Information obtained from Official gazettes
As written in the preface to Sadajiro's 朝鮮鉱床論, there was a time when he taught in the mining department of the private 大同工業専門学校 (Daidō industrial college(?)). When and where did the school exist? Searching the official gazette for information on the school, we will find a description of its establishment approval. In addition to the address and admission quota, we can see that at first there was only the Department of Mining (see the image below).
In addition to information on educational institutions such as this, the official gazette also includes other Ordinances and Public Notices from the 統監府 (Meiji 38 (1905) - Meiji 43 (1910)) and the 朝鮮総督府 (Meiji 43 (1910) - Showa 20 (1945)) are announced, and we can get information on the years and contents of various events. Regarding the Sadajiro's 朝鮮鉱床論 (Ore deposits of Chosen (Korea)), they are for example below. For references to each of these examples, please see the notes in Re-edited 朝鮮鉱床論 PDF.
- Information such as the promulgation and revision of laws like: the establishment of the 燃料選鉱研究所 which published some of the reference materials of it, 度量衡法 (Weights and measures Law), 朝鮮鉱業法 (Korean Mining Law), 朝鮮鉱業令 (Korean Mining Ordinance), 朝鮮重要鉱物増産令 (Korean Important Mineral Production Increase Ordinance).
- Changes in adoption or rejection of the gold standard in each country
- Mining rights establishment and mining business name change and abolition permission
- Certification of river area
- Gold and silver prices
- Railway route settings and station name changes
- Change of administrative districts