavtool ) PURPOSE Convert subdivision surface to polyhedron representing its control mesh. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface ask bool: Ask the user before conversion refresh bool: Refresh the object on the screen after conversion selnavtool bool: RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivExtractFinalMesh | void SubDivExtractFinalMesh( mnode* pMNode, bool ask, bool refresh, bool selnavtool ) PURPOSE Convert subdivision surface to polyhedron representing its final mesh. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface ask bool: Ask the user before conversion refresh bool: Refresh the object on the screen after conversion selnavtool bool: RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivMake | void SubDivMake( mnode* pMNode ) PURPOSE Turn all polyhedrons in given object hierarchy to subdivision surfaces (polyhedron becomes the control mesh). PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to the object hierarchy RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivMakeSpecDiv | void SubDivMakeSpecDiv( mnode* pMNode, i division ) PURPOSE Converts polyhedral object to subdiv object, specify division. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to the object division i: subdivision level RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivMarkGeomChange | void SubDivMarkGeomChange( polyh* pCage ) PURPOSE Tell tS that this Control Cage's Geometry has changed NOTE: tsxSubDivBuild will perform smart refresh of SDS surface after calling this (instead of the full rebuild). Do not use for master SDS object, works only for its control cages ! PARAMETERS pCage polyh*: Pointer to control cage RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivSetActiveLevel | void SubDivSetActiveLevel( mnode* pMNode, i level ) PURPOSE Set active level for SDS object (range 0..tsxSubDivGetDivision()) NOTE: function only changes an internal state, do not switch active mesh in PE mode etc. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface level i: new active level number RETURNS void |
Method | SubDivSetSharpness | void SubDivSetSharpness( mnode* pMNode, i Vx1, i Vx2, f Sharpness, bool infinity ) PURPOSE Set the sharpness of an edge. PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: Pointer to subdivision surface Vx1 i: Index of first edge vertex Vx2 i: Index of second edge vertex Sharpness f: Sharpness infinity bool: True if edge is infinitely sharp RETURNS void |
Method | SweepGetMove | void SweepGetMove( Vec3f_p pMove ) PURPOSE Get a translation for Sweep and Tip. PARAMETERS pMove Vec3f_p: returns translation vector RETURNS |
Method | SweepSetMove | void SweepSetMove( Vec3f_p pMove ) PURPOSE Set a translation for Sweep and Tip. PARAMETERS pMove Vec3f_p: translation vector RETURNS |
Method | SweepSetSegments | void SweepSetSegments( i iNbrSeg ) PURPOSE Set a number of segments for Sweep and Tip. PARAMETERS iNbrSeg i: a number of segments RETURNS void |
Method | TransformVecs3f | void TransformVecs3f( i numVecs,Vec3f_p pOutVecs, const Vec3f_p pInVecs,const Txmx3f_p Txmx ) PURPOSE Transform an array of vectors 'pInVecs', placing result in 'pOutVecs'. This operation is meaningful only if 'pInVecs' represent points. PARAMETERS numVecs i: size of the vector array pOutVecs Vec3f_p: an array where where to store the transformed vectors pInVecs const Vec3f_p: the array of input vectors Txmx const Txmx3f_p: a transformation matrix RETURNS void |
Method | TransformVect3f | void TransformVect3f( const Vec3f_p InVect, Vec3f_p OutVect, const Txmx3f_p Txmx ) PURPOSE Transform vector `InVect' to `OutVect'. The output vector can be the same as input vector. PARAMETERS InVect input vector OutVect output vector Txmx const Txmx3f_p: a transformation matrix RETURNS void |
Method | tsxAllViewsReloadTextures | void tsxAllViewsReloadTextures () PURPOSE Reload all textures for all views - this function can be called when textures files were modified outside of trueSpace. PARAMETERS None RETURNS none |
Method | tsxCurrobjEditToolClose | void tsxCurrobjEditToolClose () PURPOSE Close the edit tool running on the currently selected object. PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | tsxMaterialDestroyShaderBox | void tsxMaterialDestroyShaderBox ( mate* mat ) PURPOSE Destroy shader information contained in the material PARAMETERS mat mate*: a pointer to the material RETURNS void |
Method | tsxMNodeSetDoubleSidedGeometry | void tsxMNodeSetDoubleSidedGeometry ( mnode* pMNode, bool doubleSided ) PURPOSE Set double sided geometry flag for Mnode - object will be forced to render as double sided PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode doubleSided bool: e_tsxTRUE if object is rendered as double sided, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS void |
Method | tsxMNodeSetUseAdaptiveRadiosityMeshing | void tsxMNodeSetUseAdaptiveRadiosityMeshing ( mnode* pMNode, bool useMeshing ) PURPOSE Set radiosty meshing flag for Mnode - object will be adaptively meshed during the radiosity processing PARAMETERS pMNode mnode*: a pointer to the Mnode useMeshing bool: e_tsxTRUE if object uses radiosity meshing, e_tsxFALSE otherwise RETURNS void |
Method | tsxNPatchEditActivate | void tsxNPatchEditActivate () PURPOSE Start patch edit tool. PARAMETERS none RETURNS none |
Method | tsxPointsDeactivateEdit | void tsxPointsDeactivateEdit ( void ) PURPOSE Deactivate point edit mode. PARAMETERS RETURNS void |
Method | tsxPolyhGetHoleVertexAutoFacetNormal | void tsxPolyhGetHoleVertexAutoFacetNormal ( polyh* pPolyh, Face_p pFace, Hole_p pHole, long vIdx, f facet_cos, Vec3f_p pNorm ) PURPOSE Compute the normal of the face in a vertex of a hole based on the autofacet smoothing PARAMETERS pPolyh polyh*: a pointer to polyhedron pFace Face_p: a pointer to face pHole Hole_p: a pointer to hole in the face vIdx long: index of the vertex in the hole facet_cos f: cosine of the autofacet angle pNorm Vec3f_p: a pointer to structure where the result is copied. RETURNS None |
Method | tsxSceneRefresh | void tsxSceneRefresh () PURPOSE Refresh all the views of the scene PARAMETERS None RETURNS void |
Method | UnMatrix3f | void UnMatrix3f( const Txmx3f_p Txmx,Txmx3f_p Rot,f* pScaleShear = 0 ) PURPOSE Extract the pure rotation matrix (Rot) and scaling/shearing factors from a Transformation Matrix (Txmx). If specified, pScaleShear must be f[6], and is assigned as follows: { Sx, Sy, Sz, Sxy, Sxz, Syz } PARAMETERS Txmx const Txmx3f_p: the source transformation matrix Rot Txmx3f_p: the pure rotation matrix pScaleShear f*: scaling/sharing factors, if given a non-NULL pointer RETURNS void |
Method | Calloc | void* Calloc( unsigned i num,unsigned i size ) PURPOSE Allocate static memory, initialized to zero PARAMETERS num unsigned i: number of blocks to allocate size unsigned i: byte-size of one block RETURNS void* |
Method | Malloc | void* Malloc( unsigned i size ) PURPOSE Allocate static memory. PARAMETERS size unsigned i: byte-size of the bloc to allocate RETURNS void* |
Method | MaterialGetShaderParameterValue | void* MaterialGetShaderParameterValue( mate* mat, tsxSHCLASS_xxxx tsxShclass, i param_index ); (no description) |
Method | ObjectGetDataPtr | void* ObjectGetDataPtr( sobj*pSobj ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to the begining of data block inside the external object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the external object RETURNS void*: a pointer to the begining of data block inside the external object |
Method | Realloc | void* Realloc( void* memblock,unsigned i size ) PURPOSE Reallocate a previously allocated block PARAMETERS memblock void*: the block to be reallocated size unsigned i: the new size RETURNS void* |
Method | SceneGetGlobalShaderBox | void* SceneGetGlobalShaderBox( void ); (no description) |
Method | SobjCreateData | void* SobjCreateData( sobj* pSobj, i dataType ) PURPOSE Add a new external data of specified type to the object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the object dataType i: a type of external data RETURNS void*: a pointer to a new data block |
Method | SobjGetData | void* SobjGetData( sobj* pSobj, i dataType ) PURPOSE Get a pointer to external data of specified type attached to the object. PARAMETERS pSobj sobj*: a pointer to the object dataType i: a type of external data RETURNS void*: a pointer to attached data block |
Method | GetWdgCallbacks | WDG_CALLBACKS_p *GetWdgCallbacks( widget *lpWidget ) PURPOSE To get a pointer to the current widget's callbacks table. PARAMETERS lpWidget widget *: widget object RETURNS WDG_CALLBACKS_p *: pointer to the current table |
Method | FirstWidgetChildOfType | widget *FirstWidgetChildOfType( sobj *obj, ulong wdgTypeID ) PURPOSE Find the first widget by its type ID. PARAMETERS obj sobj*: widgets parent wdgTypeID ulong: type ID of the widget(s) RETURNS widget *: NULL if the `obj' hasn't a widget with the ID |
Method | NextWidgetChildOfType | widget *NextWidgetChildOfType( widget *objwdg, ulong wdgTypeID ) PURPOSE Find the first widget by its type ID. PARAMETERS objwdg widget *: the previous widget wdgTypeID ulong: type ID of the widget(s) RETURNS widget *: find a next widget or NULL if there are not any other widgets with the type ID |
Class | Axes3f | Axes3f() Axes3f( ( (f,f,f), (f,f,f), (f,f,f) ) ) Axes3f_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Axes3f_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Axes3f() class. |
Class | BBox3f | BBox3f() BBox3f( ( (f,f,f), (f,f,f) ) ) BBox3f_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of BBox3f_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of BBox3f() class. |
Class | BumpProps | BumpProps() BumpProps( offsetu = 0., offsetv = 0., repeatsu = 0., repeatsv = 0., amplitude = 0., flags = 0 ) BumpProps_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of BumpProps_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of BumpProps() class. |
Class | CharArray | CharArray() CharArray( num ) CharArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of CharArray(). The returned instance can refer each member of CharArray() class. |
Class | CollisionReport | CollisionReport() CollisionReport( typeOfReport = 0, Owner1 = 0, Owner2 = 0, num_collvert = 0, vertex_report = 0 ) CollisionReport_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of CollisionReport_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of CollisionReport() class. |
Class | Color | Color() Color( red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0 ) Color_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Color_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Color() class. |
Class | DerivCurves | DerivCurves() DerivCurves( max_deriv = 0, rational = 0, nu = 0, order = 0, der_ctl_pts = 0, der_weights = 0, der_knots = 0 ) DerivCurves_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of DerivCurves_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of DerivCurves() class. |
Class | Edge | Edge() Edge( iStartVertex = 0, iEndVertex = 0 ) Edge_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Edge_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Edge() class. |
Class | EdgeArray | EdgeArray() EdgeArray( num ) EdgeArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of EdgeArray_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of EdgeArray() class. |
Class | Face | Face() Face( nbrVxs = 0, pFVxs = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0, normVxs_0 = 0, normVxs_1 = 0, normVxs_2 = 0, materialIdx = 0 ) Face_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Face_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Face() class. |
Class | FaceArray | FaceArray() FaceArray( num ) FaceArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Face_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Face() class. |
Class | FaceVxArray | FaceVxArray() FaceVxArray( num ) Specify a tupple like (i,i,i,b,b,b,b,i), or don't specify at all to assign to an element of FaceVxArray instance. For tS4.3, specify only first 7 params, don't specify the 8th param. FaceVxArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of FaceVxArray_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of FaceVxArray() class. |
Class | Float | Float() Float( f1 = 0 ) Float_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Float(). The returned instance can refer each member of Float() class. |
Class | FloatArray | FloatArray() FloatArray( num ) FloatArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of FloatArray(). The returned instance can refer each member of FloatArray() class. |
Class | FloatColor | FloatColor() FloatColor( red = 0., green = 0., blue = 0., alpha = 0. ) FloatColor_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of FloatColor_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of FloatColor() class. |
Class | Hole | Hole() Hole( nbrVxs = 0, pFVxs = 0, r1 = 0 ) Hole_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Hole_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Hole() class. |
Class | Image | Image() Image( width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0, data = 0 ) Image_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Image_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Image() class. |
Class | IntArray | IntArray() IntArray( num ) IntArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of IntArray_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of IntArray() class. |
Class | LatticeFloor | LatticeFloor() LatticeFloor( s = 0, t = 0, u = 0, orient = 0 ) LatticeFloor_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of LatticeFloor_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of LatticeFloor() class. |
Class | LatticeVector | LatticeVector() LatticeVector( s = 0, t = 0, u = 0 ) LatticeVector_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of LatticeVector_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of LatticeVector() class. |
Class | LongArray | LongArray() LongArray( num ) LongArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of LongArray_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of IntArray() class. |
Class | MatRectProps | MatRectProps() MatRectProps( uvMin_u = 0., uvMin_v = 0., uvMax_u = 0., uvMax_v = 0. ) MatRectProps_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of MatRectProps_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of MatRectProps() class. |
Class | PhysEnvir | PhysEnvir() PhysEnvir( ulActiveFlags = 0, fGravConst = 0., fAtmDensity = 0., fAtmAnisotropism = 0., fStreamSpeed = 0., v3fStreamDir_x = 0., v3fStreamDir_y = 0., v3fStreamDir_z = 0. ) PhysEnvir_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of PhysEnvir_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of PhysEnvir() class. |
Class | ProTexGranite | ProTexGranite() ProTexGranite( color1_red = 0, color1_green = 0, color1_blue = 0, color1_alpha = 0, color2_red = 0, color2_green = 0, color2_blue = 0, color2_alpha = 0, color3_red = 0, color3_green = 0, color3_blue = 0, color3_alpha = 0, color4_red = 0, color4_green = 0, color4_blue = 0, color4_alpha = 0, amount1 = 0., amount2 = 0., amount3 = 0., amount4 = 0., sharpness = 0., scale_x = 0., scale_y = 0., scale_z = 0., seed = 0 ) ProTexGranite_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of ProTexGranite_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of ProTexGranite() class. |
Class | ProTexMarble | ProTexMarble() ProTexMarble( stonecol_red = 0, stonecol_green = 0, stonecol_blue = 0, stonecol_alpha = 0, veincol_red = 0, veincol_green = 0, veincol_blue = 0, veincol_alpha = 0, turbulence = 0, sharpness = 0., grain = 0, scale_x = 0., scale_y = 0., scale_z = 0., seed = 0 ) ProTexMarble_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of ProTexMarble_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of ProTexMarble() class. |
Class | ProTexWood | ProTexWood() ProTexWood( lightcol_red = 0, lightcol_green = 0, lightcol_blue = 0, lightcol_alpha = 0, darkcol_red = 0, darkcol_green = 0, darkcol_blue = 0, darkcol_alpha = 0, ldratio = 0., rdensity = 0., rwidthvar = 0., rshapevar = 0., center_x = 0., center_y = 0., center_z = 0., grain = 0, scale_x = 0., scale_y = 0., scale_z = 0., seed = 0 ) ProTexWood_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of ProTexWood_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of ProTexWood() class. |
Class | Quaternion | Quaternion() Quaternion( scalar = 0., x = 0., y = 0., z = 0. ) float x, y, z. Quaternion_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Quaternion_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Quaternion() class. |
Class | Rect | Rect() Rect( x = 0, y = 0, MaxX = 0, MaxY = 0 ) Rect_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Rect_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Rect() class. |
Class | RenderData | RenderData() RenderData( renderObj = 0, selectedFaces = 0, sizeX = 0, sizeY = 0, renderMethod = 0, renderRectangle = 0, rectangle_x = 0, rectangle_y = 0, rectangle_MaxX = 0, rectangle_MaxY = 0, rayTrace = 0, rayTraceMaxDepth = 0, rayTraceMinKs = 0., rayTraceMinContrib = 0., triangulate = 0, singleSided = 0, multithreading = 0, antialias = 0, aspectRatio = 0., frameNumber = 0, materialSample = 0, materialSampleType = 0, radiosityToneMapping= 0. ) RenderData_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of RenderData_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of RenderData() class. |
Class | RenderToFileData | RenderToFileData() RenderToFileData( fileName = ", renderToWindow = 0, width = 0, height = 0, alphaChannel = 0, compress = 0, imageQuality = 0, frameAll = 0, frameStart = 0, frameEnd = 0, halfFrameRate = 0, pixelAspectRatio = 0., motionBlur = 0, motionBlurLength = 0., depthOfField = 0, depthFocalDistance = 0., depthFocus = 0, effectFrames = 0, fieldRender = 0) RenderToFileData_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of RenderToFileData_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of RenderToFileData() class. |
Class | String | String() String( str ) String_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of String(). The returned instance can refer each member of String() class. |
Class | SubDivEdge | SubDivEdge() SubDivEdge( iStartVertex = 0, iEndVertex = 0, Sharpness = 0., Infinity = 0 ) SubDivEdge_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of SubDivEdge_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of SubDivEdge() class. |
Class | SubDivEdgeArray | SubDivEdgeArray() SubDivEdgeArray( num ) SubDivEdgeArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of SubDivEdgeArray_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of SubDivEdgeArray() class. |
Class | SubDivFace | SubDivFace() SubDivFace( level = 0 ) SubDivFace_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of SubDivFace_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of SubDivFace() class. |
Class | SubDivFaceArray | SubDivFaceArray() SubDivFaceArray( num ) SubDivFaceArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of SubDivFaceArray_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of SubDivFaceArray() class. |
Class | SurfaceProps | SurfaceProps() SurfaceProps( ka = 0., ks = 0., exp = 0. ) SurfaceProps_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of SurfaceProps_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of SurfaceProps() class. |
Class | TextureFromLightingData | TextureFromLightingData() TextureFromLightingData( squarredTextures = 0, powerOf2Textures = 0, automaticTexelSize = 0, texelSize = 0., minTexels = 0, maxTextures = 0, filePrefix = ", fileType = 0 ) TextureFromLightingData_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of TextureFromLightingData_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of TextureFromLightingData() class. |
Class | TextureProps | TextureProps() TextureProps( offsetu = 0., offsetv = 0., repeatsu = 0., repeatsv = 0., flags = 0 ) TextureProps_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of TextureProps_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of TextureProps() class. |
Class | Txmx2f | Txmx2f() Txmx2f( ((f,f,f),(f,f,f)) ) Txmx2f_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Txmx2f_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Txmx2f() class. |
Class | Txmx3f | Txmx3f() Txmx3f( ( (f,f,f,f), (f,f,f,f), (f,f,f,f) ) ) Txmx3f_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Txmx3f_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Txmx3f() class. |
Class | UV | UV() UV( u = 0., v = 0. ) UV_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of UV_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of UV() class. |
Class | Vec2f | Vec2f() Vec2f( x = 0., y = 0. ) Vec2f_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Vec2f_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Vec2f() class. |
Class | Vec3f | Vec3f() Vec3f( x = 0., y = 0., z = 0. ) Vec3f_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Vec3f_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Vec3f() class. |
Class | Vec3fArray | Vec3fArray() Vec3fArray( num ) Vec3fArray_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of Vec3fArray_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of Vec3fArray() class. |
Class | WdgReg | WdgReg() WdgReg( wdgTypeID = 0, widgetsname = 0, wdgIntAcs = 0, CreateWidget = 0, CloneWidget = 0 ) all params are unsigned integer. WdgReg_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of WdgReg_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of WdgReg() class. |
Class | WDG_CALLBACKS | WDG_CALLBACKS() WDG_CALLBACKS( ApplyMove = 0, GetHelpString = 0, NavInit = 0, DoNavDelta = 0, NavFinish = 0, MouseClick = 0, WdgDelete = 0, ObjHasChanged = 0, SetOwner = 0, DrawFunc = 0 ) WDG_CALLBACKS_p is an inherited class. Specify any pointer (i.e. unsigned long value) as the parameter of WDG_CALLBACKS_p(). The returned instance can refer each member of WDG_CALLBACKS() class. |